Les sédiments anthropiques

Les sédiments anthropiques

Les sédiments anthropiques


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<strong>Les</strong> sédiments <strong>anthropiques</strong> – Méthodes d’étude et perspectives 473spéléothèmes de Chroranche (Vercors, France). Actes duCongrès International de Spéléologie, symp. 08, 1-4.PETREQUIN, P., ARBOGAST R.-M., BOURQUIN-MIGNOT C.,LAVIER C., VIELLET A. 1998. – Demographic growth, environmentalchanges and technical adaptations: responses of an agriculturalcommunity from thr 32nd to the 30 th centuries BC.World Archaeology, 30(2),181-192.RIQUIER, J. 1960. – <strong>Les</strong> phytolithes de certains sols tropicaux etdes podzols. 7th Intern. Congress of Soil Science, Madison,Wisc., 60, 425-431.ROSIN P., RAMMLER E. 1933. – Laws governing the fineness ofpowdered coal. Jour. Inst. Fuel. 7, 29-36.RUNGE, F. 1998. – The effect of dry oxydation temperature (500°C-800°C) and of natural corrosion on opal phytoliths. Deuxièmecongrès international de recherche sur les phytolithes, Aixen-Provence,Résumés, 73.SCHIEGL S., GOLDBERG P, BAR-YOSEF O.,WEINER S.1996. – Ashdeposits in Hayonim and Kebara caves, Israel: macroscopic,microscopic and mineralogical observations, and their archaeologicalimplications. J. of Archaeological Science 23, 763-781.SCHLEYER, R. 1987. – The goodness-of-fit to ideal Gauss andRosin distributions: a new grain-size parameter. Journal ofSedimentary Petrology, 57(5), 871-880.SMOL J.-P. 1985. – The ratio of diatom frustules to chrysophyceanstatospores: a useful paleolimnological index. Hydrobiologia,123,199-208.STOCKMARR J. 1971. – Tablets with spores used in absolute pollenanalysis. Pollen et Spores, XIII(4), 615-621.TAUGOURDEAU-LANTZ J., LAROCHE J., LACHKAR G., PONSD. 1976. – La silice chez les végétaux : le problème des phytolithaires.Trav. Labo. Micro-pal.(Univ. P. et M. Curie, Paris),5, 255-291.VELAIN C. H. 1878. – Étude microscopique des verres résultant dela fusion des cendres de graminées. Bulletin de la SociétéFrançaise de Minéralogie, 1, 113-125.VERRECCHIA E. P., FREYTET P., VERRECCHIA K.E., DUMONT J.-L.1995. – Spherulites in calcrete laminar crusts: biogenic CaCO 3precipitation as a major contributor to crust formation, Journalof Sedimentary Research, A65(4), 690-700.WEINER, S., SCHIEGL, S., GOLDBERG, P., BAR-YOSEF, O. 1995. –Mineral assemblages in Kebara and Hayonim caves, Israel: excavationstrategies, bone preservation, and wood ash remnants.Israel Journal of Chemistry, 35, 143-154.WILDING, L.P. 1967. – Radiocarbon dating of biogenic opal.Science 156, 66-67.

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