XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa

XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa

XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa


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116 16-02-2011<br />

governo ungherese si era sempre dimostrato disponibile a venire incontro alle osservazioni della Commissione europea – e<br />

sarebbe stato strano il contrario, visto che l'Ungheria ricopre attualmente la carica della Presidenza dell'Unione europea.<br />

Ma si è voluto andare avanti ugualmente forse – anzi, sicuramente – a causa di elementi ideologici e politici, decidendo<br />

che questa discussione doveva svolgersi. Sono state presentate delle risoluzioni che dovrebbero essere poste in votazione<br />

domani. Probabilmente bisognava avere più accortezza e dimostrare maggiore fiducia in quei governi eletti<br />

democraticamente dai popoli, a cominciare da quello ungherese, eletto dal proprio popolo con una percentuale talmente<br />

ampia da non avere certamente bisogno di manipolare i media per ottenere consensi nel proprio interno.<br />

Personalmente ritengo che la cosa più utile da farsi sia quella di invitare i nostri colleghi socialisti e liberali, che hanno<br />

presentato risoluzioni di un certo tipo, a ritirarle, evitando così di coprirsi di ridicolo e lasciare che questo Parlamento torni<br />

ad occuparsi dei reali problemi dei cittadini europei. Naturalmente ringrazio la Commissaria per il lavoro svolto.<br />

3-514<br />

Claude Moraes, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, the Socialist and Democrat Group of course welcome the<br />

advance in the four key areas of balanced information, the country-of-origin principle, and so on. Commissioner, of course<br />

we welcome it. That was the text of our resolution; that was the pressure we were placing on you and the Hungarian<br />

authorities to deliver.<br />

First of all, I have to ask you about the timing. Was it purely coincidence, as you were waiting in the airport as you said, or<br />

was it the fact that pressure by this Parliament has brought forward four key amendments in the four key areas we asked<br />

for? Please let us know those concessions have been secured. Of course the Parliament has still not been able to see the<br />

text of the negotiations between the Commission and the Hungarian authorities; therefore we require more time to fully<br />

state our position on the matter. However, it seems clear that negotiations have not fully addressed many other serious<br />

concerns of this Parliament and, of course, of our Socialist and Democrat Group.<br />

Crucial issues still unanswered include the composition and time frame of the media authority and of the Media Council,<br />

which are politically homogenous and still exert pervasive and centralised governmental, judicial and political control on<br />

all media. We need answers on where we go on this crucial issue. Furthermore, it is regrettable that the Commission has<br />

not acted upon the recommendations of Parliament, the Council of Europe, the Commissioner, and the OSCE for example,<br />

on the violation of the principle of confidentiality of journalistic sources, extremely disproportionate sanctions, and<br />

abolishing the political and financial independence of public service broadcast media.<br />

There is a list, Commissioner, which you know of, which still needs to be answered and we need these questions to be<br />

answered, preferably in this debate. Obviously we commend the Hungarian authority’s willingness to amend the<br />

legislation. We also encourage the implementation of amendments to address the outstanding areas of concern for all of us<br />

in this Parliament, whilst fully embracing the spirit of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights and, in particular,<br />

Article 11, which protects the freedom of expression. We would like further answers on whether you believe Article 11<br />

has been fulfilled. We must involve civil society and stakeholders to uphold principles of transparency and accountability<br />

and to ensure best practice.<br />

Commissioner, we tabled a resolution for our group because we wanted the concessions that you have already announced,<br />

but we want more. Democracies are built upon the principle of a free and independent media. We make no apologies<br />

within our group for firmly defending this principle and we will do everything in our power to protect it, for Hungarians<br />

and all EU citizens.<br />

3-515<br />

Renate Weber, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, in the past in this Parliament we have discussed cases when<br />

different governments have shown their desire to control the media, but the attempts never went as far as in the case of the<br />

Hungarian media law, where from television to radio, to the written press, to on-demand media, bloggers, everything is<br />

controlled, from registration to performance and suspension.<br />

When we, the Liberals and the Democrats, the ALDE Group in this Parliament, first raised our voice against this law, we<br />

were accused of being politically motivated. However, experience has shown that we were right and today even the<br />

Hungarian Government admits that something is very wrong with this law. Therefore several amendments are envisaged.<br />

We trust the Commission that this is indeed the Hungarian position, hoping to receive it in writing, and we will closely<br />

follow the changes.<br />

Nevertheless, the four areas requested by the Commission are only a part of a much bigger picture. Other aspects must be<br />

changed as well: the enormous control powers vested in the hands of a politically appointed person who has been heading<br />

two media control authorities for nine years, the lack of protection of journalists’ sources and the lack of effective judicial<br />

remedy, to name just a few. After all, not only our critics, but also the European Commission itself, will have to answer to<br />

the Hungarian and European civil society and journalists to say why the OSCE and the Human Rights Commissioner of<br />

the Council of Europe have also harshly criticised the aspects I have just mentioned.

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