H57752-v00 Manuale Istruzioni VTNC - Rhoss

H57752-v00 Manuale Istruzioni VTNC - Rhoss

H57752-v00 Manuale Istruzioni VTNC - Rhoss

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ALLEGATI / ENCOLSED DOCUMENTS / ANNEXES / ANLAGEN / ANEXOSA1TECHNICAL DATAModello 26 36 46 60 85MIN 2,17 2,69 2,96 4,04 6,04Nominal cooling c apacit y (tot al heat) (*)kW MED 2,54 3,05 3,50 4,86 6,94MAX 2,91 3,59 4,37 6,2 7,83MIN 1,69 2,15 2,37 3,42 4,92Nominal cooling c apacit y (sensi ble heat) (*)kW MED 2,03 2,47 2,7 3,95 5,63MAX 2,4 3 3,55 5,04 6,26MIN 373 463 509 695 1039Water flow (*)l/h MED 437 525 602 836 1194MAX 501 617 752 1066 1347MIN 7 8 9 26, 7 31, 8Water pressure drops (*)kPa MED 11 11 12 28 34, 2MAX 14 15 16 28, 9 35MIN 2,98 3,73 3,97 4,1 7,77Nominal heating capacit y (inlet water 50°C) (**)kW MED 3,4 4,2 4,66 5,21 8,37MAX 3,88 4,95 5,82 6,89 9,42MIN 373 463 509 695 1039Water flow (**)l/h MED 437 525 602 836 1194MAX 501 617 752 1066 1347MIN 6 7 8 9,9 12, 4Wat er press ure drops (**)kPa MED 9 10 11 10, 8 14, 2MAX 12 13 15 10, 8 14, 6MIN 5,5 6,7 7,3 7,22 10, 5Nominal heating capacity (inlet water 70°C) (***)kW MED 6,3 7,7 8,6 8,6 12, 03MAX 7,25 9,2 10, 8 9,8 14, 1MIN 473 576 628 621 903Water flow (***)l/h MED 542 662 740 740 1035MAX 624 791 929 843 1213MIN 12, 5 12, 4 13, 5 14, 7 17, 1Water press ure drops (***)kPa MED 14, 3 14, 2 15, 9 17, 5 19, 6MAX 16, 5 17 20 20 23MIN 380 440 470 460 10441Air flow m 3 /h MED 490 540 570 733 1228MAX 560 690 840 1024 1460Fans n° 1 1 1 1 1MIN 41 46 48 45 56Sound power l eveldB(A) MED 47 52 56 51 58MAX 54 59 63 56 64MIN 33 38 40 37 48Sound pressure (****)dB(A) MED 39 44 48 43 50MAX 46 51 55 48 56Restorabl e filter (a x b) cm 37x39 37x39 37x39 50x55 50x55Coil water content l 0,77 0,87 0,98 1,21 1,76Coil operating press ure bar 16 16 16 16 16Power suppl y V-ph-Hz 230-1- 50MIN 30 40 40 70 120Absorbed powerW MED 40 50 50 80 140MAX 50 70 90 100 170Maximum absorbed power W 50 70 90 100 170A 0,24 0,33 0,43 0,49 0,84(*) In the f ollowi ng conditions : ambi ent temperatur e 27°C D.B. , 19°C W.B. ; inlet wat er temperatur e 7°C wit h ∆t 5°C.(**) In the f ollowi ng conditions : ambi ent temperat ure 20°C; inl et water t emperat ure 50°C wit h wat er flow as in c onditi ons (*).(***) In the following conditions: ambient temperature 20°C; i nlet water temperature 70°C with ∆t 10°C.(****) Sound pressure level i n dB(A) meas ured at 1 m from the air outlet with directionality factor of 2.120

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