9. Schaltgerät - Kessel

9. Schaltgerät - Kessel 9. Schaltgerät - Kessel


8. Malfunctions and troubleshootingRelay faultPower contactor no longer switches off--> Disconnect switch unit from the mains--> Replace contactor --> Contact Customer ServicesDuo Pump 1Duo Pump 2Level faultDuo Pump 1/2Level fault (only with pressure diaphragm switch): Control cable to the switch unit is notlaid on a continual gradient--> Check cable route, shorten any excess lengths if appropriate.The switches ON and ALARM switch in the wrong order--> Pressure control unit faulty, replacement necessary8.2.1 Irregular level states (up to 12/09)Malfunctions of level switches can be recognised in part andtrigger a meaningful emergency control in "automatic" operatingmode. If the control unit recognises an implausiblelevel switch state, the malfunction message "level" is indicatedby the red "running time/level" LED flashing and the"malfunction" relay. The malfunction message can be deletedusing the "alarm reset" key when the fault has been remediedor when no level fault can be detected on account ofpending level signals. Generally speaking it is not possibleto distinguish between non-closing "alarm" level switchesand non-opening "on" level switches.Irregular level states usually indicate a fault in the levelswitches or wiring. Maintenance may only be carried outby a qualified electrician.a) Single systemNo distinction can be made between a non-closing "on" levelswitch and a non-opening "alarm" level switch. If "alarm"level is pending without "on" level, a level fault is indicated.The motor is not switched on. If the "on" level switch closesin this state, however, the pump is switched on. Opening the"on" level switch switches the pump off.b) Twin system• Non-closing "on 1" level switchMalfunction message follows the "on 2" level being exceeded.If the "alarm" level is exceeded, both pumps switch on.If the level drops below the "on 2" level, the pumps switch off.• Non-closing "on 2" level switchMalfunction message follows the "alarm" level being exceeded.At the same time, the second pump is switched on. Bothpumps remain in operation until the level falls below "on 1"again.• Permanently closed "on 2" level switchMalfunction message follows the "on 1" level not being reached.One pump switches on when the "on 1" level is exceeded,the second pump when the "alarm" level is exceeded.• Permanently closed "alarm" level switchMalfunction message follows when "alarm" level is indicatedbut at least "on 2" level is not reached. A permanent "alarm"message is then sent. The alarm message via the internalsignal sensor can be deleted by actuating the "alarm reset"key. The "alarm" relay remains active, however, until the faulthas been eliminated. One pump is switched on when the "on1" level is exceeded, the second pump when the "on 2" levelis exceeded. Both pumps are switched off after the level fallsbelow "on 1".70

8.2.2 Internal monitoring8. Malfunctions and troubleshootingThe control unit evaluates the signals of the phase/rotary fieldmonitoring, motor protection switch and motor temperaturesensor regardless of the configuration. In the event of a malfunctionor non-readiness for operation, the pump is switchedoff or the switch-on suppressed. In addition, a fault is indicatedby the respective display LED and the malfunction relayswitching.Phase/rotary field monitoringIf L2 and/or L3 fail, the "phase/rotary field" LED is permanentlylit, and the "malfunction" relay becomes active. (In thiscase the control unit can no longer recognise rotary fieldfaults.) Since the control unit is supplied by L1, failure of L1cannot be indicated. If L1 fails, however, the built-in signalsensor is switched on provided the rechargeable battery isinserted in the control unit and charged.In the case of false rotary field (anti-clockwise rotary field) the"phase/rotary field" LED flashes. The contactor for the motoroutput is disabled by the control unit.Motor protection switchOne auxiliary contact (each) of the motor protection switch isevaluated. If a motor protection switch has triggered on accountof manual actuation, short-circuit or exceed load, amalfunction is indicated by the "motor protection switch" LED(or LED "pump ... MSS/temp" is permanently lit) and the"malfunction" relay. In addition, the contactor for the motoroutput is disabled by the control unit.Motor temperatureIn every motor, there is a temperature sensor which indicatesexcess temperature to the control unit:When excess temperature has been reached (approx. 110°C) this is indicated (flashing) by the "motor temperature"LED (or "pump ... MSS/temp" LED in the case of a twin system)and the "malfunction" relay drops out. In addition, thecontactor for the respective motor output is disabled by thecontrol unit. When the motor has cooled down again, thepump is automatically ready for operation as soon as thetemperature sensor indicates this.8.2.3 "Malfunction" messageSMalfunction messages are sent through:• Activation of the "malfunction" relay and thus through thewarning device connected to this.• Display of the type of malfunction by the malfunction LEDson individual systems withor on twin systems with– Phase/rotary field– Pump 2 MSS/temp– Pump 1 MSS/temp– Running time/levelThe conditions for the malfunction messages are describedin detail in the previous chapters.8.2.4 "Alarm" messageAlarm messages are sent through:• Activation of the "alarm" relay and thus through the warningdevice connected to this.• The internal signal sensorTwo conditions can lead to an alarm message.1. An alarm message is issued if the level exceeds the"alarm" level. The internal acoustic alarm can be switchedoff again by pressing the "alarm reset" key. As soon as thelevel falls below the "alarm" level, both alarm messages(signal sensor and relay) are reset.2. If a replaceable battery (battery) is inserted and charged,an alarm message is also issued if there is a power failure,i.e. the mains power failure is indicated by an acousticsignal triggered by the internal signal sensor. The rechargeablebattery supplies the internal signal sensor for a fewhours depending on the charge state. The internal acousticalarm can be switched off again by pressing the "alarmreset" key.8.2.5 What to do when...... the motor protection switch has triggered.Remove the transparent housing cover (heed instructions!)and press the black "START" switch on the motor protectionswitch. If the motor protection switch triggers again,please contact a qualified electrician.... another malfunction message occurs.If the malfunction cannot be eliminated within the contextof the operating instructions, please contact a qualifiedelectrician.... the control unit no longer reacts to input signals, but signalisesreadiness for operation through the "operation" display.Disconnect the control unit completely from the mainsfor about 10 seconds using the mains switch on the installationside. If the control unit still does not work, please contacta qualified electrician.– Phase/rotary field– Motor protection switch– Motor temperature– Running time/level71

