L'Afrique solidaire et entrepreneuriale La renaissance du ...

L'Afrique solidaire et entrepreneuriale La renaissance du ...

L'Afrique solidaire et entrepreneuriale La renaissance du ...


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Bibliographie• Apthorpe R. 1970. Rural Cooperatives and Planned Change in Africa: CaseMaterial (Genève, UNRISD).• Apthorpe R. 1972. Rural Cooperatives and Planned Change in Africa: AnAnalytical Overview (Genève, UNRISD).• Apthorpe R. <strong>et</strong> Gasper D. 1982. “Policy evaluation and m<strong>et</strong>aevaluation: The Caseof Rural Cooperatives”, in World Development, Vol. 10, No. 8. pp. 651-668.• Bazaara N. 2002. Legal and Policy Framework for Citizen Participation inEast Africa: A Comparative Analysis (Sussex, LogoLink Research).• Birgegaard L. <strong>et</strong> Genberg B. 1994. Summary of a report on CooperativeAdjustment in a Changing Environment in Africa (Genève, ACI).• Braverman A. <strong>et</strong> al. 1991. “Promoting Rural Cooperatives in DevelopingCountries – The Case of Sub-Saharan Africa”, World Bank Discussion Papers121 (Washington, DC, The World Bank).• Canaveira de Campos M. 2005. Coopérativisme dans les pays lusophones,Essential Research for a Cooperative Facility (Genève, BIT, Mimeo).• Carroll T. <strong>et</strong> al. 1969, A Review of Rural Co-operation in Developing Areas(Genève, UNRISD).• Cernea M. 1985. Putting People First: Sociological Variables in RuralDevelopment (World Bank, New York, Oxford University Press).• Dadson J. A. 1988. Cooperative Reorganization: The Ghanaian Case, in H.Hedlund: Cooperatives Revisited, (Uppsala, The Scandinavian Institute ofAfrican Studies).• Defourny J., Develtere P. <strong>et</strong> Fonteneau B. 1999. L’Economie sociale au Nord<strong>et</strong> au Sud (Bruxelles/Paris, De Boeck Université).• Desroche H. 1964. “Coopérativismes Africains: Jalons In<strong>du</strong>ctifs d’uneRecherche Comparée“, in Archives Internationales de Sociologie de laCoopération, 16, Juill<strong>et</strong>-décembre, pp. 131-186.34 L’AFRIQUE SOLIDAIRE ET ENTREPRENEURIALE

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