9. Schaltgerät - Kessel

9. Schaltgerät - Kessel 9. Schaltgerät - Kessel


5. Electrical connectionsCAUTION:Only qualified electricians may carry out the work on electricalequipment described below. Before any work iscarried out on the switch unit, the pump or level control,the main switch and fuses must be switched off, i.e. be voltage-freeand secured against being switched back onagain5.1 General instructionsAn external main switch must be installed for the electricswitch unit that can be used in an emergency to switch off allthe downstream circuits independently of the control unit.This must be assigned clearly to the switch unit.All connected cables must be strain-relieved.Screw connections not used must always be sealed properly.IMPORTANT:All the cables connected to the electrical switch unit mustbe fixed in place using suitable measures (e.g. cable ties)so that they do not cause a hazard in the 1-error case, i.e.if a connection becomes loose..Please heed national and local safety regulations. If theseare not observed, personal hazard may be the result. In addition,no liability or warranty will be granted. After work hasbeen completed, the housing cover must be sealed properlyagain.5.3 Installation, wiringThe pump cables and control cable have a standard lengthof 5 m. Extension to max. 20 m is possible on site, but mustbe done using a VDE-conform connection.NOTE (applies to pressure diaphragm switches up to modelyear 01/10)The cable on the pressure level switch is a special cable withan air hose in the centre for compensating pressure for thepressure sensor in the lifting station to the atmosphere. Thefollowing must always be observed:– The cable may be cut off at any point but must never beextended. Special lengths of this cable can be ordered directlyfrom KESSEL.– The cable must be routed at a constant gradient from theswitch unit to the lifting station.For this reason, excess lengths must not be rolled up, thecable has to be shortened to fit.– The respective screw connection at the switch unit may betightened with a maximum torque of 2.5 Nm. Greater torquescan lead to the air hose being squeezed.– Deviations from these instructions can lead to functionalfailure of the pressure sensor and thus thewhole system!5.2 Mounting the switch unitScrew the housing cover with max. 1 Nm. Install the switchunit provided in a frost-free, dry, flood-proof and well-ventilatedroom. The switch unit has been designed for verticalwall-mounting on a solid base. Sufficient air circulation mustensure excessive inside temperatures develop. The unit ismounted using 4 screws (Ø 6 mm) at the corners of the housing(drilling template in the packaging box). The attachmentholes are accessible after the cover has been opened.56

5. Electrical connectionsThe individual connection jobs are listed in the following table and in the connection diagrams on pages 27 and 29. The explanationsin chapter 8, Electric switch unit, must also be heeded (position of the control elements, view of the inside of theswitch unit).SINGLE SYSTEM- Heed safety instructions!Work to be done Switch unit from model year 01/10 Switch unit up to model year 12/09Battery connection(rechargeable batteries up to year 12/09)Mains connectionBoth batteries (2 x 9V block) mustbe connected on the board.• Connect the mains supply cable L1/ L2 / L3 / N / PE at the terminalblock using screw connection.• N and PE always have to beconnected.• The mains supply cable must havean all-pole main switch on the installationside that is clearly assignedto the control.• The pre-fuse prescribed on the installationside must not exceed 16A per phase.• The control can be damaged or destroyedif connection is not carriedout correctly.• The rechargeable battery (1 x 9V block) mustbe inserted into rechargeable battery fixture.• Connect the mains supply cable L1 / L2 / L3 /N / PE to the upper level of the grey mainsconnection terminal block, heeding markings(printing on the board).• N and PE always have to be connected.• The mains supply cable must have an all-polemain switch on the installation side that isclearly assigned to the control.• The pre-fuse prescribed on the installation sidemust not exceed 16 A per phase.• The control can be damaged or destroyed ifconnection is not carried out correctly.Motor supply cableMotor temperature sensorLevel measurement• Connect the motor supply cableU/V/W to the connector in the right directionin the lower screw terminalsT1 / T2 / T3. The direction of rotationof the motor must be heeded.• PE must be connected with TF1and TF2 to the terminal block onthe board underneath the motorprotection switch.• Wire 4 of the motor supply cablemust be connected to the lowestterminal of the terminal block TF2TF1.Wire 5 of the motor supply cablemust be connected to the centralterminal of the terminal block TF2TF1. The input TF2 is bridged usinga 2-pole jumper, i.e. the central terminalis doubly occupied. Jumpermust not be removed!Connection to the pressure sensorThe transparent air hose must alwaysbe routed rising to the switchunit. The air hose must be screwedtight to the connection provided onthe switch• Connect the motor supply cable U/V/W to theABB connector B6-30-10 left of the motor protectionswitch in the right direction in the lowerscrew terminals T1 / T2 / T3. The direction ofrotation of the motor must be heeded.• Connect PE to the lower level of the greymains connection terminal block, heeding themarkings (printing on the board).• Input TF: Wire 4 of the motor supply cablemust be connected on the right at TF input,wire 5 on the left at TF input.• Input E7: The jumper must be left.Level inputs (ON/ALARM)• The cable must always be routed rising to theswitch unit.• The cable ends of the pressure level switchmust be connected to the respectively markedterminals (white wire on the right, brown wireon the left to "on" input, green wire on the rightand yellow wire on the left to "alarm" input).57