8.2.2 Internal monitoring8. Malfunctions and troubleshootingThe control unit evaluates the signals of the phase/rotary fieldmonitoring, motor protection switch and motor temperaturesensor regardless of the configuration. In the event of a malfunctionor non-readiness for operation, the pump is switchedoff or the switch-on suppressed. In addition, a fault is indicatedby the respective display LED and the malfunction relayswitching.Phase/rotary field monitoringIf L2 and/or L3 fail, the "phase/rotary field" LED is permanentlylit, and the "malfunction" relay becomes active. (In thiscase the control unit can no longer recognise rotary fieldfaults.) Since the control unit is supplied by L1, failure of L1cannot be indicated. If L1 fails, however, the built-in signalsensor is switched on provided the rechargeable battery isinserted in the control unit and charged.In the case of false rotary field (anti-clockwise rotary field) the"phase/rotary field" LED flashes. The contactor for the motoroutput is disabled by the control unit.Motor protection switchOne auxiliary contact (each) of the motor protection switch isevaluated. If a motor protection switch has triggered on accountof manual actuation, short-circuit or exceed load, amalfunction is indicated by the "motor protection switch" LED(or LED "pump ... MSS/temp" is permanently lit) and the"malfunction" relay. In addition, the contactor for the motoroutput is disabled by the control unit.Motor temperatureIn every motor, there is a temperature sensor which indicatesexcess temperature to the control unit:When excess temperature has been reached (approx. 110°C) this is indicated (flashing) by the "motor temperature"LED (or "pump ... MSS/temp" LED in the case of a twin system)and the "malfunction" relay drops out. In addition, thecontactor for the respective motor output is disabled by thecontrol unit. When the motor has cooled down again, thepump is automatically ready for operation as soon as thetemperature sensor indicates this.8.2.3 "Malfunction" messageSMalfunction messages are sent through:• Activation of the "malfunction" relay and thus through thewarning device connected to this.• Display of the type of malfunction by the malfunction LEDson individual systems withor on twin systems with– Phase/rotary field– Pump 2 MSS/temp– Pump 1 MSS/temp– Running time/levelThe conditions for the malfunction messages are describedin detail in the previous chapters.8.2.4 "Alarm" messageAlarm messages are sent through:• Activation of the "alarm" relay and thus through the warningdevice connected to this.• The internal signal sensorTwo conditions can lead to an alarm message.1. An alarm message is issued if the level exceeds the"alarm" level. The internal acoustic alarm can be switchedoff again by pressing the "alarm reset" key. As soon as thelevel falls below the "alarm" level, both alarm messages(signal sensor and relay) are reset.2. If a replaceable battery (battery) is inserted and charged,an alarm message is also issued if there is a power failure,i.e. the mains power failure is indicated by an acousticsignal triggered by the internal signal sensor. The rechargeablebattery supplies the internal signal sensor for a fewhours depending on the charge state. The internal acousticalarm can be switched off again by pressing the "alarmreset" key.8.2.5 What to do when...... the motor protection switch has triggered.Remove the transparent housing cover (heed instructions!)and press the black "START" switch on the motor protectionswitch. If the motor protection switch triggers again,please contact a qualified electrician.... another malfunction message occurs.If the malfunction cannot be eliminated within the contextof the operating instructions, please contact a qualifiedelectrician.... the control unit no longer reacts to input signals, but signalisesreadiness for operation through the "operation" display.Disconnect the control unit completely from the mainsfor about 10 seconds using the mains switch on the installationside. If the control unit still does not work, please contacta qualified electrician.– Phase/rotary field– Motor protection switch– Motor temperature– Running time/level71

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