Etudes par microscopie en champ proche des phénomènes de ...

Etudes par microscopie en champ proche des phénomènes de ...

Etudes par microscopie en champ proche des phénomènes de ...


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BibliographieOberli99 : Oberli D. et al, JMMM 198-199, 140-142, Transmission and spin motion ofelectrons across ferromagnets (1999)Orgassa99 : Orgassa D. et al, PRB 60, 13237-13240, First-principles calculation of the effectof atomic disor<strong>de</strong>r on the electronic structure of the half-metallic ferromagnet NiMnSb(1999)Panguluri03 : Panguluri R.P et al, PRB 68, 201307, Point contact spin spectroscopy offerromagnetic MnAs epitaxial films (2003)Pappas91 : Pappas D.P. et al, Phys.Rev.Lett. 66, 504, Spin-<strong>de</strong>p<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>t electron att<strong>en</strong>uation bytransmission through thin ferromagnetic films (1991)P<strong>en</strong>n85 : P<strong>en</strong>n D.R. et al, PRB 32, 7753, Spin polarization of secondary electrons intransition metals : theory (1985)Pierce74 : Pierce D.T. et al, 1974, PRB 9, 4035, Hot-electron scattering l<strong>en</strong>gth bymeasurem<strong>en</strong>t of spin polarization (1974)Rashba00 : Rashba E.I. et al, PRB 62, R16 267-R16270, Theory of electrical spin injection:Tunnel contacts as a solution of the conductivity mismatch problem (2000)Rip<strong>par</strong>d99: Rip<strong>par</strong>d W.H. et al, APL, 75 1001, Ballistic electron magnetic microscopy:Imaging magnetic domains with nanometer resolution (1999)Rip<strong>par</strong>d00: Rip<strong>par</strong>d W.H. et al, PRL, 84,971, Spin-Dep<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>t Hot Electron Transport inCo/Cu Thin Films (2000)Rougemaille03 : Rougemaille N., Transmission d’électrons chauds, polarisés <strong>de</strong> spin, dansles jonctions Schottky métal ferromagnétique/semiconducteur, thèse <strong>de</strong> doctorat, EcolePolytechnique (2003)Sato01 : Sato S. et al, APL 79, 1157, Spin-valve transistor with an Fe/Au/Fe(001) base(2001)Schonh<strong>en</strong>se93 : Schonh<strong>en</strong>se G. et al, Annal Phys.2, 465, Transmission of electrons throughferromagnetic material and applications to <strong>de</strong>tection of electron-spin polarization (1993)Schmidt00 : Schmidt G.D. et al, PRB 62, R4790-R4793, Fundam<strong>en</strong>tal obstacle for electricalspin injection from a ferromagnetic metal into a diffusive semiconductor (2000)Shimatsu98 : Shimatsu T. et al, J.Vac.Sci.Techno. A 16 2125, Metal bonding during sputterfilm <strong>de</strong>position (1998)Sze66 : Sze S.M. et al, JAP, 37, 2690, Hot-Electron Transport in Semiconductor-Metal-Semiconductor Structures (1966)Tedrow71 : Tedrow P.M. et al, PRL 26, 192-195, Spin-Dep<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>t Tunneling intoFerromagnetic Nickel (1970)Unguris82 : Unguris J. et al, PRL49,72, Spin and Energy Analyzed Secondary ElectronEmission from a Ferromagnet (1982)Valet93 : Valet T. et al, PRB 48, 7099-7113, Theory of the perp<strong>en</strong>dicular magnetoresistancein magnetic multilayers (1993)VanDersluijs96 : Drouhin H-J. et al, JAP 79, 4734, Spin-<strong>de</strong>p<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>t transmission of freeelectrons through ultrathin cobalt layers (invited) (1996)VanDijk<strong>en</strong>02b : Van Dijk<strong>en</strong> S. et al, APL 82,77, Com<strong>par</strong>ison of magnetocurr<strong>en</strong>t andtransfer ratio in magnetic tunnel transistors with spin-valve bases containing Cu and Auspacer layers (2002).VanDijk<strong>en</strong>02 : Van Dijk<strong>en</strong> S. et al, PRB 66, 094417, Spin-<strong>de</strong>p<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>t hot electron transportin Ni 81 Fe 19 and Co 84 Fe 16 films on GaAs(001) (2002)VanDijk<strong>en</strong>03 : Van Dijk<strong>en</strong> S. et al, APL 83, 951, Giant magnetocurr<strong>en</strong>t exceeding 3400% inmagnetic tunnel transistors with spin-valve base layers (2003)Vlutters02 : Vlutters R. et al, PRL 88,027202, Interface, Volume, and Thermal Att<strong>en</strong>uation ofHot-Electron Spins in Ni 80 Fe 20 and Co (2001)159

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