Analyse modale non linéaire expérimentale - Bibliothèque Ecole ...

Analyse modale non linéaire expérimentale - Bibliothèque Ecole ...

Analyse modale non linéaire expérimentale - Bibliothèque Ecole ...


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Bibliographie[ 1] T.J. Anderson, B. Balachandran, and A. H. Nayfeh. Nonlinear resonances in a flexiblecantilever beam. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 158(3) :497-515, 1992.P.A. Atkins, G.R. Tomlinson, and J.R. Wright. Force appropriation of simple <strong>non</strong>linearsystems. In 13th Internationnal Modal Analysis Congress, pages 146-157, 1995.E. Bakker and H.B. Pacejka. Tyre modelling for use in vehicle dynamics studies. Societyof Automotive Studies, SAE-P 89 0087 :119-158, 1989.R. Balagangadhar and J.C. Slater. On the convergence of <strong>non</strong>linear modes in a finite elementmodel. In 16th Internationnal Modal Analysis Congress, volume 2, pages 1460-1466, 1998.S. Belizzi and R. Bouc. Analysis of multi-degree of freedom strongly <strong>non</strong>-linear mechanicalsystems with random input, part i : Non-linear modes and stochastic averaging. ProbalisticEngineering Mechanics, 14 :229-244, 1999.S. Belizzi, P. Guillemain, and R. Kronland-Martinet. Extraction par transformation degabor des modes <strong>non</strong>-<strong>linéaire</strong>s d'un système mécanique à plusieurs degrés de liberté. In 1eCongès Français de Me'canique, page Réf.579, 1999.N. Boivin, S. W. Shaw, and C. Pierre. Non-linear modal analysis of structural systemsfeaturing internal resonances. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 182(2) :336-341, 1995.J.P. Boudot. Modélisation des bruits de freinage des véhicules industriels. PhD thesis, <strong>Ecole</strong>Centrale de Lyon, 1995.A. El Boukili and A. Marroco. Arclength continuation for semiconductor equation. Rapportde Recherche INRIA, RR-2546.T.D. Burton. Describing function analysis of <strong>non</strong>linear gear shimmy. In Winter AnnualMeeting, ASME, Washington, pages 1-9, 1981.H.R. Busby, C. Nopporn, and R. Singh. Experimental modal analysis of <strong>non</strong>-linear systems:a feasibility study. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 180(3) :415-427, 1986.J. Carr. Applications of Centre Manifold Theory. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1981.T. Caughey. Equivalent linearisation techniques. Journal of the Acoustics Society of America,35 :1706-1711, 1963.T.K. Caughey and A.F. Vakakis. A method for examining steady state solutions of forceddiscrete systems with strong <strong>non</strong>-linearity. International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics,26 :89-103, 1991.C. F. Chang. The dynamic finite element modeling of aircraft landing system. In DE- Vol.8-1, ASME: Design Engineering Technical Conferences, volume 3-Part A, pages 1217-1227,1995.162

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