Duceragold - DeguDent

Duceragold - DeguDent

Duceragold - DeguDent

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General recommendations for firingm n o p q r Aesthetic Line IndividualWith the individual layering technique, the powerchroma and opal effect powders allow you to createnatural-looking and highly sophisticated restorations.With the Power Chromas, you can first line theframework with a highly chromatic, fluorescent basiclayer for individual tooth shade characteristics. Thisis followed by building up dentine layer, as usual.After the cutback, complete the incisal area with thecorresponding opal effect enamel and use e.g.Opal Effect Sky or Ocean (in the incisal areas) or OESunrise or Sunset (for the cervical and body areas)as supplements (see fig. 13–18).Table 2: General firing recommendations – <strong>Duceragold</strong> KissDegunormPre-heating Drying time Heating rate Firing Holding Vacuum Temperingtemperature min °C/min temperature time hPa°C °C minOxide firing 575 0:00 55 780 5:00 50 –Degunorm classic Base 575 7:00 55 780 1:00 50 –Paste opaque 575 7:00 55 780 1:00 50 –Margin 1 450 5:00 55 780 1:00 50 –Margin 2 450 5:00 55 780 1:00 50 –Dentine 1 450 6:00 55 780 1:00 50 3 min/720°CDentine 2 450 5:00 55 780 1:00 50 –Glaze 450 3:00 55 770 1:00 — –Correction (Final Kiss) 450 2:00 55 720 1:00 50 50Final margin 450 2:00 55 720 1:00 50 –As an alternative to the classic rate of increase of 55°C/min, the alloys Degunorm supra/pure can also beheated up with 80°C/ min. To compensate for the thermal energy, the final temperature also has to beincreased by 20°C to 800°C.Tempering or long-time cooling for first dentine brake with Degunorm/Degunorm supra and pure – temperingfor 3 min. at 720°C or cooling down to 680°C in 5 min.The values indicated here are recommended values and serve only as a clue. Deviations of the burning resultsare possible. The burning results depend on the respective output per oven and are due to the manufacturerand to age. Therefore the recommended values must be individually adapted at each burning. We recommenda test burning to control the oven. All indications have been carefully elaborated and tested by us, but they arepassed on without any guarantee.Caution: Note the following procedure for pre-drying try-in objects made of <strong>Duceragold</strong> Kiss hydrothermalceramic material:• Heat objects to about 80–90°C and allow to pre-dry for 30 minutes, or 1 to 1.5 hours for larger objects, untilthe moisture and organic residue accrued during try-in have dried.• Depending on the degree of contamination, steam down or sandblast lightly with 50 µm alumina to removeany organic residue.• Heat the restoration to 450°C at a heating rate of 5–10°C per minute and hold for another hour.• Conclude by performing any corrections required.30

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