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VI INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYMPOSIUM (ITS2006), SEPTEMBER 3-6, 2006, FORTALEZA-CE, BRAZILLet us further define the following variablesN u (b) ω H u R u (b)ω uU∑D u (b) p j ω H j R u(b)ω j + σ 2. (17)j=1j≠ux u (b) N u(b)D u (b)The optimum solution for the precoders ω u can be found bysetting to zero the derivatives of the lagrangian J with respectto ω i and p i . Firstly, we derive with respect to ω i to obtain{ (∂Jf γi (b) ) }= 2p i ω i − 2p i λ i E∂ω i D i (b) R i(b) ω i{ U (∑ f γk (b) ) }+ 2p i λ k ED k (b) γ k(b)R k (b) ω i . (18)k=1k≠iBy posing ∂J∂ω i= 0, the factor 2p i can be simplified andwe obtain that ω i is eigenvector of the following generalizedeigendecomposition⎛ ⎞⎜U∑ ⎟⎝ λ k ˜Rk + I⎠ω i − λ i R i ω i = 0 , (19)k=1k≠i{ ( ) }f γ k (b)where ˜Rk = ED k (b)γ k (b)R k (b) and{ ( ) }f γ i(b)R i = ED i(b)R i (b) . Let us further defineR INTi= U ∑k=1k≠iλ k ˜Rk + I.The eigendecomposition (19) can be used to find the precodersω i for a given set of λ k , with k ≠ i. We observethat (19) is similar to the eigendecomposition for the criterionof minimum transmit power with SINR constraints, see [3,eq. (14)], but here the matrices R i (b) and R k (b) are weightedinside the expectation. Since these weights are all positives,R i and ˜R i are homogenous to channel covariance matrices.We still need to determine which eigenvector to takefrom (19). To do so, we observe that if we had SINRconstraints instead of BER constraints, it is clear that wehave to take the eigenvector corresponding to the maximumeigenvalue, as proved in [3] for the DBPC algorithm.Remark that in order to obtain ω i , it is necessary to knowall the Lagrange multipliers λ i . Thus, to find the optimal λ i ’swe derive J with respect to p i , obtaining∂J∂p i= ω H i ω i − λ i E+ ∑ k≠iλ k E{f ( γ i (b) ) x i (b){f(γk (b) )}D k (b) γ k(b)ω H i R k(b)ω i}(20)and then we make ∂J∂p i= 0, which give us the linear systembelowAλ = b , (21)where λ = [ λ 1 λ 2] T. . . λ U and⎧b i = ω H i ω i = 1⎧ {⎪⎨ E f ( γ ⎪⎨ i (b) ) }x i (b)A i,k = { ( )}f γ k (b)⎪⎩⎪⎩ − ED k (b)γ k (b)ω H i R k(b)ω ii = ki ≠ k(22)where b i corresponds to the i-th element of the column vectorb and A i,k corresponds to the element in the row i andcolumn k of the matrix A. Remark that, in order to computeλ, we have to known all the ω i ’s and vice-versa, leading toan iterative procedure.Finally, we still need to determine the transmit powers p u .To do so, we can derive J with respect to λ u and make it equalzero. However, by doing so, we obtain the BER constraints.Thus, given a set of λ u , we can compute the precoder ω u andthe transmit powers are obtained such that the constraints aresatisfied.It is worth to note, however, that the BER is given by theexpectation of a non-linear function (the Q-function) of theSINR. Moreover, one transmit power p u affects the BER of allusers. Then, compute p u analytically is not a straightforwardtask. We propose to consider only the influence of the transmitpower p u on the BER u and linearize the Q-function in orderto find the approximate value of p u that satisfy the constraints.This is done by using the Newton method [12] to find the rootof the u-th constraint g u (p u ), expressed byg u (p u ) = E{N e(√ ) }N Q Ns γ u (b) −c u . (23)The derivative of g u (p u ) with respect to p u is{∂g u= − E∂p uf ( γ u (b) ) }x u (b) . (24)So, from a given value of p − u , one Newton iteration givesA. Proposed algorithmp + u = p− u − g u∂g u. (25)∂p uWe propose an iterative algorithm to find the optimumprecoders ω u and transmit powers p u , since each step describedbefore is connected to the others by the precoderω u , the transmit powers p u and the Lagrange multipliersλ u . This algorithm is described in Table I and is calledMulti-User constrained BER (MU-cBER). Note that, in apractical implementation of the algorithm, we must replacedthe expectations by averages over the blocks b.We start from a set of orthogonal layers w u (l) and unitarytransmit powers. Then, after computing A and b, we updateλ following (21). After computing R u and R INTu , we proposeto use a power iteration to find the maximum eigenvector. Thepower method [13] is used to find the maximum eigenvectorof an eigendecomposition, but since the matrices R u andR INTu depends on ω u , we don’t want to fully update ω u ,,

