effet du nombre des graphèmes en Anglais - Aix Marseille Université

effet du nombre des graphèmes en Anglais - Aix Marseille Université

effet du nombre des graphèmes en Anglais - Aix Marseille Université


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App<strong>en</strong>dice III 261evid<strong>en</strong>ces in <strong>en</strong>glish, see Bowey, 1990, 1993 ; Treiman, 1989 ; Treiman & Chafetz, 1987 ; Treiman,Goswami, & Bruck, 1990 ; Treiman et al., 1995 ; Treiman & Zukowski, 1988 ; Wise, Olson, & Treiman,1990 ; for syllable evid<strong>en</strong>ces in English, Spanish and Fr<strong>en</strong>ch, see Carreiras, Alvarez, & de Vega, 1993 ; Ferrand,Segui, & Grainger, 1996 ; Ferrand, Segui, & Humphreys, 1996 ; Perea, & Carreiras, 1998 ;Prinzmetal, Treiman & Rho, 1986 ; Rapp, 1992). Together, these differ<strong>en</strong>t levels of functional spellingunits could emerge <strong>du</strong>ring reading acquisition, increasing the ability of skilled readers to process letter stringsin parallel.The concept of unit that we use here has to be understood as a <strong>des</strong>criptive concept. We use it as a theoreticaltool that allows simplified functional <strong>des</strong>criptions of the reading system complexity (Grainger & Jacobs,1998b). Also, by « reading unit », we mean stable and functional patterns of repres<strong>en</strong>tations that emerge<strong>du</strong>ring the maturation of reading. These patterns can be considered as « units » because they are recurr<strong>en</strong>tlyassociated with other informations. Thus, graphemes, onset, rimes or syllables can be considered as functionalspelling units in the s<strong>en</strong>se that these patterns of letter strings are repeatedly associated to specific phonemes orstrings of phonemes. These repeated associations lead to a unique coupling of two distinct co<strong>des</strong> and consequ<strong>en</strong>tly,to the developm<strong>en</strong>t of what we call « a functional unit » inside each code.REFERENCESBaay<strong>en</strong>, R. H., Piep<strong>en</strong>brock, R., & van Rijn, H. (1993). 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