Parent Gove rnor Ballo t! - Avanti Schools Trust

Parent Gove rnor Ballo t! - Avanti Schools Trust

Parent Gove rnor Ballo t! - Avanti Schools Trust


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My name is Savita Sharma and my son Devam is in Year2. I wish to be a parent gove<strong>rnor</strong> at <strong>Avanti</strong> Court Primaryschool as I fully support the schools aims & objectives.I was involved in the campaign for a Hindu school to bein Redbridge from the very start and have seen all thehard work that has already taken place and I am veryhappy with the progress made and would like to assist totake Avant Court to the next level for all our children.I was previously a parent gove<strong>rnor</strong> for a full term (4Years) at William Torbitt School, where I was on thecurriculum subcommittee and the staffing committee. Ialso dealt with safeguarding and bullying policies. I haveundergone extensive gove<strong>rnor</strong> training and have workedalongside the school through two Ofsted inspections, sotherefore I feel I have gained valuable experience which Iwould like to share.I feel confident that I can work well with the othergove<strong>rnor</strong>s, staff as well as parents. I would do my utmostto assist the school.I would like to be given the opportunityChet PatelI have 2 daughters, one who is in Year 1 & my youngerDaughter, will be joining <strong>Avanti</strong> in September 2014. As anactive member of FOAC (Friends of <strong>Avanti</strong> Court), I feel Ihave contributed unreservedly to numerous eventsorganised by the School as well as FOAC to help raise fundsand the profile of the school. I have been instrumental insetting up the FOAC Facebook Group to help improvecommunications enabling parents to share commoninterests and express their opinion. The Group allowspeople to come together around a common cause, issue oractivity to organise, express objectives, and discuss issues,post photos and share related content. Approaching nearly100 members, the group is now the platform of choicewhere information is shared about school activities,upcoming FOAC events, reminders & announcements &charity fund raising ideas.The role of parent gove<strong>rnor</strong> is a vastly responsible one but Iam ready to meet the challenge with energy andenthusiasm. I make a pledge to:Understand parents views and to remind thegoverning body how matters being discussed affectparentsHelp improve & build positive communications andprovide a link between parents, teachers andchildrenBe approachable & accessible to all parentsWork in the best interests of the schoolMy name is Tina Vyas.<strong>Parent</strong> VoiceFour parents have put themselvesforward to be parent gove<strong>rnor</strong>swhich means we have to go toballot. <strong>Ballo</strong>t papers will be sent outon Monday. So that we have a quickprocess, please make your decisionand return the ballot paper byThursday 19 th September 9am.As a parent of a child in Year 2 at <strong>Avanti</strong> Court, I wouldwelcome the opportunity to support the excellent work alreadybeing undertaken by our school, as I believe supporting ourchildren is one of the most important parenting roles.I am also fortunate that I am a qualified primary school teacher,currently working in a Redbridge school, and therefore have agood understanding of the education system as a teacher. As aparent, I can emphasise with the needs of our children and withthe necessity for parents to have a voice int the education ofour children through the governing body.It would therefore be my privilege to help support the school,staff and gove<strong>rnor</strong>s by sharing my knowledge, experience andprofessional skills to the governing body in any way I can.Satya Narayana VeerlapatiI'm Satya Narayana Veerlapati Dad of a year two child and alittle one starting in Reception. As I've applied for a <strong>Parent</strong><strong>Gove</strong><strong>rnor</strong> let me write few sentences about me. I work for apopular high street bank in IT sector and all my career of 11years is in Banking Operations, Fraud Prevention and IToperations. I've got good experience working with Pupilsand parents since my school days. I was a studentrepresentative for 7 years. I would like to work closely with<strong>Parent</strong>s, teachers and Local authorities to bring up our<strong>Avanti</strong> Court primary School in all aspects of its ethos. Nowour primary aspiration is to gain a secondary schoolpermission for our children in Redbridge area, for that, weshould transmit a common word to the council from all ofus. Let us put our hands together for a better school and abetter future of our children.Regards,Satya N VQuotes: to help through challenging times…Prosperity is a great teacher; adversity is a greater. Possession pampers the mind;privation trains and strengthens it. - William Hazlitt

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