ßÞÐ ßÞÐVI INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYMPOSIUM (ITS2006), SEPTEMBER 3-6, 2006, FORTALEZA-CE, BRAZIL8TABLE I: MU-cBER Algorithm71) Initialize the precoders ω u and the transmit powers6ω u =Ö10 . . . 0 1 0 . . .0 1 · · ·T, pu = 1 ∀u5L1M zeros M zeros42) Compute N u(b), D u(b) and fγ u(b), as defined in (17) and (16)3) Compute A and b using (22)34) Update λ by solving the linear system (21)5) Compute R u and R INTu26) Update ω u by making one power iterationtransmit powerω u =R INTu−1Ru ω u (26)1user 1user 27) Normalize ω uω u = ωu‖ω u‖8) Update N u(b), D u(b) and fγ u(b), since the ω u’s were changed9) Compute g u and ∂gu∂p uas in (23) and (24)10) Update the transmit powers p u using (25)11) Go to 2 until convergence00 2 4 6 8 10 12iterationFig. 2: Evolution of the transmit powers p 1 and p 2 as afunction of the algorithm iterations.user 2user 110 0 iterationbut only adapt it to go in the direction of the maximumeigenvector. This is what is done in ((26). After ) normalizingω u , the values of N u (b), D u (b) and f γ u (b) are updated andused to compute g u and ∂gu∂p u. Finally the transmit powers p uare updated and the constraints values g u are tested. Iterationsare made until the constraints are within a given tolerance,when the algorithm stops.Although the analytical proof of convergence of this algorithmis a complex task, among all the simulations performed,we have not observed one single case of divergence of thealgorithm. Moreover, this algorithm is similar to the DBPC,whose convergence was proved in [3].TABLE II: 2-path scenario parametersUser #1 User #2path #1 path #2 path #1 path #2DOA −35 ◦ −5 ◦ +25 ◦ +55 ◦power −3 dB −3 dB −3 dB −3 dBIV. SIMULATION RESULTSWe consider the downlink of a wireless system, where theBS serves 2 co-channel users. The BS is equipped with a lineararray of K = 4 antennas and the inter-element distance is λc2 ,where λ c is the carrier wavelength. The transmit precoder isK × L (see Fig. 1), so that we have L = 2 virtual antennas,and the Alamouti scheme [4] is used as OSTBC. We assumethat the instantaneous DCCMs R u (b) for all users and forall blocks are perfectly known at the BS. Moreover, withoutloss of generality, we assume that the channel realization isindependent from one block to another.In order to assess the performance of the proposed technique,we have simulated N t = 10 4 training blocks thatwere used to obtain the optimum precoders and N d = 10 6data blocks were used to evaluate the performance of thissolution. The transmit powers p u were normalized with respectto the receiver noise variance σ 2 , so that 0 dB correspondsto p u = σ 2 (note that this is equivalent to say that 0 dBBER10 −110 −20 2 4 6 8 10 12Fig. 3: Evolution of the users’ BER as a function of thealgorithm iterations.corresponds to the transmit power necessary, when using anomnidirectional antenna at the BS, to have a SNR of 0 dB atthe mobile user).In the following, we compare the MU-cBER with the multiuserbeamforming-only DBPC solution of [3] in a 2-pathscenario and 4-QAM modulation 1 . This scenario correspondsto a flat-fading channel for each user. The DOAs and powersof each user are summarized in Table II. Although this is avery simple scenario, it shows the gain obtained by addingdiversity to multi-user downlink beamforming and allows usto physically interpret the results. Initially, the target rawBER was set to 10 −2 , which corresponds to a target SINRof 16.86 dB for the DBPC algorithm. This target SNR wascalculated by considering a Rayleigh channel 2 .Firstly, to illustrate the convergence of the MU-cBER technique,Fig. 2 shows the evolution of the users’ transmit powers,while Fig. 3 shows the evolution of the BER, for a target BERof 10 −2 . It can be seen that the MU-cBER converges in fewiterations.Fig. 4 shows the radiation pattern obtained with the DBPCtechnique for each user, where the vertical dashed lines1 For a 4-QAM modulation [11], we have NeN = 1 and Ns = d2 min= 1. 2 2 For a Rayleigh channel, we have [1]: BER = 21 1 −ÕSINR1+SINR.

