Analyse expérimentale et modélisation du transfert de matière et du ...

Analyse expérimentale et modélisation du transfert de matière et du ...

Analyse expérimentale et modélisation du transfert de matière et du ...

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Annexe Chapitre 2We may use a similar formulation thanthat used in the approximation of thecomponents of the Reynolds stress inor<strong>de</strong>r to <strong>de</strong>velop algebraic relations forthe turbulent passive scalar flux. Gibsonand Laun<strong>de</strong>r [14] proposed anapproximation of the turbulent passivescalar flux based on the assumption thatthe transport of the passive scalar flux isproportional to the transport of theparam<strong>et</strong>er kq and mo<strong>de</strong>lled as follows:DDt' 'u θ − Diffi' '( u θ )i' 'u θ ⎛= ⎜D kqi− Diffkq ⎜⎝Dt' '' 'u θ u θi= P2k2q⎞( kq ) ⎟⎟i( P − ε ) + ( − )θε θ⎠(23)Using the second or<strong>de</strong>r closure(equations 3 and 4), the components ofthe turbulent scalar flux can be writtenas:' 'k ' ' ∂Θ− uθ= Λ ( 1−C ) u vθ θ 4ε ∂y' '− vθ= Λk ' ' ∂U+ Λ ( 1−C ) u θ(24)θ θ 2ε ∂yθ( 1−C )θ 4kvε'2∂Θ∂yk ' ' ∂U+ Λ ( 1−C ) uθ(25)θ θ 3ε ∂yWhere−1⎡ 1 ⎛ P ⎞ kε⎛ P ⎞⎤θ θΛ = ⎢C + 111 ⎜ − ⎟ +⎥⎢⎣2 2⎜ −⎟ (26)θ θ⎝ ε ⎠ qε⎝ εθ ⎠⎥⎦On the basis of this formulation we maycompute the turbulent passive scalarfluxes using a first or<strong>de</strong>r mo<strong>de</strong>lling. Thismo<strong>de</strong>l is based on a two-equationturbulence mo<strong>de</strong>l ( k − ε mo<strong>de</strong>l withalgebraic relations) and on the mo<strong>de</strong>llingof the transport equations of the scalarvariance ( q ) and of its dissipation rateε .θFigures (3) and (4) show the numericalresults of the evolution of the Reynoldsstress components obtained from thealgebraic relations (equations 18 and 19)and compared with the numerical resultsof the second or<strong>de</strong>r closure. Thecomparison shows the same goodconcordance of the numerical resultsobtained with the two mo<strong>de</strong>ls with theDNS data of Rogers <strong>et</strong> al. [1].171

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