H57752-v00 Manuale Istruzioni VTNC - Rhoss

H57752-v00 Manuale Istruzioni VTNC - Rhoss

H57752-v00 Manuale Istruzioni VTNC - Rhoss

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SECTION II: INST ALL ATION AND MAINTEN ANCEII.2.5.7 Operation of the Motorised ElectrothermalValveThis three-way val ve is an OPEN/CLOSED type with ver y slowexc ursion. It is not a modul ation val ve, because it does not have PTC.This val ve is c ontrolled, as a sensitive element, by the unit's ambientthermostat.The el ectrot hermal val ve is normall y clos ed towards t he c oil and opentowards t he bypass. When the ambi ent temperat ure does not satisf y thethermost at, an electric heat er heats a ther most atic element that c aus esthe s haf t t o descend. T he val ve opens i n around t hree minutes , allowingwat er to circulate in t he c oil.When t he ambient t emperature satisfies the t hermost at or when themain suppl y has been disconnect ed, the val ve clos es in around threeminutes t owards the coil and opens towards t he bypass.II.2.5.8W ater connectionsDDVal ve1 Electrot hermal head2 Val ve body1In the event of an emergen cy, the valve can b eopened manually by removing the electric actuatorand unscrewing the ring nut. W hen the emergen cyis over, r ememb er to restore automatic valveoperation, replacing the electric actuator. Failure todo so may cause condensation to form in the waterpassage, even when disconnected from the po wersupply.Instructions to be Followed When UsingValves Supplied by the InstallerInstall t he val ves following the manuf actur er's instructions .Insulate t he pipes, t he val ve assemblies and t he coil connections(chilled water si de) carefull y in order t o prevent c ondens ation fromforming on them and dripping onto the false ceiling.Electrical connectionsConnect t he ambient control by f ollowi ng the instructi ons rel ati ve to t hecontrol used.2II.2.5.9Antifreeze ProtectionIMPORTANT !When the unit is out of servi ce, dr ain all the watercontents from the circuit as soon as possib le.IMPORTANT !Mixing the wat er with gl ycol modifies theperformance of the unit. Read the gl ycol safet yprecautions provided on the packag ing.Failure to use the unit during the wint er period may c aus e t he watercont ained in the s ystem t o fr eeze. The wat er circuit needs to beemptied in ti me. If the wat er drainage operation is felt to be too muchwor k, the wat er can be mi xed with a s uitable quantit y of antifr eeze fluid.II.2.6 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSIMPORTANT !Electrical connection of the unit must be carried outby personn el skilled in the matter and incomplian ce with the regul ations in effect in thecountry where the unit is inst alled . Non-compliantelectrical connections relieve RHOSS S.p.A. of allliabilit y for damage to propert y and personal injury.DANGER!Always install a general automatic swit ch in aprotected ar ea n ear the appli ance with acharacteri stic d elayed curve, sufficient capacit y andbreaking po wer. There should be a minimumdistance of 3 mm bet ween the contacts.Earth connection is compulsory b y law andsafeguard s the user wh ile the machine is in use.Make sure that t he voltage and frequenc y of the elec tricity net workcorrespond t o 230V (± 10%) single-phas e at 50 Hz; t hat the inst alledpower availabl e is suf ficient for operation and that t he power line wireshave a s ection suit able for t he maximum c urrent .Make sure that t he power suppl y net wor k c orresponds to c urrentnational s afet y standards.The connections must be made in keeping wit h t he diagrams providedwith the unit. When c onnecti ng the unit to the el ectricity network, us eflexi ble, double insulation, bi polar wire + earth, section 1.5 mm², t ypeH07RN-F.Model 26 36 46 60 85Supply230V – 1ph – 50 HzWire section (mm 2 ) 3x1.5 3x1.5 3x1.5 3x1.5 3x1.5The earth c onduct or (yellow/green) mus t be longer than t he ot herconductors i n order to ens ure that in the event of the cable clampi ngdevice becoming slack, it will be the last to come under strain.10 100ATTENTION !Run the cables through the unit cable gland.Connect t he val ves by f ollowi ng the instructi ons below, using t he wiringdiagrams provided.You must us e valves t hat close the unit wat er inlet when t here is nopower.230V t wo position (ON-OFF) valvesIn this case, the c old/hot water val ve mus t be piloted by the on/off signalat 230V coming from t erminal 1 and 2 of the t erminal board.Other voltage t wo position (ON-OFF) valvesInstall a 230V relay on terminals 1 and 2, which will control the valveopening.L N 1 2COLD/HOT1012010 100Make the electrical connections t o the t erminal board i n keeping withthe wiring diagram and loc k the wires int o pl ace using suit able flexiblecouplings.IMPORTANT !Make the earth connection before the electricalconnectionsCOLD/HOT Cold/hot val ve or c old/ hot val ve r elay45

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