Bromont, la Ville branchée Bromont, la Ville ... - Ville de Bromont

Bromont, la Ville branchée Bromont, la Ville ... - Ville de Bromont

Bromont, la Ville branchée Bromont, la Ville ... - Ville de Bromont


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11 - A v r i l 2 0 0 4SPECIALREPO RT - BROMONT, THE CONNECTED COMMUNITYThe use of computersat the City of <strong>Bromont</strong>BY ROBER T CLERMONT , WEBMASTERA MessageFrom the MayorDear citizens,In June 2001, the City of <strong>Bromont</strong> along with <strong>Bromont</strong> collectivitéingénieuse <strong>la</strong>unched <strong>Bromont</strong>, ville branchée , a project that wouldoffer our resi<strong>de</strong>nts as well as our corporate citizens new services andnew opportunities.Three years <strong>la</strong>ter, we can state with some pri<strong>de</strong> that this technologicalturning point contributed to the quality of life of our citizens as wel<strong>la</strong>s to the economic up-swing that we are experiencing and which ishighlighted by new investments in all sectors, resi<strong>de</strong>ntial commercia<strong>la</strong>nd industrial.To live in <strong>Bromont</strong> in this technological era means that our citizenshave at their disposal in addition to the more traditional personal ortelephone services, a vast array of municipal services avai<strong>la</strong>ble overthe internet from home from the office or from the various communityaccess locations which allow them to consult, seek informationor to effect transactions at any time of the day or night.In the field of economic and business <strong>de</strong>velopment, we can safel ysay that access to high speed internet was a <strong>de</strong>termining element inthe revitalisation of the business centre at 50 Gaspé in the establish -ment of Electest in the Pacifique street industrial park and in thearrival of numerous home-based workers and new resi<strong>de</strong>nts. I wastold recently about a citizen who put his house up for sale (to moveto another house in <strong>Bromont</strong>) and was surprised at how quickly hefound a buyer – <strong>la</strong>rgely because the house which was situated in arural part of the city had access to high speed internet.The choice ma<strong>de</strong> by the city and supported by city staff to review itswork processes and invest in technology allows us to manage growthwith existing staff without compromising the quality of service.This strategic choice, ma<strong>de</strong> in June 2001 on behalf of the popu<strong>la</strong>tionand ratified by the present Council contributes not only to ourquality of life but as well to our notoriety.In closing I would invite your comments and suggestions to help usto continue to improve our on-line services.High speed Internet and municipal computingComputing at the City of <strong>Bromont</strong> dates from the time when IB Mfirst established its factory in the industrial park. Ever since,a computing culture has evolved from the use of Selectric typewriters,to the taxation and building permit systems, payroll and,more recently, generalized emailing.Before the avai<strong>la</strong>bility of cable-high speed Internet accessin 2001, data communications between City <strong>de</strong>partments werelimited because of slow transmission throughputs using regu<strong>la</strong>rphone lines. The <strong>de</strong>ployment of high speed Internet accessacross the territory, combined with the mo<strong>de</strong>rnization of municipalcommunication and computing equipment has eased and<strong>de</strong>mocratised the use of email within City <strong>de</strong>partments.The resulting benefits are multiple productivity gains mainlythrough greater documentation efficiency, less trips to City Hallfor <strong>de</strong>livering documents, reduced communication <strong>de</strong><strong>la</strong>ys, newworkflow methods, etc.A few interesting factsOn a daily basis, the <strong>Bromont</strong> website (www.bromont.com)receives four to five hundred visitors who peruse an averageof four to five pages each for a total of fifteen hundred to twothousand web pages read everyday.Most popu<strong>la</strong>r sections of the <strong>Bromont</strong> website are those presen -ting tourism attractions and re<strong>la</strong>ted topics such as accommodations,maps end events, followed by resi<strong>de</strong>ntial <strong>de</strong>velopments,municipal leisure and recreations programs, c<strong>la</strong>ssifieds, localnews and the array of online services avai<strong>la</strong>ble such as theproperty assessment roll and graphic registe r, public notices andCity council minutes.The <strong>Bromont</strong>.com website presents more than 3000 pictures ofall size and formats within a couple of thousand web pagesas well as a dozen of programmes to manage online forms,c<strong>la</strong>ssified ads section, post cards, sear ch engine, municipalbulletin emailing, discussion forum and quizzes for resi<strong>de</strong>ntsfollowing courses at the Café Internet.More than 600 <strong>Bromont</strong>ers have benefited from thefree introductory courses on to computing and the Internet325 children from La Chantignole elementary schoolhave received basics Internet training90% of resi<strong>de</strong>nces on the territory can hook upto high speed Internet75% of <strong>Bromont</strong>ers are daily users of the Internet.Pauline Quin<strong>la</strong>n, MayorTo be kept informed of municipal news, subscribeto the online newsletter un<strong>de</strong>r the «Registration»heading at www.bromont.com

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