Etudes par microscopie en champ proche des phénomènes de ...

Etudes par microscopie en champ proche des phénomènes de ...

Etudes par microscopie en champ proche des phénomènes de ...


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4sample pot<strong>en</strong>tial. The variations of T and ΔT as a functionof E 0 are plotted in Fig.3(a). The transmission Tvaries over almost six or<strong>de</strong>rs of magnitu<strong>de</strong> and clearly exhibitsthree regimes. In the low <strong>en</strong>ergy range, up to about80eV, T increases linearly with E 0 . In the intermediate<strong>en</strong>ergy range, betwe<strong>en</strong> 80eV and 350eV, the increase inT is more pronounced. Finally, above 350eV T steps upabruptly and goes beyond unity. The variation of the spin<strong>de</strong>p<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>t transmission ΔT also reveals three regimes inthe same three <strong>en</strong>ergy ranges. At low injection <strong>en</strong>ergyΔT is constant as was observed in all the previous similarexperim<strong>en</strong>ts. 9,10,12,14,18 However, beyond 80eV thespin-<strong>de</strong>p<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>t transmission increases over four or<strong>de</strong>rs ofmagnitu<strong>de</strong>. In the high <strong>en</strong>ergy range, the increase in ΔTis <strong>par</strong>ticularly spectacular as it is ev<strong>en</strong> faster than that ofthe transmission T . This is evid<strong>en</strong>ced by the variation ofthe transmission spin asymmetry A C [Fig.3(b)] which unveilsa jump by an or<strong>de</strong>r of magnitu<strong>de</strong> betwe<strong>en</strong> 350eV and800eV injection <strong>en</strong>ergy. This feature is a strong <strong>de</strong>viationfrom the behavior of the transmission spin-asymmetry inthe low injection <strong>en</strong>ergy range which was expected, fromany previous studies performed at mo<strong>de</strong>rate injection <strong>en</strong>ergy,to show a constant <strong>de</strong>crease.III.THEORETICAL MODELA. Hot-electron transport through ametal/oxi<strong>de</strong>/semiconductor junction.1. Overview of the mo<strong>de</strong>l.In this section, we will first consi<strong>de</strong>r the caseof an unpolarized electron beam injected in ametal/oxi<strong>de</strong>/semiconductor structure, where the metallayer is non-magnetic. The electron transport throughthe metallic layer is schematized in Fig.4. We assumethat it is governed by electron-electron scattering yieldinga secondary electron casca<strong>de</strong>. This results in the formationof an electron distribution mixing primary andsecondary electrons. The distribution F (ε) thatreachesthe metal/oxi<strong>de</strong>/semiconductor junction, may be writt<strong>en</strong>:F (ε) =Mf(ε) (1)FIG. 3: (a) Variation of the transmission T (symbols x) andof the spin <strong>de</strong>p<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>t transmission ΔT (symbols+) with theinjection <strong>en</strong>ergy E 0. The dashed line corresponds to a linearincrease in E 0, (b) Variation of the transmission spinasymmetry A C (symbols ) with the injection <strong>en</strong>ergy E 0.Thedashed line corresponds to a <strong>de</strong>crease proportional to 1/E 0.The right-hand vertical axis gives the corresponding value ofS = A C/P 0, the asymmetry for a 100% polarized incid<strong>en</strong>tbeam. This quantity is analogous to the Sherman function inspin polarimetry.where f (ε) is the normalized distribution of electronsand M the multiplication factor related to the secondaryelectron casca<strong>de</strong>. Th<strong>en</strong>, electron are transferred throughthe junction barrier into the semiconductor collector withan effici<strong>en</strong>cy α (ε). The transmitted electrons collectedin the semiconductor form the curr<strong>en</strong>t I C . The electronswhich can not cross the barrier accumulate in the metallicbase and contribute to the curr<strong>en</strong>t I B , together withthe holes produced in the metal by the excitation of thesecondary electrons. Following these i<strong>de</strong>as, the electrontransmission T canbewritt<strong>en</strong>:T = M∫+∞0α (ε) f (ε) dε (2)At the metal/semiconductor interface, the collection effici<strong>en</strong>cyα(ε) is known to be an increasing function ofthe collection <strong>en</strong>ergy ε above the barrier of the Schottkyjunction. 21 In the sample studied here, this t<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>cy isreinforced by the pres<strong>en</strong>ce of the oxi<strong>de</strong> layer. In<strong>de</strong>ed, twobarriers have to be consi<strong>de</strong>red : the semiconductor bandb<strong>en</strong>ding barrier of height φ SC =0.78eV , 24 and the oxi<strong>de</strong>layer barrier of height φ Ox =4.5eV much larger than

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