Analyse expérimentale et modélisation du transfert de matière et du ...

Analyse expérimentale et modélisation du transfert de matière et du ...

Analyse expérimentale et modélisation du transfert de matière et du ...

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Annexe Chapitre 2Figure (6) represents the dimensionlesskε param<strong>et</strong>er R = θ that represents theεqratio b<strong>et</strong>ween the hydrodynamicturbulence timescale to the scalarturbulence time scale. Figure (7)3.53represents the dimensionless param<strong>et</strong>erk SB = that represents the length scaleq S θof the fluctuating velocity field comparedto the fluctuating scalar field.DNS(Rogers <strong>et</strong> al.[1])second or<strong>de</strong>rfirst or<strong>de</strong>r2.52B1.510.500 5 10 15StFigure 7: Development of the dimensionless param<strong>et</strong>er B . Comparison b<strong>et</strong>ween the numerical results and DNSdata of Rogers <strong>et</strong> al. [1].5. ConclusionIn this study, we have analysed a fullsecond or<strong>de</strong>r mo<strong>de</strong>l for turbulenttransport of passive scalar flux, inhomogeneous turbulence. The mo<strong>de</strong>l hasbeen tested against the DNS data ofRogers <strong>et</strong> al. [1] in homogeneousturbulence. The passive scalar fluxequation incorporates a full mo<strong>de</strong>lling ofthe pressure-scalar gradient correlationproposed by Wikström <strong>et</strong> al. [6]. A firstor<strong>de</strong>r mo<strong>de</strong>lling is <strong>de</strong><strong>du</strong>ced from are<strong>du</strong>ction of a second-or<strong>de</strong>r mo<strong>de</strong>l. Thismo<strong>de</strong>l is based on two-equationturbulence mo<strong>de</strong>l ( k − ε mo<strong>de</strong>l withalgebraic relations) and mo<strong>de</strong>lling of th<strong>et</strong>ransport equations of the scalar variance( q ) and of its dissipation rate ε θ. Thenumerical results clearly show that themo<strong>de</strong>l repro<strong>du</strong>ces correctly the<strong>de</strong>velopment of the turbulent passivescalar flux.6. References[1] M. M. Rogers, P. Mansour, W. C. Reynolds, J.Fluid Mech. , 203, (1989),77.[2] Y. Nagano, M. Tagawa, T. Tsuji, InProceedings of the ASME/JSME ThermalEngineering Joint Conference, Vol.3, (1991), 233-240.174

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