XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa

XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa

XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa


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16-02-2011 137<br />

De staal- en autosector maken zich niet voor niets zorgen. Daarom moet bij de implementatie van het akkoord goed<br />

gemonitored worden of aan alle voorwaarden wordt voldaan en moeten de bilaterale vrijwaringsclausules snel en effectief<br />

kunnen worden ingezet.<br />

3-580<br />

Karel De Gucht, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, I will try to be extremely brief.<br />

First, regarding the question asked by the Earl of Dartmouth, in a case involving the infringement of intellectual property<br />

rights, including patents in third countries, it is appropriate that the operators concerned have recourse to the available<br />

enforcement means, including legal proceedings if necessary, as this is a case between two private firms.<br />

In the specific case of Avon Protection, it would be appropriate for your constituent first to seek redress for the alleged<br />

infringement of the patent via the existing legal framework in Korea. Should the available enforcement in Korea not be fair<br />

or expeditious enough, then the Commission could look into the matter.<br />

Regarding the remarks made by Mr Jadot, the initial draft of the Korean legislation would have forced EU car makers to<br />

reduce the CO2 emissions of their cars twice as much as Korean car makers. This was mainly because the proposed<br />

emission cuts were not proportional, but highly progressive, depending on the level of emissions of the respective cars.<br />

Consequently, despite being responsible for only a small share of car sales in Korea – 3% in 2009 – and therefore of total<br />

CO2 car emissions in Korea, EU car makers would have been asked to contribute disproportionately. Their average<br />

emissions reduction between 2009 and 2015 would have been 23%, compared with just 10% for their Korean counterparts,<br />

which account for 95% of total car sales in Korea. Such burden sharing would not have been fair, and that is why we<br />

discussed it with the Korean counterpart.<br />

Finally, I would like to thank everybody involved in this legislative process – the Committee on International Trade<br />

(INTA), the Commission rapporteurs, the Chair of the INTA Committee, the Council and my own staff at the Commission<br />

– for what, I would say, is a very good example of what the ratification procedure should be under the Lisbon Treaty.<br />

3-581<br />

Robert Sturdy, rapporteur. − Mr President, I would like to thank the Commissioner also. The whole process has been<br />

excellent. Over the years I have worked on a number of codecision procedures and I have to say this has been one of the<br />

best. The debate among my shadow rapporteurs has been phenomenal. We have had extremely good input from virtually<br />

everybody.<br />

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Moreira, the Chair. Without his expertise, I do not think we would have<br />

got a satisfactory conclusion on the comitology issue – a particularly difficult sticking point towards the end of the<br />

negotiations. There have been a number of issues raised today. I would just like to say to Mr Jadot: I think your pig<br />

producers in Brittany may well benefit significantly hopefully, Yannick, because pig producers across Europe are having a<br />

bad time. I only pick on that because I am involved in agriculture.<br />

As I said, the quality of the debate has been excellent. There always will be two views and Mr Susta is absolutely right:<br />

there is always a split between the protectionist and the free marketeer.<br />

I would just say that we cannot stick our head in the sand and close the door and expect the world not to move on without<br />

us, because it will move on without us. We live in a global market, whether we like it or not. There are problems with that<br />

but it is a fact. I believe quite strongly that this offers huge opportunities for the European Union to move out of its<br />

problems with the financial crisis. We have set a standard for future agreements. However, they will not be as easy as this<br />

one. I am sure that we will move onto other far more difficult ones and we look forward to working with the Commission<br />

on that.<br />

I would like to thank everyone who has taken part in the debate tonight. It has been excellent and it shows how<br />

comprehensive this House can be.<br />

3-582<br />

President. − The debate is closed.<br />

The vote will take place at midday tomorrow (Thursday, 17 February 2011).<br />

Written statements (Rule 149)<br />

3-583<br />

George Sabin Cutaş (S&D), în scris. – Consider că intrarea în vigoare a Acordului de liber schimb UE-Coreea ar avea<br />

efecte pozitive asupra economiei Uniunii. În primul rând, acesta ar permite realizarea unor economii, estimate la 1,6<br />

miliarde de euro anual, la taxele vamale. Am asista, de asemenea, la intensificarea schimburilor comerciale, în special în

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