Etudes par microscopie en champ proche des phénomènes de ...

Etudes par microscopie en champ proche des phénomènes de ...

Etudes par microscopie en champ proche des phénomènes de ...


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2ing spin-polarized electrons <strong>de</strong>creases with injection <strong>en</strong>ergyinversely to the increase of the total transmittedcurr<strong>en</strong>t. 9,10,12,18 This result is not contradictory with thespin-valve experim<strong>en</strong>t. In<strong>de</strong>ed, the magnetic layer is stillspin selective but the incid<strong>en</strong>t electron polarization is “diluted”by the secondary electrons before the spin filteroperates. In other words, wh<strong>en</strong> spin-polarized incid<strong>en</strong>telectrons are injected into a metallic film containing asingle magnetic layer, the secondary electrons do not contributeto the spin-<strong>de</strong>p<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>t transmitted curr<strong>en</strong>t whichall originates from the spin filtering of the only primaryelectrons. This is an important result as it means thatthe polarization of secondary electrons does not <strong>de</strong>p<strong>en</strong>don the one of the injected electrons and that the effects ofexchange integral asymmetry on the secondary electronpolarization are negligible.For injection <strong>en</strong>ergies higher than 100eV, the ext<strong>en</strong>sionof the transport scheme m<strong>en</strong>tioned above does notpredict any <strong>par</strong>ticular behavior. However, the situationis again very differ<strong>en</strong>t, in <strong>par</strong>ticular because of theincrease in the electron mean-free-path. In<strong>de</strong>ed electrontransmission experim<strong>en</strong>ts at injection <strong>en</strong>ergies ofseveral hundreds of eV exhibits strong <strong>de</strong>viations fromthe simple transport mo<strong>de</strong>l which fits at mo<strong>de</strong>rate injection<strong>en</strong>ergy. 22 In the pres<strong>en</strong>t paper, we report on astudy of spin-polarized electron transport through a ferromagneticmetal/oxi<strong>de</strong>/semiconductor junction, wherethe electron injection <strong>en</strong>ergy is varied from a few eVup to 1keV. The experim<strong>en</strong>tal configuration can be com<strong>par</strong>edto a three-terminal <strong>de</strong>vice geometry, 15–21 the emitterbeing here the GaAs spin-polarized electron sourcese<strong>par</strong>ated from the metallic base by vacuum. This allowsan easy control of the electron injection <strong>en</strong>ergy andof the polarization. At mo<strong>de</strong>rate injection <strong>en</strong>ergy (from8eV to 100eV above the metal Fermi level), results aresimilar to the one obtained in previous studies. 9,12,14,18But, above 100eV injection <strong>en</strong>ergy, the increase in thetransmitted curr<strong>en</strong>t becomes super-linear and the spin<strong>de</strong>p<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>ttransmitted curr<strong>en</strong>t rises by several or<strong>de</strong>rs ofmagnitu<strong>de</strong>, increasing ev<strong>en</strong> faster than the transmittedcurr<strong>en</strong>t. This feature clearly differs from what couldbe predicted from any previous studies performed atmo<strong>de</strong>rate injection <strong>en</strong>ergy. We have <strong>de</strong>veloped a mo<strong>de</strong>lto <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribe the transport of spin-polarized hot electronthrough the metal/oxi<strong>de</strong>/semiconductor structure. Qualitativeand quantitative agreem<strong>en</strong>t with the experim<strong>en</strong>taldata is obtained over the whole probed injection <strong>en</strong>ergyrange. This mo<strong>de</strong>l is based on the calculation of the electron<strong>en</strong>ergy distribution that results from the secondaryelectron casca<strong>de</strong> in the metallic layer and of the electrontransfer into the semiconductor collector throughthe junction barrier. Both the <strong>en</strong>ergy and velocity relaxationof the incid<strong>en</strong>t electrons, by excitation of secondaryelectrons from the metal Fermi sea, are tak<strong>en</strong>into account. The calculation shows that the increasein the electron transmission and in the spin-<strong>de</strong>p<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>ttransmission, observed wh<strong>en</strong> the injection <strong>en</strong>ergy exceedsseveral hundreds of eV, is a combined effect of the broad<strong>en</strong>ingof the electron <strong>en</strong>ergy distribution and of the variationwith <strong>en</strong>ergy of the electron transfer effici<strong>en</strong>cy at thebase-collector junction. It turns out that a hot-electronspin-filtering <strong>de</strong>vice that has a controlled barrier shape atthe base-collector interface and that can be operated atinjection <strong>en</strong>ergy of several hundreds of eV exhibits strikingtransport regimes. In <strong>par</strong>ticular, a structure havinga thin oxi<strong>de</strong> interfacial layer betwe<strong>en</strong> the magnetic metalbase and the semiconductor collector combines high spinselectivity (close to unity) and high electron transmission(larger than unity), op<strong>en</strong>ing up the possibility to achievelarge magneto-curr<strong>en</strong>t asymmetry together with curr<strong>en</strong>tgain. For other specific base-collector barrier shape, asign reversal of the transmission spin-asymmetry coul<strong>de</strong>v<strong>en</strong> be obtained at high injection <strong>en</strong>ergy due to thespin-<strong>de</strong>p<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>ce of the secondary electron multiplicationeffici<strong>en</strong>cy in the magnetic layer.II.EXPERIMENTThe spin-polarized electron transmission experim<strong>en</strong>t isperformed in a UHV chamber with a base pressure ofafew10 −11 Torr. The principle of this experim<strong>en</strong>t isschematized in Fig.1. The sample is a Pd/Fe/oxi<strong>de</strong>/n-FIG. 1: : Schematics of the experim<strong>en</strong>tal set-up and principle.GaAs junction. The semiconductor collector is a 1 nmthickn-doped(10 16 cm −3 ) GaAs layer grown on an n + -doped(001) GaAs substrate with an ohmic back contact.A 2nm-thick oxi<strong>de</strong> layer is formed on the surface of theGaAs top layer by exposure to UV-light and ozone. Thisthin oxi<strong>de</strong> layer avoids interdiffusion betwe<strong>en</strong> the GaAsand the subsequ<strong>en</strong>tly grown metallic film and contributesto the junction pot<strong>en</strong>tial barrier. 23 The metallic film isma<strong>de</strong> of a Fe layer, of thickness d Fe ≃ 3.5nm, coveredby a Pd cap layer, of thickness d Pd ≃ 5nm, which prev<strong>en</strong>tsthe iron from oxidation. The Fe layer exhibitsan in-plane magnetization square hysteresis loop, witha coercive field of about 500Oe and a reman<strong>en</strong>t magnetizationm R close to the saturation magnetization m S ,

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