XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa

XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa

XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa


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2 16-02-2011<br />

4 - Sprawozdanie z postępów Chorwacji w roku 2010 (debata)<br />

3-008<br />

Przewodniczący. − Kolejnym punktem porządku dziennego są oświadczenia Rady i Komisji dotyczące sprawozdania z<br />

postępów Chorwacji w roku 2010.<br />

Wczoraj spotkałem się z panią premier Chorwacji. Byli ze mną także dwaj przedstawiciele naszych ważnych instytucji,<br />

pan sprawozdawca Hannes Swoboda i szef naszej delegacji stałej do Chorwacji, Gunnar Hökmark. Rozmawialiśmy na<br />

temat postępów Chorwacji w drodze do Unii Europejskiej. Cieszę się ogromnie, że możemy dzisiaj porozmawiać już<br />

bezpośrednio, w gronie wszystkich koleżanek i kolegów, o tym jak wyglądają negocjacje i przyszłość Chorwacji w Unii<br />

Europejskiej. Cieszę się, że jest z nami również pan komisarz Füle, który odpowiada za naszą politykę sąsiedztwa. Teraz<br />

chciałbym, żeby w imieniu Rady zabrał głos pan János Martonyi. Pan minister i prezydencja węgierska przywiązują dużą<br />

wagę do rozszerzenia o Chorwację i dlatego jest to ważny punkt w prezydencji węgierskiej. Bardzo prosimy, Panie<br />

Ministrze.<br />

3-009<br />

János Martonyi, President-in-Office of the Council. − Mr President, on behalf of the Presidency of the European Union,<br />

may I say that it is a particular pleasure for me to address the plenary sitting of the European Parliament today.<br />

This meeting provides a timely opportunity to review progress on Croatia’s accession process and present the Hungarian<br />

Presidency’s plans for this first semester of the year.<br />

First and foremost, I would like to welcome Parliament’s active engagement with the enlargement process, and its<br />

constructive contribution to the general debate on enlargement and on Croatia’s accession process in particular.<br />

As we have underlined several times, enlargement reinforces peace, democracy and stability in Europe, serves the<br />

European Union’s strategic interests and helps the EU to better achieve its policy objectives in important areas which are<br />

key to economic recovery and sustainable growth.<br />

Enlargement is a key driver for political and economic reform. It moves forward at a pace which is largely determined by<br />

the candidate country’s respect of the Copenhagen criteria and its capacity to take on the obligations of membership.<br />

Enlargement is one of the main priorities of our Presidency, and our work during this semester will be to advance the<br />

policy in line with the renewed consensus on enlargement adopted by the European Council in December 2006, as well as<br />

with the Council conclusions of 14 December 2010, which have been endorsed by the European Council.<br />

With regard to Croatia, conclusion of the accession negotiations, as stated in the conclusions of the European Council, is<br />

within reach, and our goal is to conclude the negotiations by the end of the Hungarian Presidency – provided of course that<br />

Croatia completes the remaining benchmarks for closing the negotiating chapters.<br />

We would also like to finalise the accession treaty as far as possible, thereby paving the way to Croatia’s accession to the<br />

EU which we look forward to. Therefore, as highlighted in your resolution, this semester will be crucial for Croatia’s<br />

negotiating process.<br />

Let me now speak very briefly about the outstanding issues. So far, since the start of negotiations, 34 of the 35 chapters<br />

have been opened for negotiation, of which 28 have been provisionally closed.<br />

We are therefore very close to the conclusion of the negotiations. However, we still have to close a couple of difficult<br />

chapters such as competition, agriculture and rural development, fisheries, regional policy and coordination of structural<br />

instruments, the judiciary and fundamental rights, and financial and budgetary provisions, some of them of course with<br />

budgetary implications.<br />

In the Council conclusions on Croatia adopted last December, we highlighted key issues that require further work in these<br />

areas. You have been informed of them. We would also like to underline some points which are duly reflected in your<br />

resolution.<br />

The Council has noted that encouraging progress has been made by Croatia in many areas, including the rule of law and<br />

the fight against high-level corruption. At the same time, it is clear that further efforts are required. These concern judicial<br />

independence and efficiency and the fight against corruption at all levels.<br />

The Council also encouraged Croatia to step up its efforts to fulfil the remaining benchmarks, including the building of<br />

convincing track records, in particular as regards competition policy, as well as the judiciary and fundamental rights.

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