Le système Canadien de classification des Sols, 3ième éditions. 1998

Le système Canadien de classification des Sols, 3ième éditions. 1998 Le système Canadien de classification des Sols, 3ième éditions. 1998

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ReferencesAmerican Geological Institute. 1960a. Glossary of geology and related sciences. 2nd ed. AmericanGeological Institute, Washington, D.C 397 pp.American Geological Institute. 1960b. Dictionary of geological terms. Doubleday, Garden City, N.Y.545 pp.Baldwin, M.; Kellogg, CE.; Thorp, J. 1938.Soil classification. Pages 979-1001 dans United States,Department of Agriculture. Soils and men: Yearbook of agriculture 1938. U.S. Government PrintingOffice, Washington, D.CBoelter, D.H. 1969. Physical properties of peats as related to degree of decomposition. Soil Sci. Soc. Am.Proc. 33 : 606-609.Brierley, J.A; Mermut, AK; Stonehouse, H.B. 1996. A new order in the Canadian system of soilclassification: Vertisolic soils. Saskatchewan Land Resource Unit, Saskatoon (SK). CLBRR Cont.No. 96-11. 76 pp.Brown, KJ.E.; Kupsch, W.o. 1974. Terminologie du pergelisol. Conseil national de recherches duCanada, Ottawa (ON), Tech. Memo. I11F : 62 pp.Canada Soil Survey Committee. 1970. Proceedings of the eighth meeting of the Canada Soil SurveyCommittee of Canada. Rapport mimeographie du Ministere de l' Agriculture Canada, Ottawa (ON).195 pp.Canada Soil Survey Committee. 1976. Proceedings of the eleventh meeting of the Canada Soil SurveyCommittee of Canada. Rapport mimeographie du Ministere de l'Agriculture Canada, Ottawa (ON).69pp.Carter, M.K, ed. 1993. Soil sampling and methods of analysis. Societe canadienne de la science du sol.823 pp.Clayton, J.5.; Ehrlich, W.A; Cann, D.B.; Day, J.H.; Marshall, LB. 1977. Soils of Canada. Agric. Can. Publ.1544. Volume 1, 239 pp. et Volume 2, 243 pp.Cline, M.G. 1949. Basic principles of soil classification. Soil Sci. 67: 81-91.Cline, M.G. 1961. The changing model of soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 25 : 442-446.Cline, M.G. 1963. Logic of the new system of soil classification. Soil Sci. 96 : 17-22.Comite d'experts sur la prospection pedologique. 1983. Systeme d'information des sols au Canada(SISCan) : Manuel de description des sols sur Ie terrain. Revisee 1982. Agriculture Canada, Ottawa(ON). 164 pp.Comite d'experts sur la prospection pedologique d'Agriculture Canada. 1987. Le systeme canadien declassification des sols. 2ieme edition, Agric. Can. Publ. 1646. Ottawa (ON). 170 pp.Commission canadienne de pedologie. 1978. Le sysh':>mecanadien de classification des sols. lere edition,Agric. Can. Publ. 1646. Ottawa (ON). 170 pp.Commission pedologique du Canada. 1973. Compte rendu de la geme reunion de la Commissionpedologique du Canada. Rapport mimeographie du Ministere de l'Agriculture Canada, Ottawa(ON). 358 pp.Commission pedologique du Canada. 1974. Compte rendu de la lOemereunion de la Commissionpedologique du Canada. Rapport mimeographie du Ministere de l'Agriculture Canada, Ottawa(ON). 107 pp.187- -

De Bakker, H. 1970. Purposes of soil classification. Geoderma 4: 195-208.Deckers, J.; Spaargaren, O.C; Nachtergaele, EO. eds. 1998. World Reference Base for Soil Resources.International Society of Soil Science Working Group RB, 1st ed., Vols 1 and 2, KULeuven AcademicPress, Acco. 93 and 96 pp.Ellis, J.H. 1932. A field classification of soils for use in soil survey. Sci. Agric. 12: 338-345.Ellis, J.H. 1971. The birth of agronomic research at the Manitoba Agricultural College. Winnipeg (MN).181 pp.Environment and Land Use Committee Secretariat. 1976. Terrain classification system. Government ofBritish Columbia, Victoria (BC). 54 pp.Fox, CA 1985. Characteristics of the Folisolic soils of British Columbia. Pages 205-232 dans J.A Shieldsand D.J. Kroetsch, eds. Proceedings, sixth annual meeting, Expert Committee on Soil Survey, Guelph,Ont., 26-30 November 1984. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa (ON).Fox, CA; Trowbridge, R.; Tarnocai, C 1987. Classification, macro morphology and chemicalcharacteristics of Folisols from British Columbia. Can. J. Soil Sci. 67 : 765-778.Glinka, K.D. 1927. The great soil groups of the world and their development. (Traduit de l' Allemand parCE Marbut.) Edwards Brothers, Ann Arbor, Mich. 235 pp.Harris, S.A; French, H.M.; Heginbottom, J.A; Johnston, G.H.; Ladanyi, v.; Sego, D.C; van Everdingen,R.O. 1988. La Terminologie du pergelsol et notions connexes. Conseil national de recherches duCanada, Comite associe de recherches geotechniques, Ottawa (ON). Tech. Memo. 142F : 154 pp.Jenny, H. 1961. KW. Hilgard and the birth of modern soil science. Collana Della Rivista Agrochimica,Pis a, Italie. 144 pp.Joel, AH. 1926. Changing viewpoints and methods in soil classification. Sci. Agric. 6 : 225-232.Kellogg, CE. 1941. The soils that support us. Macmillan, New York, N.Y. 309 pp.Knox, KG. 1965. Soil individuals and soil classification. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 29 : 79-84.Ministere de l' Agriculture du Canada. 1974. Classification canadianne des sols. Agric. Can. Publ. 1455.Ottawa (ON). 270 pp.Ministere de l' Agriculture du Canada. 1976. Glossaire des termes de la science des sols, Ottawa (ON).Publication 1459. Revisee. 44 p.McKeague, J.A, ed. 1978. Manuel de methodes d'echantillonnage et d'analyse des sols. 2iemedition,Institut de recherche sur les terres, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa (ON). 250 pp.McKeague, J.A; Wang, C; Tarnocai, C; Shields, J.A 1986. Revue des concepts et classification des solsgleysoliques au Canada. Direction generale de la recherche, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa (ON). 38 pp.National Soil Survey Committee. 1945. Proceedings of the first conference of the National Soil SurveyCommittee of Canada. Rapport mimeographie du Ministere de l' Agriculture Canada, Ottawa (ON).148 pp.National Soil Survey Committee. 1948. Proceedings of the second meeting of the National Soil SurveyCommittee of Canada. Rapport mimeographie du Ministere de l'Agriculture Canada, Ottawa (ON).National Soil Survey Committee. 1955. Proceedings of the third conference of the National Soil SurveyCommittee of Canada. Rapport mimeographie du Ministere de l' Agriculture Canada, Ottawa (ON).118 pp.National Soil Survey Committee. 1960. Proceedings of the fourth meeting of the National Soil SurveyCommittee of Canada. Rapport mimeographie du Ministere de l' Agriculture Canada, Ottawa (ON).42pp.188