5. Electrical connectionsThe individual connection jobs are listed in the following table and in the connection diagrams on pages 27 and 2<strong>9.</strong> The explanationsin chapter 8, Electric switch unit, must also be heeded (position of the control elements, view of the inside of theswitch unit).SINGLE SYSTEM- Heed safety instructions!Work to be done Switch unit from model year 01/10 Switch unit up to model year 12/09Battery connection(rechargeable batteries up to year 12/09)Mains connectionBoth batteries (2 x 9V block) mustbe connected on the board.• Connect the mains supply cable L1/ L2 / L3 / N / PE at the terminalblock using screw connection.• N and PE always have to beconnected.• The mains supply cable must havean all-pole main switch on the installationside that is clearly assignedto the control.• The pre-fuse prescribed on the installationside must not exceed 16A per phase.• The control can be damaged or destroyedif connection is not carriedout correctly.• The rechargeable battery (1 x 9V block) mustbe inserted into rechargeable battery fixture.• Connect the mains supply cable L1 / L2 / L3 /N / PE to the upper level of the grey mainsconnection terminal block, heeding markings(printing on the board).• N and PE always have to be connected.• The mains supply cable must have an all-polemain switch on the installation side that isclearly assigned to the control.• The pre-fuse prescribed on the installation sidemust not exceed 16 A per phase.• The control can be damaged or destroyed ifconnection is not carried out correctly.Motor supply cableMotor temperature sensorLevel measurement• Connect the motor supply cableU/V/W to the connector in the right directionin the lower screw terminalsT1 / T2 / T3. The direction of rotationof the motor must be heeded.• PE must be connected with TF1and TF2 to the terminal block onthe board underneath the motorprotection switch.• Wire 4 of the motor supply cablemust be connected to the lowestterminal of the terminal block TF2TF1.Wire 5 of the motor supply cablemust be connected to the centralterminal of the terminal block TF2TF1. The input TF2 is bridged usinga 2-pole jumper, i.e. the central terminalis doubly occupied. Jumpermust not be removed!Connection to the pressure sensorThe transparent air hose must alwaysbe routed rising to the switchunit. The air hose must be screwedtight to the connection provided onthe switch• Connect the motor supply cable U/V/W to theABB connector B6-30-10 left of the motor protectionswitch in the right direction in the lowerscrew terminals T1 / T2 / T3. The direction ofrotation of the motor must be heeded.• Connect PE to the lower level of the greymains connection terminal block, heeding themarkings (printing on the board).• Input TF: Wire 4 of the motor supply cablemust be connected on the right at TF input,wire 5 on the left at TF input.• Input E7: The jumper must be left.Level inputs (ON/ALARM)• The cable must always be routed rising to theswitch unit.• The cable ends of the pressure level switchmust be connected to the respectively markedterminals (white wire on the right, brown wireon the left to "on" input, green wire on the rightand yellow wire on the left to "alarm" input).57

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