Lucitone® Clear - DENTSPLY Prosthetics

Lucitone® Clear - DENTSPLY Prosthetics

Lucitone® Clear - DENTSPLY Prosthetics

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Indications for Use:LUCITONE CLEAR Dental Resin is a powderand liquid system based on polymethylmethacrylate, intended for use in the fabricationof clear dental appliances such asocclusal splints.Contraindications:1. LUCITONE CLEAR Dental Resin is contraindicatedfor patients and users with ahistory of allergic reaction to methylmethacrylate monomer.Warnings:1. LUCITONE CLEAR Dental Resin containspolymerizable monomers which maycause skin sensitization (allergic contactdermatitis) or other allergic reactions insusceptible persons. Wash thoroughlywith soap and water after contact. If dermatitisor other symptoms persist, seekmedical advice.2. Avoid inhalation or ingestion. High vaporconcentration can induce headache,nausea, and irritation of eyes and respiratorysystem. Liquid contact with eyes maycause possible corneal damage. Excessivelong-term exposure may be associatedwith other more serious health effects.Monitor air quality per OSHA standards.Inhalation: Move subject to fresh air.Give oxygen or artificial respiration asrequired.Ingestion: Contact your regional PoisonControl Center immediately.Eye Contact: Flush eyes promptly withcopious amounts of water for 15 minutes;consult a physician. Wash skin with soapand water.Precautions:1. Users with special skin problems, cuts, orabrasions should wear protective gloves.2. When grinding prosthodontic resins,proper ventilation, masks, and vacuumsystems should be used.3. Store at 60°-80°F (16-27°C), away frommoisture and direct sunlight. The liquidcontains unsaturated monomers whichmay polymerize prematurely if stored atexcessively high temperature and/or insunlight. The powder contains an organicpolymerization initiator which maydegrade if stored at excessively high temperature.4. Lucitone Liquid and LUCITONE CLEARDental Resin uncured resin are hazardousmaterials. Dispose of in accordance withFederal, State, and Local regulations.5. Lucitone Liquid contains methyl methacrylatemonomer, a flammable liquid with aflash point of 50°F (10°C). Keep awayfrom heat, sparks, and open flame.6. Use liquid in a well-ventilated area.Replace cap when not in use.7. Do not pack denture resin after work timehas elapsed or material has becomerubbery.8. DO NOT USE the long cure cycle [9hours at 163°F (73°C)] for processingLUCITONE CLEAR Dental Resin. The longcure cycle will not produce optimumclarity of LUCITONE CLEAR Dental Resin.Adverse Reactions:1. Corneal damage, headache, nausea, andvomiting may occur with exposure tomethyl methacrylate monomer. (SeeWarnings and Precautions statements.)2. Allergic contact dermatitis and other allergicreactions may occur in susceptibleindividuals. Residual monomer in fullycured materials can be minimized bysoaking the cured prosthesis in warmwater for several days.3. Particulates will be generated when grindingacrylic resins. Eye, skin, and respiratoryirritation may occur if appropriateengineering controls are not used.1

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