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— 398 —marketable material. Weaving loôms might also be used togood advantage, weaving into rugs the worn out elothirig ofconvicts. There are many ways of remaking and convertingthe old and cast off things into new. Let nothing go to waste,and at the same time make our cities sanitary and also providework in small prisons for the convicts.3. What can be done to assist prisoner s' famitiés?Put the prisoners to work, paying part of their earningsto their families or dependents as above suggested.— 399 —The Congress should give some attention to the drunkardand drug victim. Recognizing the fact that the greater numberof crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol or someother powerful drug, it is necessary to turn our attention tofind a remedy and cure. The entire médical profession shouldbe called upon to give its aid toward finding a cure and physiciansappointed to give such treatments should be made regularcity and state employées.I trust that you will find this letter worthy of your considérationand that you will do me the honor to call the attentionof the International Prison Congress to its contents.4. Should children be treated as criminals?I would suggest the following method: —■ Teach the policemanthat it is his duty to gain the respect and confidence ofchildren in his district, and teach the children in turn, that heis their protector and friend ; proving that he is such, by makingfriends with them and helping them in many little ways thatwill make them feel that he is a real and true friend and thatthey can corne to him with their troubles both real and imaginery.The man who cannot make friends with children should not beallowed to wear a star. Would it not be well to ask the commissionersof police to use care and appoint only such men forpolice duty, upon whom our children can look with feelings ofrespect and not fear? Under the présent conditions who is thereal criminal? The officer who tells any story to suit his caseknowing that his story will be given credence; or the childwho knows that his side of the story will not be believedwhether he be guilty or not?4153 Kenmore Avenue,Very truly yours,Chicago, Sept. 23, 1910.MARY ESTER IDE.5. What can be done about idle and vagrant children inlarge cities?Have children's homes for trades, or trade schools equippedfor teaching trades. Give the child the privilège of choosingthe trade he or she is to learn. I also suggest that the childrenbe kept in thèse schools until the trade is thoroughly iearnedand that employment be found for them before they aredischarged.

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