Vers de nouvelles conditions en faveur de la traduction ... - Petra

Vers de nouvelles conditions en faveur de la traduction ... - Petra

Vers de nouvelles conditions en faveur de la traduction ... - Petra


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Speaking at the Assises <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> Traduction Littéraire (1) in Arles (France) on Sunday 14 November 1993, UmbertoEco uttered the immortal words: “The <strong>la</strong>nguage of Europe is trans<strong>la</strong>tion”. Eco’s words have be<strong>en</strong> wi<strong>de</strong>lyused, perhaps overused. On the other hand, they are very true. There are no less than tw<strong>en</strong>ty-three official<strong>la</strong>nguages within the European Union, not including quite a number of minority <strong>la</strong>nguages, the <strong>la</strong>nguages ofnon-member states and the doz<strong>en</strong>s of <strong>la</strong>nguages spok<strong>en</strong> by the so-called immigrants or expats. Eco’s words<strong>de</strong>scribe, in a nutshell, the importance of trans<strong>la</strong>tion for Europe.We take it for granted that multilingualism and cultural diversity provi<strong>de</strong> the basis for a European i<strong>de</strong>ntity.In this perspective, literary trans<strong>la</strong>tion is a skill and an art that <strong>en</strong>ables, and ev<strong>en</strong> expands, European culturalunity.La richesse du patrimoineThere is a gradually increasing awar<strong>en</strong>ess that literary trans<strong>la</strong>tion is an important matter. But the <strong>conditions</strong>required for literary trans<strong>la</strong>tion to flourish are still far from i<strong>de</strong>al; and there is also a great <strong>de</strong>al morethat can be done to improve the situation of the literary trans<strong>la</strong>tor.europé<strong>en</strong> <strong>de</strong>vrait êtreA chall<strong>en</strong>geprofitableIn September 2008, an appeal called MoreàThan<strong>la</strong>amajoritéSingle Language (2)et non pas à une minorité.C’est pourquoi lestraducteurs sontess<strong>en</strong>tiels.Androul<strong>la</strong> VassiliouCommissaire europé<strong>en</strong>ne chargée <strong>de</strong> l’éducation, <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> culture, du multilinguisme,<strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> jeunesse et <strong>de</strong>s sportslors <strong>de</strong> l’ouverture du congrès PETRA, Bruxelles, 1er décembre 2011<strong>Vers</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>nouvelles</strong><strong>conditions</strong> <strong>en</strong> <strong>faveur</strong> <strong>de</strong><strong>la</strong> <strong>traduction</strong> littéraire<strong>en</strong> EuropeLes recommandationsest une initiative du Literarisches Colloquium Berlin, <strong>de</strong> Passa Porta, <strong>de</strong> l’ Instytut Książki (Institut polonais dulivre), <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> Slov<strong>en</strong>ská spoločnosť prek<strong>la</strong>dateľov umeleckej literatúry (Association slovaque <strong>de</strong>s traducteurs littéraires)et <strong>de</strong> Transeuropé<strong>en</strong>nes.Le comité directeur <strong>de</strong> est formé <strong>de</strong> Jürg<strong>en</strong> Jakob Becker (pour le Literarisches Colloquium Berlin), <strong>de</strong>Katarína Bednárová (pour l’Association slovaque <strong>de</strong>s traducteurs littéraires), <strong>de</strong> Ghis<strong>la</strong>ine G<strong>la</strong>sson Deschaumes (pourTranseuropé<strong>en</strong>nes), <strong>de</strong> Tomasz Pin<strong>de</strong>l (pour l’Institut polonais du livre), ainsi que <strong>de</strong> Bart Vonck et <strong>de</strong> Paul Buek<strong>en</strong>hout(pour Passa Porta).Le projet est coordonné par Passa Porta – Maison internationale <strong>de</strong>s Littératures à Bruxelles. Contact :00 32 2 226 04 54 – petra@passaporta.be – www.passaporta.be

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