H57752-v00 Manuale Istruzioni VTNC - Rhoss

H57752-v00 Manuale Istruzioni VTNC - Rhoss

H57752-v00 Manuale Istruzioni VTNC - Rhoss

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SECTION II: INST ALL ATION AND MAINTEN ANCEExample of fi xt ure t o a wooden struc ture:142341 Nut2 Wooden structure3 Threaded brace4 Washer53 35116<strong>VTNC</strong>6Once you have inst alled the f our br aces, tighten the nuts wit hout loc kingthem, and insert the washers as illustrated in the figure:Level the unit using a spirit level and adjus ting the nuts and loc k nuts onthe threaded braces, keeping a distances of 25÷30 mm between t hebody of the unit and the inner surface of the false ceiling.361<strong>VTNC</strong>5459213411 Nut2 Spac e f or hanging brac ket3 Threaded brace4 Washer5 T-sectionPosition the connection pi pes i n advance, as described in paragraphI.1. 1. Lif t t he unit c aref ully ( without the frame), hol ding it by the fourbrackets ( or the four corners) and place it in the false ceiling.83 Threaded brace6 Hanging brac ket8 False ceiling9 Spirit levelReplace the T-section (if it had been removed). Align t he unit wit h t he T-sections , tightening the nuts and loc k nuts.3 3556 67<strong>VTNC</strong>3 Threaded brace5 T-section6 Hanging brac ket7 Wat er connec tionsIf it is not possible to remove a T-section, it will be necessar y to tilt theunit (this operation can only be carried out if the false ceiling is over 300mm high).3 3665<strong>VTNC</strong>5Lastl y, aft er havi ng made the wat er and c ondensation drainconnections, make sure that the unit is still level.39

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