XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa

XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa

XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa


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16-02-2011 33<br />

Fully including women to the labour market is a way to put an end to the demographic crisis. If we provide secure and<br />

decent work, the means to reconcile work and family life and if we manage to include men more intensively in household<br />

duties, then all studies show that women would be more willing to bear children.<br />

3-117<br />

Lena Kolarska-Bobińska (PPE), in writing. – The Euro 2020 Strategy is about economic growth and employment. We<br />

must remember that a smart energy system is the future both in terms of the environment and these jobs. Such a system<br />

would allow us to decouple economic growth from energy consumption. If this will be the case, we will be able to produce<br />

more for the same or less energy consumption and create thousands of jobs which can not be outsourced. We have to make<br />

sure that smart energy does not remain a dream. We are building today a whole new energy infrastructure in Europe. We<br />

have to ensure this lessens the divide between Western and Central Europe in terms of sustainable jobs. A two-speed<br />

Europe on energy will not solve energy poverty or inefficiency. We should give a helping hand to those regions which are<br />

behind, even if it is not easy in today’s economic realities. We need a smart energy system for all European citizens at the<br />

same time. We must prevent a piecemeal system where some citizens only see the future 50 years after the others. Simply<br />

put, we need smart energy jobs for all Europeans, not just for those who would have received them even without Europe.<br />

3-117-002<br />

Alexander Mirsky (S&D), in writing. – Straight away after the entry of Latvia to the EU, the Latvian government decided<br />

that for the allocation of resources from EU funds it was enough to declare Latvia to be one region. (Poland is divided into<br />

16 regions).<br />

As a result, one of the 4 regions of Latvia – Latgale – remains one of the most unprotected. Application of funds in Latgale<br />

is many times less efficient than in Latvia as a whole. This situation is reflected on the labour market of Latgale. While the<br />

unemployment rate in the capital city of Latvia (Riga) is 8-9%, in Latgale it is 20-25%. European employment programs<br />

are inaccessible to the population of such towns as Livani, Preili, Kraslava, Ludza, Aglona and Dagda.<br />

Instead of solving the issue of organisation and stimulation of production in Latgale, the Latvian government is<br />

continuously increasing taxes, which leads to widespread bankruptcy of small and medium-sized companies. To avoid<br />

social tension the inhabitants of Latgale are given LVL 100 per month as a sop.<br />

The common policy of the Latvian government has resulted in the emigration of more than 150 000 workers. I appeal to<br />

the European Commission for urgent intervention in the situation. It is necessary to work out an Employment Framework<br />

for outlying regions of the EU such as Latgale.<br />

3-118<br />

3-118-500<br />

Presidente. − L'ordine del giorno reca il turno di votazioni.<br />

(per i risultati della votazione: vedasi processo verbale)<br />

3-119<br />

6 - Turno di votazioni<br />


Vicepresidente<br />

3-120<br />

Presidente. − L'ordine del giorno reca la relazione di Marisa Matias, a nome della commissione per l'ambiente, la sanità<br />

pubblica e la sicurezza alimentare, sulla proposta di direttiva del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio che modifica la<br />

direttiva 2001/83/CE per quanto concerne la prevenzione dell'ingresso nella filiera farmaceutica legale di medicinali<br />

falsificati sotto i profili dell'identità, della storia o dell'origine (COM(2008)0668 – C6-0513/2008 – 2008/0261(COD).<br />

3-121<br />

6.1 - Medicinali falsificati (A7-0148/2010, Marisa Matias) (votazione)<br />

3-122<br />

6.2 - Aspetti pratici della revisione degli strumenti UE per sostenere il finanziamento delle PMI<br />

nel prossimo periodo di programmazione (B7-0096/2011) (votazione)<br />

3-123<br />

6.3 - Sistemi pensionistici adeguati, sostenibili e sicuri in <strong>Europa</strong> (A7-0025/2011, Ria Oomen-<br />

Ruijten) (votazione)<br />


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