VI INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYMPOSIUM (ITS2006), SEPTEMBER 3-6, 2006, FORTALEZA-CE, BRAZILLet us further define the following variablesN u (b) ω H u R u (b)ω uU∑D u (b) p j ω H j R u(b)ω j + σ 2. (17)j=1j≠ux u (b) N u(b)D u (b)The optimum solution for the precoders ω u can be found bysetting to zero the derivatives <strong>of</strong> the lagrangian J with respectto ω i and p i . Firstly, we derive with respect to ω i to obtain{ (∂Jf γi (b) ) }= 2p i ω i − 2p i λ i E∂ω i D i (b) R i(b) ω i{ U (∑ f γk (b) ) }+ 2p i λ k ED k (b) γ k(b)R k (b) ω i . (18)k=1k≠iBy posing ∂J∂ω i= 0, the factor 2p i can be simplified andwe obtain that ω i is eigenvector <strong>of</strong> the following generalizedeigendecomposition⎛ ⎞⎜U∑ ⎟⎝ λ k ˜Rk + I⎠ω i − λ i R i ω i = 0 , (19)k=1k≠i{ ( ) }f γ k (b)where ˜Rk = ED k (b)γ k (b)R k (b) and{ ( ) }f γ i(b)R i = ED i(b)R i (b) . Let us further defineR INTi= U ∑k=1k≠iλ k ˜Rk + I.The eigendecomposition (19) can be used to find the precodersω i for a given set <strong>of</strong> λ k , with k ≠ i. We observethat (19) is similar to the eigendecomposition for the criterion<strong>of</strong> minimum transmit power with SINR constraints, see [3,eq. (14)], but here the matrices R i (b) and R k (b) are weightedinside the expectation. Since these weights are all positives,R i and ˜R i are homogenous to channel covariance matrices.We still need to determine which eigenvector to takefrom (19). To do so, we observe that if we had SINRconstraints instead <strong>of</strong> BER constraints, it is clear that wehave to take the eigenvector corresponding to the maximumeigenvalue, as proved in [3] for the DBPC algorithm.Remark that in order to obtain ω i , it is necessary to knowall the Lagrange multipliers λ i . Thus, to find the optimal λ i ’swe derive J with respect to p i , obtaining∂J∂p i= ω H i ω i − λ i E+ ∑ k≠iλ k E{f ( γ i (b) ) x i (b){f(γk (b) )}D k (b) γ k(b)ω H i R k(b)ω i}(20)and then we make ∂J∂p i= 0, which give us the linear systembelowAλ = b , (21)where λ = [ λ 1 λ 2] T. . . λ U and⎧b i = ω H i ω i = 1⎧ {⎪⎨ E f ( γ ⎪⎨ i (b) ) }x i (b)A i,k = { ( )}f γ k (b)⎪⎩⎪⎩ − ED k (b)γ k (b)ω H i R k(b)ω ii = ki ≠ k(22)where b i corresponds to the i-th element <strong>of</strong> the column vectorb and A i,k corresponds to the element in the row i andcolumn k <strong>of</strong> the matrix A. Remark that, in order to computeλ, we have to known all the ω i ’s and vice-versa, leading toan iterative procedure.Finally, we still need to determine the transmit powers p u .To do so, we can derive J with respect to λ u and make it equalzero. However, by doing so, we obtain the BER constraints.Thus, given a set <strong>of</strong> λ u , we can compute the precoder ω u andthe transmit powers are obtained such that the constraints aresatisfied.It is worth to note, however, that the BER is given by theexpectation <strong>of</strong> a non-linear function (the Q-function) <strong>of</strong> theSINR. Moreover, one transmit power p u affects the BER <strong>of</strong> allusers. Then, compute p u analytically is not a straightforwardtask. We propose to consider only the influence <strong>of</strong> the transmitpower p u on the BER u and linearize the Q-function in orderto find the approximate value <strong>of</strong> p u that satisfy the constraints.This is done by using the Newton method [12] to find the root<strong>of</strong> the u-th constraint g u (p u ), expressed byg u (p u ) = E{N e(√ ) }N Q Ns γ u (b) −c u . (23)The derivative <strong>of</strong> g u (p u ) with respect to p u is{∂g u= − E∂p uf ( γ u (b) ) }x u (b) . (24)So, from a given value <strong>of</strong> p − u , one Newton iteration givesA. Proposed algorithmp + u = p− u − g u∂g u. (25)∂p uWe propose an iterative algorithm to find the optimumprecoders ω u and transmit powers p u , since each step describedbefore is connected to the others by the precoderω u , the transmit powers p u and the Lagrange multipliersλ u . This algorithm is described in Table I and is calledMulti-User constrained BER (MU-cBER). Note that, in apractical implementation <strong>of</strong> the algorithm, we must replacedthe expectations by averages over the blocks b.We start from a set <strong>of</strong> orthogonal layers w u (l) and unitarytransmit powers. Then, after computing A and b, we updateλ following (21). After computing R u and R INTu , we proposeto use a power iteration to find the maximum eigenvector. Thepower method [13] is used to find the maximum eigenvector<strong>of</strong> an eigendecomposition, but since the matrices R u andR INTu depends on ω u , we don’t want to fully update ω u ,,

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