XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa

XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa

XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa


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140 16-02-2011<br />

3-596<br />

Zigmantas Balčytis (S&D). – Dar 2008 m. Taryba pritarė 15 mlrd. eurų paketo skyrimui iš Europos investicijų banko,<br />

kuris turėjo būti pagrindinė priemonė pagelbėti smulkiam ir vidutiniam verslui krizės laikotarpiu. Paskelbtos ataskaitos<br />

rodo, kad lėšų buvo panaudota nedaug ir tos pačios buvo paskirtos daugiausia stambiam verslui remti, o smulkus verslas<br />

negavo reikiamo finansavimo. Kaip pirmininkaujanti Vengrija ketina veikti, kad būtų išnaudojamos ir sąžiningai<br />

įgyvendinamos jau priimtos priemonės smulkiam ir vidutiniam verslui remti?<br />

3-597<br />

Nicole Sinclaire (NI). – I just wonder whether my colleagues would agree with me how disappointing it is that there has<br />

not been much support for a written declaration which is being sponsored by my colleague from the West Midlands,<br />

Malcolm Harbour, who is the Chairman of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection.<br />

Today he sent out an email saying that only 184 of the 736 colleagues have signed this. Does this show that, when it comes<br />

to small businesses throughout the European Union, cooperation is not possible and in effect it is up to the Member States<br />

to take care of their own small businesses?<br />

3-598<br />

Enikő Győri, President-in-Office of the Council. − First let me answer Mr Higgins’ question concerning the regulatory<br />

environment. This is really very important for the existence and working conditions of SMEs.<br />

Applying the ‘Think Small First’ principle when preparing laws and policies is a cornerstone of the new framework we are<br />

trying to establish. This is important at all levels, not only at EU level, but − and I think you share my view − also at<br />

national, regional and municipality level.<br />

The Commission has revised its state aid rules to encourage Member States to direct more support for SMEs to key areas<br />

such as training, R&D and environmental protection and to overcome the current focus on large businesses.<br />

The agreement by Member States to allow for the application of reduced VAT rates for locally supplied services, including<br />

labour-intensive services such as hairdressing, catering and repair services, will further stimulate economic activity and<br />

create jobs, and the Commission warmly welcomes this decision.<br />

In the area of better regulation, the Commission has tabled important legislative initiatives already. It has adopted a<br />

proposal for revisiting the VAT directive to remove barriers to electronic invoicing, with cost-saving potential amounting<br />

to billions of euros in the medium term.<br />

The Commission also came forward in February with a proposal to allow Member States to adopt less burdensome<br />

accounting requirements for micro-businesses, thus fulfilling its commitment in the action plan for small businesses. It has<br />

the capacity to reduce the burden by up to EUR 6 billion. The Commission encourages Member States to reach an<br />

agreement as soon as possible to allow Member States who wish to take advantage of this opportunity to do so, so we in<br />

the Council definitely have to move along those lines.<br />

The Commission will also carefully assess the likely burden of any new legislative proposals, not only for SMEs. We have<br />

quite a number of good proposals on the table, and in the Competitiveness Council we are following this item and trying to<br />

address as many of these issues as quickly as possible.<br />

Turning to the second question, on improving access to finance, even in my introductory remark I tried to make a reference<br />

to that. To loosen the supply of much-needed credit, the EIB lent EUR 1 billion to SMEs in 2008, an increase of 60%<br />

compared to 2007.<br />

The aim is to lend more money on these issues later on. I remember very well that, when I was still an MEP, I was<br />

responsible for an opinion on the EIB. In my opinion for the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, I made an<br />

evaluation. I have to tell you that the EIB reacted very quickly to the changed circumstances and reorganised its priorities.<br />

So we welcomed those moves by the EIB.<br />

I agree with you that sometimes money does not get to the intended recipients, and there should be better organisation. My<br />

view on that is that we really have to pay attention to the counterparts of the EIB in the Member States, because in most<br />

cases they are the partners. We should not always blame the EIB for the implementation, which is not directly done by the<br />

EIB.<br />

So I agree, on the second question, that it is extremely important that Community money and EIB loans get to the intended<br />

recipients, that is, the small and medium-sized enterprises.<br />

I believe the Council cannot give opinions on written declarations, so if you do not mind, Mr President, I will not<br />


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