XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa

XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa

XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa


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130 16-02-2011<br />

electronics. In this connection, the Commission notes that the small-car sector can be considered a relevant market for the<br />

purpose of a safeguard investigation.<br />

‘The Commission notes that the designation of outward processing zones in the Korean Peninsula, in accordance with the<br />

provisions of Article 12 of the Protocol on Rules of Origin, would require an international agreement between the parties<br />

to which the European Parliament would have to give its consent. The Commission will keep Parliament fully informed of<br />

the deliberations by the Committee on Outward Processing Zones in the Korean Peninsula.<br />

‘The Commission also notes that if, due to exceptional circumstances, it decides to extend the duration of an investigation<br />

pursuant to Article 4(3) of the Korea Safeguard Regulation, it will ensure that such an extended timing does not go beyond<br />

the expiry date of any provisional measures introduced pursuant to Article 5.<br />

‘Moreover, the Commission and the European Parliament agree on the importance of close cooperation in monitoring the<br />

implementation of the EU-Korea FTA and the Safeguard Regulation.<br />

‘To this end, in case the EP adopts a recommendation to initiate a safeguard investigation, the Commission will carefully<br />

examine whether the conditions under the regulation for ex-officio initiation are fulfilled. In case the Commission<br />

considers that the conditions are not fulfilled, it will present a report to the INTA Committee including an explanation of<br />

all factors relevant to the initiation of such an investigation.<br />

‘Upon request by the INTA Committee, the Commission shall report to the committee on any specific concerns relating to<br />

the implementation by Korea of its commitments on non-tariff measures or on Chapter 13 of the FTA.’ That is the end of<br />

the quotation.<br />

Finally, let me elaborate on two issues which are of interest to you: the Korean CO2 legislation on car emissions, and the<br />

supplementary agreement on the draft Korea-US FTA (KORUS), which was finalised in December 2010.<br />

On 24 January 2011, Korea confirmed that certain changes will be introduced to its previous draft CO2 legislation, which<br />

satisfactorily address a number of concerns expressed by European car makers, while retaining Korea’s ambitious<br />

emission reduction objectives. The changes, which the Commission welcomes, will not alter overall emissions, but will<br />

provide for fairer burden sharing between Korean and EU car makers.<br />

Rest assured that the EU position on the Korea CO2 legislation was closely coordinated at all stages within the<br />

Commission and, in particular, with my colleague Connie Hedegaard and DG CLIMA, to avoid undermining Korea’s<br />

environmental protection efforts.<br />

As for the supplementary agreement to the draft Korea-US FTA reached in December 2010, the Commission has not<br />

identified elements therein that could have a negative impact on the EU. I will, however, contact my Korean counterpart to<br />

ensure that no competitive disadvantage arises in future for the EU automotive sector insofar as non-harmonised<br />

automotive safety standards will not be applied in a more restrictive manner than was the case at the time of the<br />

negotiations.<br />

The Commission will be closely monitoring the implementation of this provision. In particular, the Working Group on<br />

Motor Vehicles and Parts established by the FTA will examine practical aspects of implementation to ensure that market<br />

access problems are addressed in an effective and speedy manner.<br />

To conclude, I wish to emphasise that the EU-Korea FTA will not only provide important benefits for European exporters<br />

to the Korean market, but will also be a clear signal of our determination to pursue new opportunities in key Asian<br />

economies.<br />

We are also addressing the concerns of some stakeholders by means of an efficient and effective safeguard regulation. As<br />

this is subject to the ordinary legislative procedure, both the Council and this House have been able to introduce<br />

mechanisms for responding to perceived risks should they materialise.<br />

With this FTA and the Safeguard Regulation we have an excellent package that I hope you will support tomorrow.<br />

3-559<br />


Vice-President<br />

3-560<br />

Daniel Caspary, Verfasser der Stellungnahme des mitberatenden Ausschusses für Industrie, Forschung und Energie. −<br />

Herr Präsident, geschätzte Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Der internationale Handel und die Exporte sind eine wichtige<br />

Quelle für Wachstum und Beschäftigung in <strong>Europa</strong>. Das Freihandelsabkommen, über das wir heute diskutieren, stärkt die

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