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— 424 —The other object was to establish in the minds of the »visitors to the Fair, the présent status of the New York StateTraining School for Girls, at Hudson. As stated in a newspaper ,notice of the exhibit, "the name of 'Hudson' has (among theState institutions) stood as a synonym for lawless and degradedwomankind". The causes for this were that, years ago, when •the institution was the House of Refuge for Women, certainmagistrates committed here only hopelessly degraded women,and that one there was a time of disorder known as "the riot".The "riot" unfortunately attracted more attention than ail thegood work which was done here and the institution still suffersfrom an incident that was widely reported and much exaggerated.For the sake of the girls now sent here, that idea should beeradicated. It is the désire of everyone that the stigma ofcommitment to one of the reformatory institutions should be aslight as possible. Very many of the girls appreciate the schoolsufficiently and are loyal enough to it to hold it as an honorto be graduated from Hudson. The public needs enlightenment'and this exhibit had the desired effect with many people 4[that we could have reached in no other way. Parents whowere visitors at the Fair found in the exhibit work done bytheir daughters and went away to bring their friends to seewhat training the girls were getting. If we can replace theidea that this is a punitive institution or a house of détentionwith that of its being a school,—a place for the training andéducation of a spécial class,—we shall prépare for the girl an'atmosphère outside that will be sympathetic and helpful ratherthan suspicious and distrustful.Results.Pupils received from June 1, 1904 to Sept. 30 1909Population Sept. 30, 1908 . . . . ... .Less returned from parole . ;. . . . . ....... . 590295■■= 7—-v. 288Total received and released 302— 425 —Paroled 181Finally discharged without parole 82Improper commitments 29Transferred to Custodial Asylum for Feeble Minded . . 8Died 2Total received and released 302On parole, first time 35On parole, second time 4Died while on parole 5Discharged from first parole 107Discharged from second parole 10Returned and still in institution 7Returned and discharged from institution (three to feebleminded institution) 13Total number paroled 181Final discharge at expiration of term without parole . 82Reasons for détention :Déficient mentally 16Having poor health 13In need of long training 23Difficult to place 7Conduct unsatisfactory 23Total improper commitments •. 29Improper âge 3Improper commitment 1Mentally déficient 25Total number released who have had training, are livingand who have not been placed in custodial asylums . 242Of this number on parole there is delinquent .... 1Of this number absolutely discharged, there are delinquent 38Of this number absolutely discharged,—unknown anddoubtful— 3Of this number absolutely discharged who have not reportedrecently but were doing well when last heard from 58Of this number absolutely discharged and on parole, fromwhom we have late reports and who are doing well . 142

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