XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa

XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa

XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa


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30 16-02-2011<br />

Let me just mention, about energy, that there was a very successful meeting of the European Council on 4 February. For<br />

many of us it represented a kind of breakthrough, both for the establishment of the integrated energy market and for energy<br />

efficiency. Important decisions were also made with respect to the external aspects of the common energy policy.<br />

Last but not least, I would just like to mention the fight against poverty, the fight for social inclusion. In this respect, I<br />

would like to congratulate you on the resolution you have just adopted on Roma integration. I would like to extend my<br />

very special congratulations and thanks to Lívia Járóka, who played a decisive role in the preparation of the report, and<br />

also in the adoption of this extremely important resolution, which will be very helpful for us when we work on and finalise<br />

the European framework strategy for Roma integration.<br />

The other element we want to concentrate upon is the six legislative texts. Here I would like to assure Sylvie Goulard that<br />

we do not only want to listen to Parliament. We indeed would like to have, and we have to make, an agreement with<br />

Parliament under the terms of the ordinary legislative process. We will have to do everything possible so that this process<br />

is accelerated and can be successfully concluded by the end of the Hungarian Presidency.<br />

I do not want to get into the other elements of the comprehensive package. I would just like to underline one thing. The<br />

Council wants to fully respect the Community method. We have no reservations whatsoever in this regard. As we said<br />

many times before, the Lisbon Treaty changed many things. There were major shifts in competences. We all know about<br />

them. But the Treaty of Lisbon did not change the heart of the European architecture and this is the Community method.<br />

We will strictly abide by that. Of course, we always have to be in line with the Treaty. I would just like to refer to the fact<br />

that if you read carefully the conclusions of the European Council of 4 February, you will find there that everything must<br />

be in line with the Treaty.<br />

Now my last remark is very short. It is about the money. As was pointed out by Lena Ek, policies need money and policies<br />

need financing. I could not agree more. But we know very well that there are divergences in the approaches of the Member<br />

States. At this point in time I would just like to underline one thing from the point of view of the Presidency: we warmly<br />

suggest that first we discuss the substance and thereafter discuss the figures and the monies and the resources. There will<br />

be a long debate. We will have very useful orientation debates on cohesion policy, on energy policy, on agriculture and so<br />

on, but, as is said sometimes,<br />

3-102<br />

Il ne faut pas mettre la charrue avant les bœufs.<br />

3-103<br />

‘You should not put the cart before the horses’. So, all in all, we would really like to help all these debates and then come<br />

to the real debate, the final debate about the resources. Again, I would like to congratulate you all and thank you very<br />

much for the guidance we have received.<br />

3-104<br />

Πρόεδρος. – Έχω λάβει έξι προτάσεις ψηφίσματος σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 110, παράγραφος 2, του Κανονισμού, σχετικά<br />

με την Ευρώπη 2020 και μία πρόταση ψηφίσματος σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 110, παράγραφος 2, του Κανονισμού, σχετικά<br />

με την πολιτική των κρατών μελών στον τομέα της απασχόλησης 2 .<br />

Η κοινή συζήτηση έληξε.<br />

Η ψηφοφορία θα διεξαχθεί αύριο, Πέμπτη 17 Φεβρουαρίου, στις 12.00 το μεσημέρι.<br />

***<br />

3-105<br />

Jean-Pierre Audy (PPE). – Madame la Présidente, à juste titre, M. le ministre a fait allusion au respect du traité et il a<br />

souligné qu'il y avait eu un Conseil européen le 4 février. Je voudrais savoir, en application de l'article 15 du traité sur<br />

l'Union européenne, quand le président du Conseil européen viendra rendre compte du Conseil européen du 4 février<br />

devant le Parlement européen, puisque je crois qu'il ne vient pas pour cette session.<br />

3-106<br />

La Présidente. – Nous en prenons note. Merci beaucoup.<br />

Déclarations écrites (article 149)<br />

3-108<br />

Petru Constantin Luhan (PPE), în scris. – Reafirm importanţa dezvoltării cât mai curând a tuturor aspectelor tehnice<br />

privind iniţiativa „Tineretul în mişcare”. Este vital ca cei peste 100 de milioane de tineri din Uniune să aibă mijloacele<br />

necesare şi instrumentele adecvate astfel încât să îşi aducă contribuţia la îndeplinirea obiectivelor stabilite pentru 2020.<br />

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