L'Afrique solidaire et entrepreneuriale La renaissance du ...

L'Afrique solidaire et entrepreneuriale La renaissance du ...

L'Afrique solidaire et entrepreneuriale La renaissance du ...


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• Kayenwee C. 2001. “Ghana: Ghana Cooperative Pharmaceuticals Ltd“,in M.F. Countre, D. Feber, M. Levin & A.B. Nippied (eds): Transition tocooperative entrepreneurship: case studies from Armenia, China, Ethiopia,Ghana, Poland, Russia, Uganda and Vi<strong>et</strong>nam (Genève, BIT & ACI).• <strong>La</strong>penu C. & Zeller M. 2002. Distribution, growth and performance of the microfinanceinstitutions in Africa, Asia and <strong>La</strong>tin-America: a recent inventory, InternationalFood Policy Research Institute, Discussion Paper n° 114, (Washington, DC).• Luttrell M. & Smith H. 1994. “Cartels in an ‘Nth-Best’ world: the wholesale foodstufftrade in Ibadan, Nigeria“, in World Development, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 323-335.• Maluccio J., Haddad L. and May J. 2000. “Social Capital and IncomeGeneration in South Africa, 1993-98“, in Journal of Development Studies,Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 54-81.• Mauge K. 1997. Etat des lieux des lois sur les coopératives <strong>et</strong> sur les autresorganisations d’auto-assistance à caractère économique dans dix paysd’Afrique francophone (Genève, BIT).• Melnyk G. 1985. The Search for Community : From Utopia to a CooperativeSoci<strong>et</strong>y (Montréal, Black Rose Books).• Mercer C. 2002. “The discourse of Maendeleo and the politics of women’sparticipation on Mount Kilimanjaro“, in Development and Change, Vol. 33,No. 1, pp. 101-125.• Milford A. 2004. Coffee, Cooperatives and Comp<strong>et</strong>ition: The Impact of FairTrade (Bergen, Chr. Michelsen Institute).• Mugisha J. & Kwasa S. 2005. Status of Rural Pro<strong>du</strong>cer Organizations inUganda. Rapport préparé pour ICRAF/RELMA, Nairobi.• Münkner H. & Shah A. 1994. Creating a Favorable Climate and Conditionsfor Cooperative Development in Africa (Genève, BIT).• Münkner H. (ed.) 2001. Best Practice: Innovative Approaches to CooperativeSolutions of Housing Problems of the Poor (Marburg, Marburg Consult).• Myers A. 2004. Old Concepts Revisited: Are Cooperatives the Way Forwardfor Smallholder Farmers to Engage in International Trade? (Londres, LondonSchool of Economics & Political Science).LA RENAISSANCE DES COOPÉRATIVES AFRICAINES AU 21E SIÈCLE : LEÇONS DU TERRAIN89

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