Etudes par microscopie en champ proche des phénomènes de ...

Etudes par microscopie en champ proche des phénomènes de ...

Etudes par microscopie en champ proche des phénomènes de ...


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6compon<strong>en</strong>t v l , and an electron of the Fermi sea, two electronsemerge with a mean <strong>en</strong>ergy ε/2 andameanlongitudinalvelocity compon<strong>en</strong>t v l /2. We here neglect the<strong>en</strong>ergy and wave vector giv<strong>en</strong> to the hole left in the Fermisea by the excitation of the secondary electron. The timeevolution of the mean electron <strong>en</strong>ergy and of the meanlongitudinal velocity compon<strong>en</strong>t can th<strong>en</strong> be writt<strong>en</strong> astwo relaxation equations:dεdt = − ln 2 ε τ , (5)anddv ldt = − ln 2v lτ . (6)where τ is the electron-electron collision time. We canth<strong>en</strong> write a propagation equation of the form :dzdε = dz dtdt dε = −v 1 τlln 2 ε , (7)where v l , the longitudinal compon<strong>en</strong>t of the mean electronvelocity, is obtained by combining Eqs.(5) and (6):εv l = v 0 . (8)E 0In a <strong>par</strong>abolic band approximation, the incid<strong>en</strong>t electronvelocity v 0 becomes :√E0 + E Fv 0 = v F , (9)E FE F being the Fermi <strong>en</strong>ergy. Th<strong>en</strong>, z ball is obtainedafter integration of Eq. (7) :z ball = − 1ln 2∫E ballE 0v l τ dεε = 1ln 2∫E 0E ballλ (ε)√E0 + E Fε + E F(10)where λ (ε) =vτ is the electron mean-free-path. Thevalue of E ball , the mean <strong>en</strong>ergy of the electron distributionat the <strong>en</strong>d of the velocity-relaxation transport step,i.e. at the distance z ball from the surface, is obtainedfrom Eq. (8) wh<strong>en</strong> taking v l as equal to v F (which isthe criterion chos<strong>en</strong> for the transition betwe<strong>en</strong> the twotransport regime) :√EFE ball = E 0 (11)E 0 + E FAfter crossing the distance z ball , we consi<strong>de</strong>r that theelectron velocity is relaxed and that the scattering directionis randomized. A three-dim<strong>en</strong>sional diffusion-liketransport regime takes place which can be <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed bythe evolution equation :dεE 0dz 2dt = 1 D (ε) , (12)3where the quantity D (ε) is similar to an <strong>en</strong>ergy<strong>de</strong>p<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>tdiffusion coeffici<strong>en</strong>t and is giv<strong>en</strong> by :D(ε) =v 2 τ. (13)Along this transport regime, the mean <strong>en</strong>ergy of theelectron distribution <strong>de</strong>creases from E ball to E M accordingto the <strong>en</strong>ergy relaxation equation [Eq. (5)]. The propagationequation th<strong>en</strong> becomes:dz 2dε = dz2 dtdt dε = −1 1 v 2 τ 23 ln 2 ε , (14)so that the distance crossed in the diffusion regime isgiv<strong>en</strong> by :zdiff 2 = − 13ln2∫E ME ballλ 2 (ε) dεε . (15)The electron mean <strong>en</strong>ergy E M at the junction barrieris th<strong>en</strong> obtained by solving the equation :d = z ball + z diff . (16)For the calculation of z ball and z diff after Eqs.(10)and (15), we have tak<strong>en</strong> E F =7eV , which is close to thevalue of the Fermi <strong>en</strong>ergy in palladium, and we have usedfor λ (ε), an empirical variation (plotted in Fig.(9) of theform :( ) al( ) ah Elελ (ε) =λ l + λ h − λ off . (17)ε + E l ε + E hThechoiceofλ (ε) is discussed in App<strong>en</strong>dix A. We havesolved numerically Eq.(16) and the resulting variation ofE M with injection <strong>en</strong>ergy E 0 is plotted in Fig.5 togetherwith the variation of the velocity-relaxation path z ball .In the low injection <strong>en</strong>ergy range, i.e. below 80eV, z ballis very short (a few t<strong>en</strong>th of nanometer) and almost constant: the electron velocity is very quickly relaxed andthe diffusion-like transport step takes place almost allover the metal layer thickness. The result is that E Mremains almost constant and takes a value, small wh<strong>en</strong>com<strong>par</strong>ed to both junction barriers φ SC and φ Ox .

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