Etudes par microscopie en champ proche des phénomènes de ...

Etudes par microscopie en champ proche des phénomènes de ...

Etudes par microscopie en champ proche des phénomènes de ...


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7n = −∫E ME 01ln 2dεε = 1ln 2 ln (E0E M). (19)Since each collision yields two electrons (the incomingelectron and the secondary electron excited from theFermi sea), the multiplication factor M is:FIG. 5: Calculated variation of the electron mean <strong>en</strong>ergy E Mat the metal oxi<strong>de</strong> interface and of the distance z ball crossedthrough the metal layer as a function of the injection <strong>en</strong>ergyE 0.In the high injection <strong>en</strong>ergy range, i.e. above typically80eV, z ball starts to rapidly increase and reachesa value of several nanometer at 1000eV, which is a significant<strong>par</strong>t of the total metal layer thickness. Velocityrelaxation requires a longer path, so that the electronsp<strong>en</strong>etrate more <strong>de</strong>eply into the metallic layer before thediffusive regime takes place. Therefore, <strong>en</strong>ergy relaxationis less effici<strong>en</strong>t and E M increases. It ev<strong>en</strong> reaches valueslarger than the semiconductor band b<strong>en</strong>ding φ SC .3. Calculation of T as a function of E 0The average number n of collisions that an electronun<strong>de</strong>rgoes during the transport through the metal layeris giv<strong>en</strong> by:n =∫t M0dtτ(18)where t M is the total time that takes the average electronto cross the metal layer. During this time, the averageelectron casca<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> from E 0 , the injection <strong>en</strong>ergy, toE M , the mean <strong>en</strong>ergy at the metal/oxi<strong>de</strong> interface. Accordingto Eq.(5), the average number of collisions duringthe transport is giv<strong>en</strong> by:M =2 n = E 0. (20)E MThe multiplication factor simply reflects the fact thatthe primary electron <strong>en</strong>ergy E 0 is shared with the M electrons(the primary and the secondaries) of mean <strong>en</strong>ergyE M .Combining Eqs.(3), (4) and (20), and assuming thatE 0 >> E M and α Ox >> α SC , we th<strong>en</strong> obtain a simpleexpression for the transmission through the junction:T ≈ E [ (0α SC exp − φ ) (SC+ α Ox exp − φ )]Ox.E M E M E M(21)Using the variation of E M with E 0 calculated in theprevious section, we obtain the theoretical variation ofthe transmission T versus E 0 plotted in Fig.6(a).For this calculation, we have used the values of the twobarrier heights already m<strong>en</strong>tioned: φ SC =0.78eV andφ Ox =4.5eV , and we have tak<strong>en</strong> for the transmissioncoeffici<strong>en</strong>ts α SC =10 −4 and α Ox =0.5 whicharereasonableestimations of the transmission probability aboveφ SC (through the oxi<strong>de</strong> barrier) and above φ Ox , respectively.Details concerning the choice of the <strong>par</strong>ametersand the fitting procedure are giv<strong>en</strong> in App<strong>en</strong>dix A. Thecalculated variation of T reproduces the three regimesobserved experim<strong>en</strong>tally. In the first regime, the linearincrease of T with E 0 , is due to the multiplication factorM = E 0 /E M because the electron mean <strong>en</strong>ergy E Mremains almost constant as shown in Fig.5. For injection<strong>en</strong>ergies larger than 80eV, the second regime starts,where T increases faster than linearly. As previouslym<strong>en</strong>tioned, due to the increase in the injected electron velocityand to the increase in the electron mean free path,the velocity-relaxation path z ball increases, which causesan increase in the electron distribution mean <strong>en</strong>ergy E Mat the metal oxi<strong>de</strong> interface. Thus a larger number ofelectrons may overcome the barrier and be transmittedin the semiconductor. In the third regime, over 350eV injection<strong>en</strong>ergy, the electron mean <strong>en</strong>ergy has increased sothat the transmission is dominated by electrons of <strong>en</strong>ergyhigher than the oxi<strong>de</strong> barrier height φ Ox . The two contributionsto the transmission above φ SC , through theoxi<strong>de</strong> barrier, and above φ Ox are plotted se<strong>par</strong>ately inFig.6(a) (dotted and dashed lines). It is clear that withthe increase in E M the transmission goes from a regimedominated by electrons of <strong>en</strong>ergy just larger than φ SC(<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>pite the fact that α SC is very small wh<strong>en</strong> com<strong>par</strong>edto α Ox ) to a regime dominated by electrons of <strong>en</strong>ergylarger than φ Ox .

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