Carlo Scarpa, Tobia Scarpa : Dialogo sospeso au ... - Bordeaux

Carlo Scarpa, Tobia Scarpa : Dialogo sospeso au ... - Bordeaux Carlo Scarpa, Tobia Scarpa : Dialogo sospeso au ... - Bordeaux


10Tobia Scarpa (Venice, 1935)Tobia Scarpa, Carlo Scarpa’s son, has been working in architecture anddesign for almost 40 years. First with Afra Bianchin, then alone, he hasdesigned objects, furniture, lamps, office buildings, houses, factories,museums, and showrooms –more than 400 realizations–. In all his work wefind beautiful experiments of the potential of the materials, the change of therelationships between forms and functions, and a new understanding of thespace where they reside.The first design pieces of Tobia Scarpa dates back to 1957 at the PaoloVenini's glass factory in which his father worked during years. In 1957, hemeets Afra Bianchin (Montebelluna, on 1937 - Trevignano, on 2011) at theIstituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia. For a test at the Istituto, hedesigns a prototype of a wooden chair, the armchair Pigreco, an example ofsimplicity, that is edited first by Santabona, then by Gavina. During almost40 years, they imagined design objects: furniture, lamps edited by bigmanufacturers (Knoll, Molteni, Maxalto, Flos), while leading at the same timearchitect's activity.In 1970, their armchair Soriana was rewarded with the Compasso d'Oro.Generally Tobia Scarpa's seats are made by elements such as constructionsets. The chair Libertà from 1989 is an assembly of two parts folded andscrewed. Afra Bianchin and Tobia Scarpa drew tens of lamps, most for a newbrand: Flos. Thanks to the manufacturing process Cocoon, they created thelamp Fantasma, then the lamp Jucker. In 1968, they designed the table lamp,Biagio, made of Carrara marble; they also designed the floor lamp Papillona,and created a large collection of silversmith objects for San Lorenzo.At the beginning of the 60’s, Afra and Tobia Scarpa met Luciano Benettonwho asked them to draw the first Benetton factory in Ponzano. At thatmoment, Tobia wanted to distance himself from his father, and was seekingfor his creative identity. The factory of Ponzano appears then as cutting edgearchitecture in a rural environment. The further projects for Benetton form areal complex which extends today on 15 000 hectares.In the 90’s, the increasing number of cultural events in Europe engenderedthe renovation and the reconversion of historic constructions to accommodatethem. Scarpa participates in this type of construction sites, to Palazzo BrusatiBonasi in Capri in 1994, to Palazzo Bomben of Trevise, followed by Palazzodella Ragione in Verona and the Grande Accademia in Venice. Tobia Scarpaexcels at the protection of the historical architecture elements while adaptingthese buildings to their new destinations.

11Photos disponibles / Available picturesCarlo SCARPA, vers 1967(Venise, 1906 – Sendai, Japon, 1978)© Luciano SvegliadoCarlo SCARPA(Venise, 1906 – Sendai, Japon, 1978)Sculpture Crescita© Alberto Vendrame, Studio ScarpaCarlo SCARPA(Venise, 1906 – Sendai, Japon, 1978)Casa Balboni, Venise (1964-1974)© Alberto Vendrame, Studio ScarpaCarlo SCARPA(Venise, 1906 – Sendai, Japon, 1978)Complexe monumental Brion,1969-1978, San Vito© Alberto Vendrame, Studio Scarpa

10<strong>Tobia</strong> <strong>Scarpa</strong> (Venice, 1935)<strong>Tobia</strong> <strong>Scarpa</strong>, <strong>Carlo</strong> <strong>Scarpa</strong>’s son, has been working in architecture anddesign for almost 40 years. First with Afra Bianchin, then alone, he hasdesigned objects, furniture, lamps, office buildings, houses, factories,museums, and showrooms –more than 400 realizations–. In all his work wefind be<strong>au</strong>tiful experiments of the potential of the materials, the change of therelationships between forms and functions, and a new understanding of thespace where they reside.The first design pieces of <strong>Tobia</strong> <strong>Scarpa</strong> dates back to 1957 at the PaoloVenini's glass factory in which his father worked during years. In 1957, hemeets Afra Bianchin (Montebelluna, on 1937 - Trevignano, on 2011) at theIstituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia. For a test at the Istituto, hedesigns a prototype of a wooden chair, the armchair Pigreco, an example ofsimplicity, that is edited first by Santabona, then by Gavina. During almost40 years, they imagined design objects: furniture, lamps edited by bigmanufacturers (Knoll, Molteni, Maxalto, Flos), while leading at the same timearchitect's activity.In 1970, their armchair Soriana was rewarded with the Compasso d'Oro.Generally <strong>Tobia</strong> <strong>Scarpa</strong>'s seats are made by elements such as constructionsets. The chair Libertà from 1989 is an assembly of two parts folded andscrewed. Afra Bianchin and <strong>Tobia</strong> <strong>Scarpa</strong> drew tens of lamps, most for a newbrand: Flos. Thanks to the manufacturing process Cocoon, they created thelamp Fantasma, then the lamp Jucker. In 1968, they designed the table lamp,Biagio, made of Carrara marble; they also designed the floor lamp Papillona,and created a large collection of silversmith objects for San Lorenzo.At the beginning of the 60’s, Afra and <strong>Tobia</strong> <strong>Scarpa</strong> met Luciano Benettonwho asked them to draw the first Benetton factory in Ponzano. At thatmoment, <strong>Tobia</strong> wanted to distance himself from his father, and was seekingfor his creative identity. The factory of Ponzano appears then as cutting edgearchitecture in a rural environment. The further projects for Benetton form areal complex which extends today on 15 000 hectares.In the 90’s, the increasing number of cultural events in Europe engenderedthe renovation and the reconversion of historic constructions to accommodatethem. <strong>Scarpa</strong> participates in this type of construction sites, to Palazzo BrusatiBonasi in Capri in 1994, to Palazzo Bomben of Trevise, followed by Palazzodella Ragione in Verona and the Grande Accademia in Venice. <strong>Tobia</strong> <strong>Scarpa</strong>excels at the protection of the historical architecture elements while adaptingthese buildings to their new destinations.

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