effet du nombre des graphèmes en Anglais - Aix Marseille Université

effet du nombre des graphèmes en Anglais - Aix Marseille Université

effet du nombre des graphèmes en Anglais - Aix Marseille Université


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App<strong>en</strong>dice III 257Graphemes are perceptual reading unitsArnaud Rey Johannes C. ZieglerCRNC-CNRS, <strong>Marseille</strong>, France CREPCO-CNRS, <strong>Aix</strong>-<strong>en</strong>-Prov<strong>en</strong>ce, FranceArthur M. JacobsPhilipps-University, Marburg, GermanyGraphemes are curr<strong>en</strong>tly defined as the writt<strong>en</strong> repres<strong>en</strong>tation of phonemes. For example,the word "BEACH" is composed of three phonemes (i.e., /b/, /i/, and /J/) and consequ<strong>en</strong>tly,three graphemes (i.e., "B ", "EA ", and "CH "). Graphemes can thus be consideredas the minimal functional bridges betwe<strong>en</strong> orthography and phonology. In the pres<strong>en</strong>tstudy, we investigated the hypothesis that graphemes are processed by the reading systemas perceptual units. We assumed that if the reading system processes graphemes as units,th<strong>en</strong> detecting a letter in a word should be harder wh<strong>en</strong> this letter is embedded in a multilettergrapheme than wh<strong>en</strong> it corresponds to a single-letter grapheme. In Experim<strong>en</strong>t 1,done in English, participants were longer to detect a letter in a target word, wh<strong>en</strong> the letterwas embedded in multi-letter grapheme (i.e., "A" in the grapheme "EA " like in "BEACH")than wh<strong>en</strong> it corresponded to a single-letter grapheme (i.e., "A" in "GRASS"). In experim<strong>en</strong>t2, this effect was replicated in Fr<strong>en</strong>ch. Together, these results support the view accordingto which graphemes are minimal functional reading units in alphabetic writt<strong>en</strong>systems like English or Fr<strong>en</strong>ch.INTRODUCTIONIn alphabetic writing systems like English or Fr<strong>en</strong>ch, letters are considered as the basic distinctive elem<strong>en</strong>tsof the word's orthographic repres<strong>en</strong>tation and phonemes as the basic distinctive elem<strong>en</strong>ts of the word'sphonological repres<strong>en</strong>tation (Jakobson, Fant, & Halle, 1952). Each word is thus caracterized along the orthographicand phonological dim<strong>en</strong>sions by a particular sequ<strong>en</strong>ce of letters and phonemes. Accordingly, readingsuppose to retrieve the word’s sequ<strong>en</strong>ce of phonemes from the word’s sequ<strong>en</strong>ce of letters.An examination of the relation betwe<strong>en</strong> the number of letters and the number of phonemes in a corpus ofEnglish or Fr<strong>en</strong>ch words shows that, in a majority of cases, words are composed of more letters than phonemes.As an example, the word BEACH is composed of five letters but only three phonemes (/BiJ/). Oneway to surmount the letter/phoneme mismatch is to intro<strong>du</strong>ce the notion of grapheme (Coltheart, 1978 ;V<strong>en</strong>ezky, 1970). A grapheme is defined as the writt<strong>en</strong> repres<strong>en</strong>tation of a phoneme (Berndt, LynneD’Autrechy, and Reggia, 1994 ; Berndt, Reggia, and Mitchum, 1987 ; for a discussion, see H<strong>en</strong>derson, 1985).Following this definition, there is a one-to-one relation betwe<strong>en</strong> graphemes and phonemes (i.e., the numberof graphemes in a word equals the number of phonemes) and consequ<strong>en</strong>tly, graphemes can correspond either toa single-letter or a group of letters. In our example, the word BEACH is composed of one single-letter grapheme,B -> /b/, and two multi-letter graphemes, EA -> /i/ and CH -> /J/. Therefore, graphemes, instead ofletters, appear as the minimal functional bridges betwe<strong>en</strong> orthographic and phonological co<strong>des</strong>.Graphemes are incorporated at differ<strong>en</strong>t levels in rec<strong>en</strong>t computational models of visual word recognition.First, the <strong>du</strong>al-route model, proposed by Coltheart, Curtis, Atkins, and Haller (1993), suggests that a letterstring is processed by two parallel routes : a lexical and a non-lexical route. In the lexical route, the lettersequ<strong>en</strong>ce activates in parallel lexical <strong>en</strong>tries through an whole-word matching proce<strong>du</strong>re. In the non-lexicalroute, the letter sequ<strong>en</strong>ce is serially segm<strong>en</strong>ted into graphemes in order to perform a sub-lexical orthographyto-phonologycomputation. Second, the parallel and distributed processing model, proposed by Plaut, McClelland,Seid<strong>en</strong>berg, and Patterson (1996), suggests that graphemes are used as orthographic units at the orthographiclevel, in order to perform the orthography-to-phonology mapping. In both models, graphemes appearas crucial elem<strong>en</strong>ts of the reading system.This research was supported by a grant from the Fr<strong>en</strong>ch Ministry of E<strong>du</strong>cation and Research (#95124, programmeSci<strong>en</strong>ces Cognitives) to A. Reyand by a grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG : Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)to Arthur Jacobs. Correspond<strong>en</strong>ce should be addressed to A. Rey, C<strong>en</strong>tre de Recherche <strong>en</strong>Neurosci<strong>en</strong>ces Cognitives, CNRS, 31, Chemin Joseph Aiguier, 13402 <strong>Marseille</strong> Cedex 20, France (e-mail :frog@lnf.cnrs-mrs.fr).

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