H57752-v00 Manuale Istruzioni VTNC - Rhoss

H57752-v00 Manuale Istruzioni VTNC - Rhoss

H57752-v00 Manuale Istruzioni VTNC - Rhoss

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SECTION II: INST ALL ATION AND MAINTEN ANCEIf there is still a gap between the frame and the false ceiling, it shouldbe reduc ed by wor king on t he brace nuts and l oc k nuts again:II.2.4 EXTERNAL RENEWAL AIR AND TREATEDAIR OUTLE T IN AN ADJACENT ROOM (FORMODELS 60-85 ONLY)The side openings made it possible to creat e a separat e externalrenewal air inlet duct (5) and an air outlet duct in an adjacent room(6).Replace the grille:6565 External air inletAir distribution in6adjac ent r oomPol yst yrene7membrane76545°77Replace the covers at the f our cor ners of the frame, making sur e thatyou secure the respecti ve safety cor ds:II.2.3.4Checking the Correct Installation of theFrame-Grille Assembly (for all models)The frame must not show signs of def ormit y c aus ed by excessi vetraction. It must be centred with respect to the false ceiling and, aboveall, it must guarant ee an airtight seal bet ween t he air inlet and outlet.The figure s hows t he airtight seals (A-B), which prevent the air bypass(A) and treat ed air leakage (B) inside t he false c eiling. After installingthe assembl y, chec k that t he gap bet ween the frame and t he falseceiling is under 5 mm.Remove t he exter nal anti-condensation i nsulation, delimited by thepunc hing, and r emove the pre-cut sheet metal panels using a punch.Use a pencil t o draw round the int ernal pol yst yrene (7), then c ut it wit h acutter, taking car e not t o damage t he heat exchange c oil behind it.II.2.4.1 Air Outlet in Adjacent Room (for models 60-85 only)An air outlet in an adj acent room r equires the clos ure of at leas t themouth c orrespondi ng to t he duct usi ng the specific kit KCB ( bloc kingoutlet mouths). An air recover y grille should be installed between the airconditi oned room (where t he unit is inst alled) and the adjacent room(near t he fl oor if possibl e). Do not use the t wo pre-cut side openi ngs onthe unit at the same time.GWGWDWDGWallDoorGrille<strong>VTNC</strong><strong>VTNC</strong>max 5 mmW DGWDGWallDoorGrilleIMPORTANT !Do NOT use active carbon or electrostatic filt er kitsin the presence of ducts to the adj acent room.BA4-6 mmUse material s uitabl e f or operation at a constant t emperature of 60 °C.The ducts may be made from fl exible pol yester ( with a spiral st eel c ore)or corrugated alumini um, clad ext ernall y with anti-condens ation mat erial(fibreglass of 12 ÷ 25 mm thick).Once i nstallati on is c omplet ed, the unins ulat ed s urfaces of the ductsmust be covered wit h anti-condensati on ins ulati on (for exampl e,expanded neoprene of 6 mm thic k).IMPORTANT !Failure to observe these in structions m ay cau sedripping due to condensation. The manufacturermay not be h eld liable for an y damage.41

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