Etudes par microscopie en champ proche des phénomènes de ...

Etudes par microscopie en champ proche des phénomènes de ...

Etudes par microscopie en champ proche des phénomènes de ...


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12APPENDIX A: VARIATION OF THE ELECTRONMEAN-FREE-PATH WITH ENERGY.The mo<strong>de</strong>l <strong>de</strong>veloped for the calculation of the transmissioninvolves many <strong>par</strong>ameters. In or<strong>de</strong>r to obtaina reliable fit of the data with a reasonable number ofadjustable <strong>par</strong>ameters, we have used a data fitting procedurein two steps.Thefirststepisthe<strong>de</strong>terminationofthevariationofE M with E 0 , from the measured values of T and usingEq.(21), we have <strong>de</strong>duced. Second, from Eqs.(10), (15)and (16) of our <strong>en</strong>ergy and velocity relaxation mo<strong>de</strong>l,we have calculated the variation of E M with E 0 . Wehave fitted the experim<strong>en</strong>tal variation of E M with thecalculated one by adjusting λ(ε) the variation of theelectron-mean-free path with <strong>en</strong>ergy. he experim<strong>en</strong>talvariation of E M can be obtained from the experim<strong>en</strong>taldata of the transmission T by solving Eq.(21). Thisrequires knowing the two barrier heights and the valuesof the transfer effici<strong>en</strong>cy above these two barriers. Forthe barrier heights, we have used the measured valuesφ SC =0.78eV , φ Ox =4.5eV . 24−26 For the transmissioncoeffici<strong>en</strong>ts we have tak<strong>en</strong> α SC =10 −4 ,andα Ox =0.5.We have first chos<strong>en</strong> arbitrarily the value of α Ox =0.5that we estimate to be reasonable because the high limitof α Ox is 1 and it can hardly be very much smaller thanunity since the overall electron transmission reaches valuesmuch larger than unity. We have th<strong>en</strong> tried differ<strong>en</strong>tvalues for α SC and we have found that α SC =10 −4 yieldsthe most reasonable variation of E M <strong>de</strong>duced from thetransmission data (square symbols in Fig.8). In<strong>de</strong>ed, thevariation of E M obtained with the above set of <strong>par</strong>ametersis rather smooth. This is a good criterion for selectingreliable values of the transfer effici<strong>en</strong>cy. In<strong>de</strong>ed, wh<strong>en</strong>changing the value of α SC we obtain variations of E Mwhich exhibit unphysical features as shown in Fig.8 (thedotted lines correspond to the values α SC =0.5 × 10 −4and α SC =2×10 −4 ). Therefore, with this criterion, onlyone of the two transmission coeffici<strong>en</strong>ts is in<strong>de</strong>ed an adjustable<strong>par</strong>ameter, the other one being <strong>de</strong>termined bythe shape of the variation of E M with E 0 .The second step of the calculation consists in fitting the“experim<strong>en</strong>tal” variation of E M versus E M versus E 0with the theoretical variation calculated from the mo<strong>de</strong>l<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed in Sec.III.A.2. In this calculation, we havetak<strong>en</strong> E F = 7eV which corresponds to the Fermi <strong>en</strong>ergyin palladium, and we have adjusted the variation ofthe electron mean-free-path λ(ε). We have first chos<strong>en</strong>for λ (ε) an empirical form:λ (ε) =λ l() al(El+ λ hε + E l) ahε− λ off .ε + E h(A1)This variation reproduces the main features of the wellknownuniversal curve. 27 The first term in Eq.(A1) givesthe <strong>de</strong>crease of λ(ε) in the low <strong>en</strong>ergy range while thesecond term gives the high <strong>en</strong>ergy increase of λ(ε). Thethird term λ off is a constant that we use to adjust theFIG. 8: Experim<strong>en</strong>tal (symbols) and calculated (full line)variation with E 0 of the electron mean <strong>en</strong>ergy E M at themetal/oxi<strong>de</strong> interface. The experim<strong>en</strong>tal variation is obtainedfrom the transmission data by solving Eq.(21) with α SC =10 −4 and α Ox =0.5. Wh<strong>en</strong> using in Eq.(21) α SC =0.5×10 −4or α SC =2× 10 −4 instead of α SC =10 −4 (dotted lines) theexperim<strong>en</strong>tal variation of E M exhibits unphysical features inthe vicinity of the transition betwe<strong>en</strong> the two transmissionregime, i.e. betwe<strong>en</strong> 200eV and 500eV injection <strong>en</strong>ergy.minimum value of λ(ε). In<strong>de</strong>ed, it is known that λ(ε)reaches a minimum value λ min of the or<strong>de</strong>r of a few t<strong>en</strong>thof nanometers at an <strong>en</strong>ergy E min of several t<strong>en</strong>s of eV.Moreover, the subsequ<strong>en</strong>t increase of λ(ε) towards high<strong>en</strong>ergy is proportional to the square root of ε. Therefore,we can impose three conditions to the shape of λ(ε):a h =0.5,λ min =0.5nm, E min =40eV(A2)The above values of λ min and E min are typical valuesthat we have chos<strong>en</strong> arbitrarily. The three above conditionsallow to reduce the number of in<strong>de</strong>p<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>tly adjustable<strong>par</strong>ameters from sev<strong>en</strong> [Eq.(A1)] to four, whichis not that much wh<strong>en</strong> consi<strong>de</strong>ring that we are probingthe transport over an <strong>en</strong>ergy range which goes fromabout 0.1eV up to 1keV and that we are actually makingmeasurem<strong>en</strong>ts over almost this <strong>en</strong>tire <strong>en</strong>ergy range.The fit of the variation of E M versus E 0 that we finallyretained is plotted in Fig.7(full line). It is obtainedfor the following set of <strong>par</strong>ameters: λ l =14.5nm,λ h =11nm, λ off =4.8nm, E l =0.5eV , E h = 1000eV ,a l =0.35, a h =0.5. The variation of λ (ε) associatedthis set of <strong>par</strong>ameters is plotted in Fig.9.It is in agreem<strong>en</strong>t with the shape of the universal curveand with the measurem<strong>en</strong>ts of the mean-free-path in Fetak<strong>en</strong> from Ref. 5 and reproduced in Fig.9.Note that the obtained value of a l =0.35 is smallerthan the value predicted by several mo<strong>de</strong>ls <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribingthe universal curve. However, mo<strong>de</strong>rate increase in theelectron mean-free-path is oft<strong>en</strong> reported specifically intransition metals. This is for instance the case of the experim<strong>en</strong>talmeasurem<strong>en</strong>ts tak<strong>en</strong> from Ref. 5 that we haveused to estimate the spin-asymmetry of the mean-freepathin iron.

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