Etudes par microscopie en champ proche des phénomènes de ...

Etudes par microscopie en champ proche des phénomènes de ...

Etudes par microscopie en champ proche des phénomènes de ...


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13ergies of the total electron distribution if the metal wasnon-magnetic and if the electron mean-free-path variationwith ε was equal to λ + (ε) andλ − (ε), respectively.The variations λ + (ε) andλ − (ε) thatwehaveusedare<strong>de</strong>fined as usually by:1λ ± (ε) ≈ 1 [1 ∓ λ (ε) ]. (B1)λ (ε) δ (ε)FIG. 9: Variation of the electron mean-free-path λ (ε) versus<strong>en</strong>ergy above the Fermi level. This curve is plotted after theempirical analytical form of Eq.(16) using the following set of<strong>par</strong>ameters:λ l =14.5nm,λ h = 11nm,λ off =4.8nm,E l =0.5eV,E h = 1000eV, a l =0.35,a h =0.5 (see App<strong>en</strong>dix A). The insetpres<strong>en</strong>ts a zoom in the region of the minimum of λ (ε) togetherwith measured values (tak<strong>en</strong> from Ref. 5 )ofλ + and λ − themean-free-paths of majority- and minority-spin electrons iniron.where λ (ε) is the mean-free-path as <strong>de</strong>fined inSec.III.A.2 and in App<strong>en</strong>dix A, and δ (ε) is the socalledspin-discriminating l<strong>en</strong>gth. 14,18 The ratio λ/δ =(λ + − λ − ) / (λ + + λ − ) is the spin asymmetry of the electronmean-free-path. The measured values of λ/δ in iron<strong>de</strong>duced from Ref.5 are plotted in Fig.10 (square symbols).It <strong>de</strong>creases linearly with <strong>en</strong>ergy. So, we use in Eq.B1the following variation:i) λ/δ =0.15 (1 − ε/50), for ε50eV .The variation of E + M and E− Mthat we obtain afterthis calculation verify reasonably well the relationE + M + E− M =2E M , as shown in Fig.11. These values arethose used in the calculation of ΔT plotted in Fig.6(b)of the main text. Using Eqs.(29-30) of the main text andAPPENDIX B: SPIN-ASYMMETRY OF THETRANSMITTED ELECTRON DISTRIBUTION.The evaluation of the spin asymmetry of the primaryelectron mean <strong>en</strong>ergy A Ep andoftheprimaryelectrondistribution A p (ε), according to Eqs.(27), (31) and (32)of Section III.B, requires the calculation of E + M = E+ p /2and E − M = E− p /2, E p + and Ep − being the mean <strong>en</strong>ergiesof respectively the majority-spin and minority-spin primaryelectrons. For this calculation, we use basically thesame procedure as for the calculation of E M the electronmean <strong>en</strong>ergy at the metal / oxi<strong>de</strong> interface (seeSec.III.A.2 and App<strong>en</strong>dix A), except that we take intoaccount the spin-asymmetry of the electron mean-freepath.We consi<strong>de</strong>r that spin-<strong>de</strong>p<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>t collisions onlyoccur during the diffusion-like transport regime (in<strong>de</strong>edthe velocity-relaxation transport step all takes place inthe Pd layer, as shown in Fig. (5) of Sec.III.A.2). We th<strong>en</strong>calculate z + diff and z− difffor majority-spin electrons andfor minority-spin electrons by using two differ<strong>en</strong>t variationswith <strong>en</strong>ergy of the electron mean-free-path λ + (ε)and λ − (ε), respectively. Th<strong>en</strong>, solving the equationd = z ball + z ± diffgives two differ<strong>en</strong>t values of the electronmean <strong>en</strong>ergy: E + M and E− M. It is important to notethat E + M and E− Mare actually not the mean <strong>en</strong>ergies ofmajority- and minority-spin electrons but the mean <strong>en</strong>-FIG. 10: Variation of λ/δ, the spin-asymmetry of the electronmean-free-path in iron <strong>de</strong>duced the values of λ + and λ −(inset) reported in Ref.5. The dashed line corresponds to thevariation of λ/δ that we have used in the expression of λ +and λ − of Eq.(B1) for the calculation of E + M and E− M .assuming that f s (ε) ≈ f(ε) andE s ≈ E M ,wemaywriteΔT on the following conv<strong>en</strong>i<strong>en</strong>t form:ΔT ≈ 2P 0∫0∞α (ε)[ εE MA p (ε) − 2A Ep]f (ε) dε.(B2)The spin asymmetry of the primary electron distributionA p (ε) <strong>de</strong>termines the spin filtering effect and thespin-asymmetry of the primary electron mean <strong>en</strong>ergyA Ep <strong>de</strong>termines the spin-<strong>de</strong>p<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>t secondary electron

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