N° 14 - Iulm

N° 14 - Iulm

N° 14 - Iulm


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Publicationss 57signe iconique au problème politique desidentités en Espagne- CoprésenceKLINKA Emmanuelle, Iconographieapocalyptique: une autre chronique del’Espagne médiévaleSAEZ Ricardo, Sens et fonction des Evangelicaehistoriae imagines de Jeronimo NadalAMSELEM-SZENDE, Line Lorca, Dali et saintSébastienABEL Guy Les Représentations dans la BDespagnole : notes sur quelques tendancesiconiques dans la production actuelleGRAMUSSET François, Muéveme el verte « Lesonnet le plus illustre de la littérature espagnole», icône des noces mystiquesBARBÉ-COQUELIN de LISLE Geneviève,L’Image et l’Histoire de l’artLALOYE Patrice, Valle-Inclan illustré : lescollections de romans populaires et leursgravuresVALERO Alet, Rupture à l’espagnole ? Signelinguistique et « signe iconiqueGUERRERO QUINSAC Rosa-Maria, L’Imagede l’image : analyse de pratiquesd’enseignement de l’E.L.E. à partir de proverbeset expressions idiomatiques. Du signelinguistique au signe iconiqueZUNZUNEGUI Santos Retablo del esperpento,el sainete, el mito y la vanguardia o las vetescreativas del cine espanol PLURAL, The Romanian Cultural Foundation, Bucarest, Roumanie, ISSN <strong>14</strong>54-5209* Plural, 2. 1999, Erwin KESSLER, Augustin IOAN, Ars una ? 20 th Century Romanian artand architectureIn its self-conscious, modern sense, Romanian art is basically an ideological productdeveloped by the late 19 th century and the early 20 th century, in the euphoric (and at thesame time phobic) atmosphere of national revival and international suspicion. It isprecisely the fact that the national artistic profile emerged as « revolutionary », underpolitical pressure and in a thoroughly ideological milieu, instead of gradually fermenting inartists'studios, that reveals the primary modernism of the burgeoning Romanian art of thetime.KESSLER Erwin, Avant-proposKESSLER Erwin, The quest for a self 20 thcentury romanian artGRIGORESCU Ion, A child of socialismBABETI Coriolan, Ion Grigorescu - A witness ofour misery and misericordiaPERJOVSCHI Dan, StressOROVEANU Anca, Convention andnaturalness : notes on Horia BerneaOROVEANU Anca, An interview with HoriaBerneaREDLOR Theodor, Apostles of the last days - aninterview with sculptor Marian ZidaruANPAVEL Amelia, Fifty years of Romanian artsIOAN Augustin, Romanian architecture and theidea of particularity- Plural, 3. 1999, Petre RAILEANU, The Romanian avant-gardeThe avant-garde has decisively changed, at least in this century, the way of thinking artand creation on the whole. Art sees its sacred aura being removed. It finds itself deprived ofmystery, closer to the industries of this century and their productive logic than toconsecrated knowledge. Since their inception, new movements equip themselves withwatchwords sprung from spontaneity – such as « thinking is done in the mouth », byTzara –, or from an expressed will to democratize creation : « Poetry shall be made by all,not by one. » Lautréamont's sentence would accompany the avant-garde all along itsadventurous trail.The 20 th century - The century of avantgarde?The forerunnersMACEDONSKI AL.

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