Rock Fall Risk Management in the Bohemian Switzerland National ...

Rock Fall Risk Management in the Bohemian Switzerland National ... Rock Fall Risk Management in the Bohemian Switzerland National ...


Z. Vařilová & J. Zvelebil Rock Fall Risk Management in Bohemian Switzerland National Parkmeasuring sites were established. Frequency ofmanual readings is twice per month, and everyfive minutes for the automatic ones. Emergencytechnical treatment had been given to 11 sites inthe 3 introducing years of the system.Trial runs of the online presentation of data havebeen launched. Information from an automaticdilatometric monitoring is delivered on thewebsite hp://; hp://; hp://; hp://; for informationon manual dilatometry from the Hřensko villagearea visit the website hp://, we would like to stress that an optimaldecision should be reached in an argumentationamong scientists, economists and decision-makersfrom politics and state administration. Thereforethe forms of clear, simple presentation of scientificdata are of outmost importance, otherwise thegap between the practical decision makers andthose data providers cannot be still successfullybridged. This aspect of rock fall risk managementis also treated within the frame of special project.AcknowledgementsOur long-term work was successively supportedby several grant projects. The project VaV 610/7/01of the Ministry of Environment of the CzechRepublic and the project No.T110190504 in theframe of an "Information Society Program" of theAcademy of Sciences of the Czech Republic werethe most recent ones.ReferencesPaluš, M., Novotná, D. & Zvelebil, J. 2004. - Fractalrock slope dynamics anicipating collapse. Phys.Review E, 70.Vařilová Z. 2002. - A review of selected sandstoneweathering forms in the Bohemian SwitzerlandNational Park, Czech Republic, in Přikryl R. &Viles H. (eds.), Understanding and managing ofstone decay (SWAPNET 2001): 243-261, CharlesUniversity of Prague, The Karolinum Press,Prague.Vařilová Z. & Zvelebil J. 2005 (in print). - Catastrophicand episodic events in sandstonelandscape: slope movements and weatheringissue, in Cílek V., Härtel H. & Herben, T. (eds.),Sandstone Landscapes / Treatise (main chapter- 18 pages).Zvelebil J. 1985. - Time prediction of a rock fall froma sandstone rock slope. Proc. 4th Int. Symp. onLandslides 3:93-96, Toronto.Zvelebil J. 1989. - Enginnering geological aspectsof rock slope development in Děčín Highland,NW Bohemia (in Czech). PhD Thesis, CharlesUniversity, Prague.Zvelebil J. 1995. - Determination of characteristicfeatures of slope movements prent day activityby monitoring in thick-bedded sandstones ofthe Bohemian Cretaceous basin. Acta UniversitatisCarolinae, Geographica, Supp. 79-113,Praha.Zvelebil J. 1996. - A Conceptional PhenomenologicalModel to Stability Interpretaqtion ofDilatometric Data from Rock Slope Monitoring,in Seneset K. (ed.), Landslides, Proc VII thInt.Symp. on Landslides: 1473-1480. Balkema,Roerdam.Zvelebil J. & Moser M. 2001. - Monitoring BasedTime-Prediction of Rock Falls: Three Case-Histories. Phys. Chem. Earth (b) 26,2:159-167.Zvelebil J. & Park H. D. 2001. - Rock SlopeMonitoring for Environment – FriendlyManagement of Rock Fall Danger. Proc.UNESCO/IGCP Symposium «Landslide RiskMitigation and Protection of Cultural andNatural Heritage», 15-19 January, Tokyo: 199-209.Zvelebil J. & Stemberk J. 2000. - Slope Monitoringin Nature-Friendly of Rock Fall Danger fromSandstone Rock Walls in Děčín Highland, NWBohemia. Proc VIII thInt. Symp. on Landslides,Cardiff.Ferrantia • 44 / 200557

