XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa

XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa

XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa


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16-02-2011 83<br />

sytuacji rozdrobnionego sektora rolniczego. Mam nadzieję, że zgodnie z zapewnieniami prezydencji węgierskiej, w<br />

czerwcu zakończymy negocjacje z Chorwacją i że w drugiej połowie 2011 roku, już podczas polskiej prezydencji,<br />

Chorwacja zostanie przyjęta do grona państw Wspólnoty.<br />

3-395-500<br />

8 - Correzioni e intenzioni di voto: vedasi processo verbale<br />

3-395<br />

(La seduta, sospesa alle 13.25, è ripresa alle 15.00)<br />

3-397<br />


President<br />

3-396<br />

9 - Signature of acts adopted under the ordinary legislative procedure<br />

3-398<br />

President. − Colleagues, we shall start with the signing of the Lex Citizens’ initiative. Dear Minister Martonyi, Presidentin-Office,<br />

dear Chairs, rapporteurs, today we are considering legal matters: the very important signing into law of a very<br />

important piece of European legislation. It is important because we are giving another check to balance the powers of our<br />

institutions.<br />

This regulation on the European Citizens’ initiative, which has been adopted under the ordinary legislative procedure, aims<br />

at providing our citizens with the same political initiative that the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament<br />

already enjoy. One million signatures are needed – only 0.2% of our citizens – to invite the European Commission to act in<br />

matters that concern them directly. It allows them to be heard. I will indeed establish a direct link between the citizens and<br />

the Union’s institutions, bridging the gap between them, between all of us in the European Union.<br />

The European Parliament and the Council worked hard to achieve a rapid adoption of this citizen-friendly regulation at<br />

first reading. I would like to thank all those who contributed to this success: the various Presidencies – in particular the<br />

Belgian and Hungarian Presidencies –, the Commission and the Members of this House. I would like to give particular<br />

thanks to the Chairs of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) and the Committee on Petitions (PETI), Carlo<br />

Casini and Erminia Mazzoni. I will ask you to come forward for the signing of the procedure. The four rapporteurs, Alain<br />

Lamassoure, Zita Gurmai, Diana Wallis and Gerald Häfner – I hope you are present and we can go through the procedure<br />

together – as well as the many other Members involved as shadow rapporteurs.<br />

You can be proud of the work done for our citizens. With the Council we shall now sign this act into law but, before that, I<br />

will ask our guest, who will often be present in the European Parliament this half-year, Minister Martonyi, to say a few<br />

words.<br />

3-399<br />

János Martonyi, President-in-Office of the Council. − Mr President, in this unique and solemn moment, I recall the early<br />

days of the European Convention when we were discussing how what used to be called the ‘democratic deficit of the<br />

European integration process’ could be eliminated, or at least reduced. There was a common goal which we all shared, and<br />

that was to enhance the democratic functioning of the European Union.<br />

One way of doing that has just been found, and that is to foster the participation of the citizens themselves in the<br />

democratic life of the Union. That is how, and that is why, the right of the citizens’ initiative was included in the Treaty,<br />

and now citizens can approach the European Commission directly and invite it to submit a proposal for a legislative act of<br />

the European Union.<br />

I firmly believe that this is a milestone on the path towards more democracy in the Union. It is also the first element of<br />

direct democracy. It establishes direct contact and dialogue between the institutions and citizens and encourages crossborder<br />

direct dialogue and cooperation. It also encourages a sense of ownership: Europe is not them – Europe is us, and<br />

Europe will develop as we shape it ourselves, all of us together. Yes, our motto, ‘A strong Europe with a human touch’<br />

depends upon all of us.<br />

To achieve these goals and to implement the Treaty, clear, simple and user-friendly rules of procedure had to be<br />

established. This has now been done and was the result of the good cooperation between all the institutions – the<br />

Commission, the Council and first and foremost, the European Parliament. I would like to extend my special thanks to Mr<br />

Maroš Šefčovič of the Commission; I would like to express my thanks to the Spanish and the Belgian Presidencies, both of<br />

them members of our trio; and very special thanks and congratulations also have to be extended to the European<br />

Parliament, to all those who were involved in this extremely important job: the chairs of the committees, and also the

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