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Autour des mots (reprise du n° 38)GOODSON I. et SIKES P. (2001 ). - Life history research in educational settings : learning tornlives, Buckingham, Opn University Press.HODGSON A. (ed.) (2000). - Policies, politics and me future of lifelong learning, London,Kogan Page.KAHNE J. et WESTHEIMER J. (2000). - « A pedagogy of collective action and reflection - Prepringteachers for collective school leadership », in Journal f Teacher Education, 51 (5), pp.372-383.LABAREE D. (2000). - « On the nature of teaching and teacher education - Difficult practicesthat look easy », in Journal of Teacher Education, 51 (3), pp. 228-233.LIEBERMAN A. (2000). - « Networks as learning communities - Shaping the future of teacherdevelopment », in Journal of Teacher Education, 51 (3), pp. 221 -227.UEBERMAN A. et MILLER L. (1999). - Teachers Transforming their world and their work,New York, Teachers College Press.UEBERMAN A. et MILLER L. (eds.) (2001 ). - Teachers caught in the action : professional deve¬lopment that matters, New York, Teachers College Press.MAHONY P. ef HEXTALL I. (2000). - Reconstructing Teaching - Standards, performance andaccountability, London, Routledge-Falmer.MOE T. (2001 ). - Schools, vouchers, and tfie American public, Washington, Brookings Insti¬tution Press.MULLEN C. et LICK D. (eds.) (1999). - New diredions in mentoring: Creating a culture ofsynergy, London, Falmer Press.MURRAY F.(2000). - « The role of accreditation reform in teacher education », in Educatio¬nal Policy, 14(1), pp. 40-59.MURRELL P. (2001 ). - The community teacher: a new framework for effective urban teaching,1 70 New York, Teachers College Press.NOVOA A. (2000). - « The Teaching Profession in Europ: Historical and Sociological Ana¬lysis », in Swing E., Schriewer J. et Orivel F.(eds.), Problems and Prospects in European Edu¬cation, Westprt, Praeger, pp. 45-71 .NOVOA A. (2002). - « La raison et la respnsabilité: Vers une science du gouvernement desâmes », in Hofstetter R. et Schneuwly, B. (eds.), Science(s) de l'Éducation 1 9,-20t sièclesEntechamps professionnels et champs disciplinaires, Berne, Peter Lang, pp. 243-263.NOVOA A. (org.) (2002). - Espaços de Educaçao, Tempos de Formaçào, Lisboa, FundaçâoCalouste Gulbenkian.PERRENOUD P. (2001 ). - Les sciences de l'éducation proposent-elles des savoirs mobilisablesdans l'action?, Genève, Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Éducation(www.unige.ch/fapse/SSE/teachers/perrenoud).POPKEWITZ T. (1 998). - Struggling for the soul - The politics of schooling and the construc¬tion of the teacher, New York, Teachers College Press.POPKEWITZ T. (2001 ). - « Pacts/Partnerships and governing the prenf and child », in Cur¬rent Issues in Comparative Education, 3 (2) (www.tc.columbia.edu/cice).RECHERCHE et FORMATION N° 39 - 2002

Autour des mots (reprise du n° 38)POPKEWITZ T.et BRENNAN M. (eds.) (1998). - Foucault's Challenge - Discourse, Know¬ledge, and Power in Education, New York, Teachers College Press.RATCLIFF J., LUBINESCU E. et GAFFNEY M. (eds.) (2001). - How accreditation influencesassessment, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.ROSE N. (1 999). - Powers of Freedom: Reframing political thought, Cambridge, CambridgeUniversity Press.RYAN K. (ed.) (2000). - Evaluating teaching in higher education: a vision for the future, SanFrancisco, Jossey-Bass.SHULMAN L. (1 987). - « Knowledge and teaching :Foundations of a new reform », in Har¬vard Educational Review, 57 (1 ), pp. 1 -22.SOCKETT H. (ed.) (2001). - Transforming teacher education: lessons in professional deve¬lopment, Westprt, Bergin & Garvey.TICKLE L. (2000). - Teacher induction : The way ahead, Buckingham, Open University Press.WANG J. (2001 ). - « Contexts of mentoring and opprtunities for learning to teach : A comprativestudy of mentoring practice », in Teaching and Teacher Education, 17 (1), pp. 51-74.WINSOR P., BUTT R. ef REEVES H. (1999). - « Portraying professional development in pre¬service teacher education : can prtfolios do the job ? », in Teachers and Teaching : theory andpractice, 5(1), pp. 9-31.YINGER R. et HENDRICKS-LEE M. (2000). - « The language of standards and teacher edu¬cation reform », in Educational Policy, 14 (1), pp. 94-106.ZEICHNER K. (1 999). - « The new scholarship in teacher education », in Educational Resear¬cher, 28 (9), pp. 4-15.ZEICHNER K. et WRAY S. (2001 ). - « The teaching prtfolio in US teacher education pro¬grams : what we know and what we need to know », in Teaching and Teacher Education, 17, 171pp. 613-621.'RECHERCHE et FORMATION N° 39 - 2002

Autour <strong>des</strong> mots (reprise du n° 38)POPKEWITZ T.<strong>et</strong> BRENNAN M. (eds.) (1998). - Foucault's Challenge - Discourse, Know¬ledge, and Power in Education, New York, Teachers College Press.RATCLIFF J., LUBINESCU E. <strong>et</strong> GAFFNEY M. (eds.) (2001). - How accreditation influencesassessment, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.ROSE N. (1 999). - Powers of Freedom: Reframing political thought, Cambridge, CambridgeUniversity Press.RYAN K. (ed.) (2000). - Evaluating teaching in higher education: a vision for the future, SanFrancisco, Jossey-Bass.SHULMAN L. (1 987). - « Knowledge and teaching :Foundations of a new reform », in Har¬vard Educational Review, 57 (1 ), pp. 1 -22.SOCKETT H. (ed.) (2001). - Transforming teacher education: lessons in professional deve¬lopment, Westprt, Bergin & Garvey.TICKLE L. (2000). - Teacher induction : The way ahead, Buckingham, Open University Press.WANG J. (2001 ). - « Contexts of mentoring and opprtunities for learning to teach : A comprativestudy of mentoring practice », in Teaching and Teacher Education, 17 (1), pp. 51-74.WINSOR P., BUTT R. ef REEVES H. (1999). - « Portraying professional development in pre¬service teacher education : can prtfolios do the job ? », in Teachers and Teaching : theory andpractice, 5(1), pp. 9-31.YINGER R. <strong>et</strong> HENDRICKS-LEE M. (2000). - « The language of standards and teacher edu¬cation reform », in Educational Policy, 14 (1), pp. 94-106.ZEICHNER K. (1 999). - « The new scholarship in teacher education », in Educational Resear¬cher, 28 (9), pp. 4-15.ZEICHNER K. <strong>et</strong> WRAY S. (2001 ). - « The teaching prtfolio in US teacher education pro¬grams : what we know and what we need to know », in Teaching and Teacher Education, 17, 171pp. 613-621.'RECHERCHE <strong>et</strong> FORMATION N° 39 - 2002

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