Z. Vařilová & J. Zvelebil <strong>Rock</strong> <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Bohemian</strong> <strong>Switzerland</strong> <strong>National</strong> Parkmeasur<strong>in</strong>g sites were established. Frequency ofmanual read<strong>in</strong>gs is twice per month, and everyfive m<strong>in</strong>utes for <strong>the</strong> automatic ones. Emergencytechnical treatment had been given to 11 sites <strong>in</strong><strong>the</strong> 3 <strong>in</strong>troduc<strong>in</strong>g years of <strong>the</strong> system.Trial runs of <strong>the</strong> onl<strong>in</strong>e presentation of data havebeen launched. Information from an automaticdilatometric monitor<strong>in</strong>g is delivered on <strong>the</strong>website hp://; hp://; hp://; hp://; for <strong>in</strong>formationon manual dilatometry from <strong>the</strong> Hřensko villagearea visit <strong>the</strong> website hp://<strong>in</strong>ally, we would like to stress that an optimaldecision should be reached <strong>in</strong> an argumentationamong scientists, economists and decision-makersfrom politics and state adm<strong>in</strong>istration. Therefore<strong>the</strong> forms of clear, simple presentation of scientificdata are of outmost importance, o<strong>the</strong>rwise <strong>the</strong>gap between <strong>the</strong> practical decision makers andthose data providers cannot be still successfullybridged. This aspect of rock fall risk managementis also treated with<strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> frame of special project.AcknowledgementsOur long-term work was successively supportedby several grant projects. The project VaV 610/7/01of <strong>the</strong> M<strong>in</strong>istry of Environment of <strong>the</strong> CzechRepublic and <strong>the</strong> project No.T110190504 <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong>frame of an "Information Society Program" of <strong>the</strong>Academy of Sciences of <strong>the</strong> Czech Republic were<strong>the</strong> most recent ones.ReferencesPaluš, M., Novotná, D. & Zvelebil, J. 2004. - Fractalrock slope dynamics anicipat<strong>in</strong>g collapse. Phys.Review E, 70.Vařilová Z. 2002. - A review of selected sandstonewea<strong>the</strong>r<strong>in</strong>g forms <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Bohemian</strong> <strong>Switzerland</strong><strong>National</strong> Park, Czech Republic, <strong>in</strong> Přikryl R. &Viles H. (eds.), Understand<strong>in</strong>g and manag<strong>in</strong>g ofstone decay (SWAPNET 2001): 243-261, CharlesUniversity of Prague, The Karol<strong>in</strong>um Press,Prague.Vařilová Z. & Zvelebil J. 2005 (<strong>in</strong> pr<strong>in</strong>t). - Catastrophicand episodic events <strong>in</strong> sandstonelandscape: slope movements and wea<strong>the</strong>r<strong>in</strong>gissue, <strong>in</strong> Cílek V., Härtel H. & Herben, T. (eds.),Sandstone Landscapes / Treatise (ma<strong>in</strong> chapter- 18 pages).Zvelebil J. 1985. - Time prediction of a rock fall froma sandstone rock slope. Proc. 4th Int. Symp. onLandslides 3:93-96, Toronto.Zvelebil J. 1989. - Eng<strong>in</strong>ner<strong>in</strong>g geological aspectsof rock slope development <strong>in</strong> Děčín Highland,NW Bohemia (<strong>in</strong> Czech). PhD Thesis, CharlesUniversity, Prague.Zvelebil J. 1995. - Determ<strong>in</strong>ation of characteristicfeatures of slope movements prent day activityby monitor<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> thick-bedded sandstones of<strong>the</strong> <strong>Bohemian</strong> Cretaceous bas<strong>in</strong>. Acta UniversitatisCarol<strong>in</strong>ae, Geographica, Supp. 79-113,Praha.Zvelebil J. 1996. - A Conceptional PhenomenologicalModel to Stability Interpretaqtion ofDilatometric Data from <strong>Rock</strong> Slope Monitor<strong>in</strong>g,<strong>in</strong> Seneset K. (ed.), Landslides, Proc VII thInt.Symp. on Landslides: 1473-1480. Balkema,Roerdam.Zvelebil J. & Moser M. 2001. - Monitor<strong>in</strong>g BasedTime-Prediction of <strong>Rock</strong> <strong>Fall</strong>s: Three Case-Histories. Phys. Chem. Earth (b) 26,2:159-167.Zvelebil J. & Park H. D. 2001. - <strong>Rock</strong> SlopeMonitor<strong>in</strong>g for Environment – Friendly<strong>Management</strong> of <strong>Rock</strong> <strong>Fall</strong> Danger. Proc.UNESCO/IGCP Symposium «Landslide <strong>Risk</strong>Mitigation and Protection of Cultural andNatural Heritage», 15-19 January, Tokyo: 199-209.Zvelebil J. & Stemberk J. 2000. - Slope Monitor<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> Nature-Friendly of <strong>Rock</strong> <strong>Fall</strong> Danger fromSandstone <strong>Rock</strong> Walls <strong>in</strong> Děčín Highland, NWBohemia. Proc VIII thInt. Symp. on Landslides,Cardiff.Ferrantia • 44 / 200557

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