effet du nombre des graphèmes en Anglais - Aix Marseille Université

effet du nombre des graphèmes en Anglais - Aix Marseille Université

effet du nombre des graphèmes en Anglais - Aix Marseille Université


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248App<strong>en</strong>dice IAPPENDIXA1. Cleaning Proce<strong>du</strong>re for all 3-,4-, and 5-letter English words tak<strong>en</strong> from theCelex database (Baay<strong>en</strong>, Piep<strong>en</strong>brock & van Rijn, 1993).1) All 3-,4-, and 5-letter English words were extracted from the Celex database2) All words which had a writt<strong>en</strong> (Fwrit) and a spok<strong>en</strong> frequ<strong>en</strong>cy (Fspok) smaller than or equal to 1 per millionwere excluded3) Abbreviations, proper names, etc. were excluded4) Homograph <strong>en</strong>tries were re<strong>du</strong>ced according to the following proce<strong>du</strong>re :-homophonic homographs (e.g., verb/noun : to beat- the beat) were re<strong>du</strong>ced to one single <strong>en</strong>try in theorthographic and phonologic lexicons. Fwrit and Fspok were summed across the multiple homograph<strong>en</strong>tries.- non-homophonic homographs (e.g., lead - lead) were kept as two separate <strong>en</strong>tries in the phonologicallexicon and one <strong>en</strong>try in the orthographic lexicon. Their writt<strong>en</strong> frequ<strong>en</strong>cies (Fwrit) were summed ; theirspok<strong>en</strong> frequ<strong>en</strong>cies (Fspok) were kept separate (not summed).-non-homophonic homograph alternatives with id<strong>en</strong>tical frequ<strong>en</strong>cies but slight variations in their phonologydep<strong>en</strong>ding on regional or contextual constraints were re<strong>du</strong>ced to one standard <strong>en</strong>try in both lexiconsaccording to HARRAP's DICTIONARY. Note : Those multiple <strong>en</strong>tries are alternative pronunciations; they must be separated from real non-homophonic homographs because they have id<strong>en</strong>tical frequ<strong>en</strong>cies.5) For all homophones (e.g., sea - see ; n=444, the spok<strong>en</strong> frequ<strong>en</strong>cies (Fspok) were summed.6) All words with two or more syllables were excluded.7) All words with a grapheme decomposition of 2 were excluded (e.g. mayor, with /m8R/ as phonologicalcode, with "may-or" as graphemic decomposition).This cleaning proce<strong>du</strong>re resulted in an orthographic lexicon consisting of 2494 <strong>en</strong>tries (409 three-letterwords, 1151 four-letter words and 933 five-letter words).A2. Read out proce<strong>du</strong>re used in the simulations.The read out proce<strong>du</strong>re used in these simulation studies follows the <strong>des</strong>ign principles <strong>des</strong>cribed inGrainger and Jacobs (1996). For the Coltheart et al. (1977) and Seid<strong>en</strong>berg et al. (1996) tests, as well as thesecond Stone et al. (in press) test, the critical dep<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>t variable was correct response time to nonwords. Inthe MROM, a "No" response is g<strong>en</strong>erated wh<strong>en</strong> neither the activation of a lexical unit (µ value) nor theglobal lexical activity (s value) have reached the response criterions (M and ∑, respectively) before thetemporal deadline (T criterion). Thus response time for a "No" response is simply giv<strong>en</strong> by the value of theT criterion. This value is a function of the global lexical activity (s ) g<strong>en</strong>erated by the target stimulus. Ahigh global lexical activity is interpreted as a high probability that the target stimulus is a word. Practically,we assume that <strong>du</strong>ring the early phases of stimulus processing, the computed s value indexes the likelihoodthat the stimulus is a word. A high s value will <strong>en</strong>courage participants to set a longer deadline, that is, ahigher T criterion (Coltheart et al., 1977 ; Jacobs & Grainger, 1992). For the pres<strong>en</strong>t simulations, wemonitored the s value at processing cycle 15 for each stimulus. In the MROM-P simulations, if s (15) >0.33, th<strong>en</strong> T = 27 cycles, else T = 25 cycles. For the MROM simulations, if s (15) > 0.3, th<strong>en</strong> T = 27 cycles,else T = 25 cycles.For the first Stone et al. (1996) test, the critical dep<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>t variable was correct response time words. Inthe MROM, a "Yes" response is g<strong>en</strong>erated wh<strong>en</strong> either the activation of a lexical unit (µ value) or theglobal lexical activity (s value) have reached the response criterions (M and ∑, respectively) before thetemporal deadline (T criterion). For simplicity, we did not consider in the pres<strong>en</strong>t simulations the possiblerole of global orthographic activity on "Yes" responses. Thus the response time was computed by determiningwh<strong>en</strong> the activation of lexical units reached the ∑ criterion. This criterion was 0.67 for the MROM-Pand 0.47 for the MROM. These values correspond to 90% of the asymptotic activation values for lexicalunits in each model (Jacobs & Grainger, 1992).

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