H57752-v00 Manuale Istruzioni VTNC - Rhoss

H57752-v00 Manuale Istruzioni VTNC - Rhoss

H57752-v00 Manuale Istruzioni VTNC - Rhoss

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SECTION II: INST ALL ATION AND MAINTEN ANCEII.4.2SPECIAL MAINTENANCEII.4.2.1 Replacing the FanIf the fan electric motor breaks, it will need to be replaced.○ To remove the fan, pro ceed as follows:• Remove t he frame ass embl y by unscrewing the screws;• Disconnec t the electrical connection wires;• Remove t he c ondensati on drain tr ay (see bel ow);• Remove t he fan;• Remove the fan motor;• To replac e t he fan, proc eed in reverse order.II.4.2.2Replacing the Exchanger○ To remove the exch anger, proceed as follows:○ Remove t he frame ass embl y by unscrewing the screws;○ Disconnec t the electrical connection wires;○ Remove t he c ondensati on drain tr ay (see bel ow);○ Intercept the water outlet and inlet;○ Disconnec t the c oil from the s yst em;○ Remove the screws that secure the coil to the structure of the unit onbot h sides ;○ Extract t he exchanger.• To replac e t he exchanger, proceed i n reverse order.II.5 INSTRUCTIONS FOR DISMANTLING THE UNITAND DISPOSING OF HAZARDOUSSUBSTANCESENVIRONMENTAL PROT ECTION !RH OSS S.p.A. has al ways b een awar e of theimportance of protecting the environment.When the unit is dismantled, it is important toadhere scrupulou sly to the follo wing procedures.The unit s houl d onl y be dis mantled by a fir m authorised for t he dispos alof scrap machiner y/products .The unit as a whole is composed of materials which can be tr eat ed asSRM (secondar y raw mat erials) and the f ollowing conditions must beobser ved:• if the applianc e cont ains antifreeze, this s hould not j ust be dispos edof freely, as it causes polluti on.• It must be c ollected and disposed of in a suit abl e manner;• The el ectronic c omponents (el ectrol ytic condens ers) should beconsidered as special ref use. As s uch, they s houl d be handed over toan aut horised collecti on body;• The pi pe i nsulati on material, i n foamed polyuret hane rubber, inreticulated f oamed pol yet hylene, i n f oamed polyuret hane andsoundproof sponge, which covers the panelling, must be removed andtreated as normal urban ref use.The el ectrical panel is eas y to acc ess by r emoving the cover panel. Theinspecti on or replac ement of the internal components, such as themot or-driven f an, the heat exc hange coil, t he condensati on drain pumpand the safet y micro-float, require the removal of the condensationcollection tray.Removing the condensation collection trayWhen removi ng the condensation c ollection tray, us e a plastic s heet t oprotect the floor under the unit from accidental c ondensati on leaks.Remove the frame-grille assembly by unscrewing the screws;drain t he c ondensati on water cont ained in the tray by means of aspecific drai n with rubber cap, into a 10-litre or bigger buc ket.Unscrew the 4 fixture screws on the sides and r emove the drain traycarefull y.49

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