XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa

XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa

XL - Eiropas Parlaments - Europa


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16-02-2011 109<br />

3-481<br />

Ioannis Kasoulides (PPE). – Mr President, the departure of Hosni Mubarak signals the transition towards a pluralist<br />

democracy responding to the aspirations of the Egyptian people.<br />

The Egyptian armed forces now have the responsibility of leading their country, in a short period of time, towards genuine<br />

democracy, the rule of law with an independent judiciary, good governance and accountability on suspected cases of<br />

corruption. The military leadership is cautioned not to disappoint the youth, who were at the forefront of the<br />

demonstrations and whose representatives should be called upon to play their role in building democracy during the<br />

transition.<br />

The message of Egypt is a message for the whole Arab world. The Arab countries are our partners; we have no intention of<br />

patronising them or imposing anything from the outside. However, the message for them, as sent by the Egyptians and the<br />

Tunisians, is: ‘Reform and reform now. Democratise, govern well, fight corruption or face the wrath of the people.’<br />

This message is not only for the Arab world. Yesterday it was relayed in Diyarbakir in Turkey, and in Teheran and other<br />

Iranian cities. The people can do it!<br />

3-482<br />

Richard Howitt (S&D). – Mr President, I am delighted that the High Representative will be the first and most senior<br />

foreign diplomat to visit Egypt, and following this debate she will take with her Parliament’s support for the immediate<br />

release of political prisoners, for legal accountability for those responsible for the violent suppression of peaceful protest<br />

and for an asset freeze and other actions for the authors of past human rights abuse.<br />

Commissioner, this was the social media revolution, planned in an internet cafe, with Wael Ghonim of Google one of its<br />

heroes. But companies like Vodafone must learn the lesson of turning off their services and we should call on them to join<br />

the global network initiative alongside human rights organisations to show that they will defend the principle of freedom<br />

of expression where it is under threat.<br />

Finally, this Parliament was shy of discussing Tunisia; we debated Tunisia as Egyptians took to the streets and today<br />

debate Egypt when perhaps we should be asking ourselves how we can better support democratic transition now in<br />

Yemen, Syria, Libya and elsewhere in the Arab world before people have to die in the streets of their capitals to shame<br />

Europe and the world into so doing.<br />

3-483<br />

Marielle De Sarnez (ALDE). – Monsieur le Président, je crois que l'histoire ne nous pardonnerait pas si nous n'étions pas<br />

à la hauteur des événements qui viennent de se produire et qui vont continuer à se produire. Je crois donc qu'il est très<br />

important que l'Union européenne soit capable de tirer rapidement les leçons de son relatif effacement, pour le dire<br />

gentiment, au moment des événements récents.<br />

C'est pourquoi je crois que nous devons vraiment mettre le paquet, que nous devons soutenir totalement, pleinement le<br />

processus de transition démocratique, que ce soit en Tunisie ou en Égypte, que nous devons être du côté de ces peuples et<br />

le leur dire, que nous devons tout faire pour que ce soit un État de droit qui sorte renforcé de ces révolutions, de ces<br />

changements, notamment pour l'Égypte. Je crois que seul un État de droit sera un élément de stabilité et de stabilisation<br />

pour l'ensemble de cette région. Donc c'est dire combien c'est important! Nous devons organiser une conférence des<br />

donateurs et, surtout, n'ayons pas peur! Ces révolutions sont des révolutions laïques d'Égyptiens et de Tunisiens qui<br />

veulent simplement la démocratie et le développement, l'un n'allant pas sans l'autre. Mais révisons notre politique de<br />

voisinage et explorons la question des relations d'État à État, mais également d'opinion publique à opinion publique. C'est<br />

le rôle notamment du Parlement européen.<br />

3-484<br />

Sajjad Karim (ECR). – Mr President, today we are having a very different debate to the one that took place only a matter<br />

of days ago in this Chamber. It is essential that the people of Egypt should know that we are standing by them. I welcome<br />

the fact that our High Representative is currently in that part of the world.<br />

The people of Egypt are now reliant upon the army to come forward and deliver free and fair elections, to bring about the<br />

sort of society that they have paid for with their lives and blood. It is now for the international community to make sure<br />

that we step in to help them build their institutions and allow the political parties to come forward and take part in those<br />

election processes. I hope that the European Union will play its part in that.<br />

Finally, Commissioner, the siphoning-off of funds by leaders in developing countries is something we are only too well<br />

aware of. It is about time that Europe said that we refuse to be used as a vehicle for such people to park their funds any<br />

more.<br />


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