effet du nombre des graphèmes en Anglais - Aix Marseille Université

effet du nombre des graphèmes en Anglais - Aix Marseille Université

effet du nombre des graphèmes en Anglais - Aix Marseille Université


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App<strong>en</strong>dice I 233according to a consonant, vowel, consonant (CVC) or, more precisely, an onset, nucleus, coda (ONC)scheme. This scheme is both motivated by curr<strong>en</strong>t linguistic theory (e.g., Wiese, 1996), and by empiricaldata (Dell, 1988). We chose this subsyllabic organization as a pragmatic, parsimonious compromise. Higherinfralexical phonological structures, like onset-rime units, for example, are less flexible and less g<strong>en</strong>eral.Lower structures, like ungrouped phoneme strings, for example, complicate the connectivity betwe<strong>en</strong> letterand phoneme units.The phonemic repres<strong>en</strong>tation level thus contains onset, nucleus and coda positions. These units can co<strong>des</strong>ingle phonemes or phoneme clusters. Furthermore, a "sil<strong>en</strong>t phoneme" is added at the onset and coda positionsin order to repres<strong>en</strong>t monosyllabic words that have no pronounced consonant at their beginning or <strong>en</strong>d.As an example, consider the stimulus GOOD. This is phonologically coded as /gUd/ and decomposed as :Onset = /g/ ; Nucleus = /U/ ; Coda = /d/. Similarly, BLUE (/blu/) is decomposed as : Onset = /bl/ ; Nucleus= /u/ ; Coda = /*/ (the star repres<strong>en</strong>ting the sil<strong>en</strong>t phoneme in the coda position). Table 2 shows thethree sets of phonological units of the MROM-P : They include all possible phonemes or combinations ofphonemes contained in the phonological lexicon of the model at each position.Table 2 : Description of the three sets of phonological unitsONSET51 unitsNUCLEUS34 unitsCODA78 units*, b, bl, br, d, D, dr, dw, f, fl, fr, g, gl,gr, h, J, k, kl, kr, kw, l, m, n, p,pl, pr,r, s, S, sk, skr,skw, sl, sm, sn, sp, spl,spr, Sr, st, str, sw, t, T, Tr, tr, tw, v, w,z, _1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, #, $, @, E, i, I,j#, j$, j1, j3, j5, j7, j8, j9, jE, ji, jQ, ju,jV, j{, Q, u, U, V, {*, b, d, D, dst, dT, Dz, dz, f, fT, ft, g, gz,h, J, k, ks, ksT, kst, m, md, mf, mp, mps,mt, mz, kt, l, lb, ld, lf, lk, lm, ln, lp, lS,ls, lt, lT, lv, lz, l_,n, N, nd, ndz, nJ, Nk,Nks, nS, ns, nt, nT, nts, nz, nZ, Nz, n_,p, ps, pt, pT, R, s, S, sk, sCONNECTIONS BETWEEN LETTERS AND PHONOLOGICAL UNITS. Figure 5 illustrates our connectionscheme for linking orthographic and phonological units, a t<strong>en</strong>tative solution to the problem of discoveringan optimal grapheme-to-phoneme correspond<strong>en</strong>ce (GPC) scheme for IA-type models. In order to beconsist<strong>en</strong>t with the spreading activation (system) principle of IA models, we carried out an exhaustive analysisof the pres<strong>en</strong>t lexicon, recording all existing links betwe<strong>en</strong> each letter/grapheme -at each relative position-and each phonological unit -at the ONC positions. The results were stored in large matrices that codethe GPCs, such as the fact that B in initial position (like in BLUE) is connected to the phonological unit/bl/ at the onset position. Similarly, for the same word, L at the initial +1 position is connected to /bl/ inonset, U at the final-1 is connected to /u/ in nucleus, and so on. Thus, respecting the spreading activationmechanism of the model, wh<strong>en</strong> a letter like B is activated in initial position, it will s<strong>en</strong>d excitation to allcorresponding phoneme units in onset position, i.e., /b/, /bl/ and /bR/.Figure 5 : Connectivity betwe<strong>en</strong> the letter and phonological unit levels

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