ReferencesAmerican Geological Institute. 1960a. Glossary of geology and related sciences. 2nd ed. AmericanGeological Institute, Washington, D.C 397 pp.American Geological Institute. 1960b. Dictionary of geological terms. Doubleday, Gar<strong>de</strong>n City, N.Y.545 pp.Baldwin, M.; Kellogg, CE.; Thorp, J. 1938.Soil <strong>classification</strong>. Pages 979-1001 dans United States,Department of Agriculture. Soils and men: Yearbook of agriculture 1938. U.S. Government PrintingOffice, Washington, D.CBoelter, D.H. 1969. Physical properties of peats as related to <strong>de</strong>gree of <strong>de</strong>composition. Soil Sci. Soc. Am.Proc. 33 : 606-609.Brierley, J.A; Mermut, AK; Stonehouse, H.B. 1996. A new or<strong>de</strong>r in the Canadian system of soil<strong>classification</strong>: Vertisolic soils. Saskatchewan Land Resource Unit, Saskatoon (SK). CLBRR Cont.No. 96-11. 76 pp.Brown, KJ.E.; Kupsch, W.o. 1974. Terminologie du pergelisol. Conseil national <strong>de</strong> recherches duCanada, Ottawa (ON), Tech. Memo. I11F : 62 pp.Canada Soil Survey Committee. 1970. Proceedings of the eighth meeting of the Canada Soil SurveyCommittee of Canada. Rapport mimeographie du Ministere <strong>de</strong> l' Agriculture Canada, Ottawa (ON).195 pp.Canada Soil Survey Committee. 1976. Proceedings of the eleventh meeting of the Canada Soil SurveyCommittee of Canada. Rapport mimeographie du Ministere <strong>de</strong> l'Agriculture Canada, Ottawa (ON).69pp.Carter, M.K, ed. 1993. Soil sampling and methods of analysis. Societe canadienne <strong>de</strong> la science du sol.823 pp.Clayton, J.5.; Ehrlich, W.A; Cann, D.B.; Day, J.H.; Marshall, LB. 1977. Soils of Canada. Agric. Can. Publ.1544. Volume 1, 239 pp. et Volume 2, 243 pp.Cline, M.G. 1949. Basic principles of soil <strong>classification</strong>. Soil Sci. 67: 81-91.Cline, M.G. 1961. The changing mo<strong>de</strong>l of soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 25 : 442-446.Cline, M.G. 1963. Logic of the new system of soil <strong>classification</strong>. Soil Sci. 96 : 17-22.Comite d'experts sur la prospection pedologique. 1983. Systeme d'information <strong>de</strong>s sols au Canada(SISCan) : Manuel <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>scription <strong>de</strong>s sols sur Ie terrain. Revisee 1982. Agriculture Canada, Ottawa(ON). 164 pp.Comite d'experts sur la prospection pedologique d'Agriculture Canada. 1987. <strong>Le</strong> systeme canadien <strong>de</strong><strong>classification</strong> <strong>de</strong>s sols. 2ieme edition, Agric. Can. Publ. 1646. Ottawa (ON). 170 pp.Commission canadienne <strong>de</strong> pedologie. 1978. <strong>Le</strong> sysh':>mecanadien <strong>de</strong> <strong>classification</strong> <strong>de</strong>s sols. lere edition,Agric. Can. Publ. 1646. Ottawa (ON). 170 pp.Commission pedologique du Canada. 1973. Compte rendu <strong>de</strong> la geme reunion <strong>de</strong> la Commissionpedologique du Canada. Rapport mimeographie du Ministere <strong>de</strong> l'Agriculture Canada, Ottawa(ON). 358 pp.Commission pedologique du Canada. 1974. Compte rendu <strong>de</strong> la lOemereunion <strong>de</strong> la Commissionpedologique du Canada. Rapport mimeographie du Ministere <strong>de</strong> l'Agriculture Canada, Ottawa(ON). 107 pp.187- -

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