XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa

XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa

XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa


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16-02-2011 113<br />

Ioan Mircea Paşcu (S&D). – Mr President, last time some of us voiced our frustration over the mild tone of our public – I<br />

repeat, public – pronouncements, not activity, on the events in Egypt before Mubarak’s resignation. Of course, in her<br />

position, Lady Ashton is caught between a rock and a hard place, but if we want the EU’s voice to be heard it must be loud<br />

enough to be heard.<br />

Coming back to Egypt, based on my own experiences as a Romanian, I would expect the real difficulties to be only just<br />

starting. Far from solving their concerns, the departure of the former President will complicate and multiply the problems<br />

facing Egyptian society. Some of those problems, like the army not fulfilling the promise to organise free elections at the<br />

set time or the denunciation of the Treaty with Israel, will affect us directly.<br />

Nevertheless, I am encouraged by our willingness to try, through constant contact with the local authorities, to anticipate<br />

such problems and prepare to intervene with the most appropriate means.<br />

3-501<br />

Alexandra Thein (ALDE). – Herr Präsident, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich komme aus Berlin, und die ganze Welt<br />

hat sich damals mit uns Berlinern gefreut, als die Grenze in unserer Stadt fiel und die Grenzen sich überall in Osteuropa<br />

öffneten. Jetzt, im Fall Ägyptens, haben wir zu spät, zu zurückhaltend und vor allem zu wenig emotional reagiert. Wo war<br />

unsere Freude? Jedes zweite Wort von uns war nur „Bewahrung der Stabilität“. Aber Freiheit ist das Wichtigste für jeden<br />

Menschen auf der Welt.<br />

Gerade wir Deutschen wissen, wovon wir sprechen. Das, was wir in Ägypten hatten, war keine Stabilität, sondern es war<br />

Unterdrückung. Freiheit und Stabilität können jederzeit Hand in Hand gehen. Deshalb dürfen wir den Ägyptern nicht<br />

vorschreiben, wen sie zu wählen haben. Sofern die Wahlen fair und demokratisch ablaufen, müssen wir das Ergebnis<br />

anerkennen und dürfen uns nicht anmaßen – wie wir es damals in Palästina oder auch schon in Algerien getan haben –, zu<br />

urteilen, ob wir die Gewählten anerkennen oder nicht. Wir müssen die Wahl anerkennen.<br />

3-502<br />

Franziska Katharina Brantner (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, I would like to say to Mr Füle that we really need to focus<br />

on insisting on a transition to civilian government, and on making sure that the military regime now in place will fulfil its<br />

promises.<br />

I think that a committee has now been set up to work on the constitution, but there is not a single woman in it. That it is<br />

rather a pity when we consider how many women – young women – were in the streets making sure that this democratic<br />

transition, this revolution, includes the whole of society. So, we need to support them, we need to demand, when you go<br />

there and when Baroness Ashton goes there, to meet with women: to meet not only those who might be called ‘the usual<br />

suspects’ but also those who were involved in the revolution and whose voices are not so often heard.<br />

We have to insist on all prisoners being released and on an investigation being conducted into the violence that has<br />

occurred. Lastly, I think that Baroness Ashton is right: this is a time to think big. This is about EU trade, about visas, about<br />

money – and it is about courage.<br />

3-503<br />

Struan Stevenson (ECR). – Mr President, at the beginning of this debate, the Commissioner praised the courage of the<br />

young people who took to the streets in Egypt and Tunisia and created the uprising.<br />

Hundreds of thousands took to the streets in Teheran and other cities in Iran on Monday and were brutally suppressed.<br />

They were crushed. One young student was killed. Others have been tortured and taken to prison where they will no doubt<br />

be executed for trying to rise up against that fascist regime.<br />

Why do we never say anything to encourage them? Why are we like rabbits caught in the headlights when it comes to<br />

dealing with the Mullahs in Teheran? Why do we say nothing to condemn the brutal psychological torture and siege of the<br />

3 400 opposition Iranians in Camp Ashraf? It is time we took action and showed that we support the Iranian opposition.<br />

3-504<br />

Νικόλαος Σαλαβράκος (EFD). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, με τις πρόσφατες λαϊκές εξεγέρσεις και όσες άλλες απειλούνται στη<br />

μεσογειακή περίμετρο της Αφρικής πρέπει να προβληματιστούμε βαθύτερα. Πρέπει να δούμε ποια είναι η μήτρα των<br />

εξεγέρσεων αυτών· αν είναι η φτώχεια, η θρησκεία, η αδικία, η διαφθορά, η έλλειψη δημοκρατίας και ελευθερίας· τι<br />

ακριβώς θέλουν οι άνθρωποι αυτοί οι οποίοι εξεγείρονται κατά των καθεστώτων, τα οποία μέχρι προχθές ψήφιζαν και εδώ<br />

και 30 και 40 χρόνια τα είχαν σαν οδηγό και κυβερνήτη τους.<br />

Παρατηρώ ότι εμφανιζόμαστε στην αίθουσα αυτή να θεωρούμαστε ότι εμείς είμαστε το άντρο και ο ναός της πλήρους<br />

δημοκρατίας. Η πρώτη λύση που δίνουμε είναι χρήματα. Μα χρήματα είχαν και τα εξαφάνιζαν μερικοί επιτήδειοι! Πρέπει<br />

όμως να δούμε ότι το θέμα είναι η γεωπολιτική αστάθεια, οι ανακατατάξεις που μπορεί να φέρει στην περιοχή, οι<br />

επιπτώσεις των λαϊκών αντιδράσεων και οι νέες ισορροπίες που θα προκύψουν.

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