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TH`ESE - Library of Ph.D. Theses | EURASIP TH`ESE - Library of Ph.D. Theses | EURASIP
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130 Bibliographie[37] B. Raghothaman, R. T. Derryberry et G. Mandyam. “Transmit adaptive arraywithout user-specific pilot for 3G CDMA”. Proc. of IEEE International Conferenceon Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP’00), volume 5, pages3009–3012. Istanbul, Turquie, juin 2000. Cité aux pages: 11[38] T. S. Rappaport. Wireless Communications : Principles & Practice. PrenticeHall, 2ème ed., 2001. Cité aux pages: 6, 116[39] F. Rashid-Farrokhi, K. J. Ray Liu et L. Tassiulas. “Transmit Beamforming andPower Control for Cellular Wireless Systems”. IEEE Journal on Sel. Areas inCommunications, volume 16, numéro 8, pages 1437–1450, octobre 1998. Cité auxpages: 26, 34[40] M. Schubert et H. Boche. “Solution of the Multiuser Downlink BeamformingProblem With Individual SINR Constraints”. IEEE Transactions on VehicularTechnology, volume 53, numéro 1, pages 18–28, janvier 2004. Cité aux pages: 26[41] N. Seshadri et J. H. Winters. “Two signaling schemes for improving the errorperformance of frequency-division-duplex (FDD) transmissions systems usingtransmitter antenna diversity”. Proc. of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference(VTC’93), pages 508–511. Secausus, USA, mai 1993. Cité aux pages: 9[42] N. Seshadri et J. H. Winters. “Two Signaling Schemes for Improving the ErrorPerformance of Frequency-Division-Duplex (FDD) Transmission Systems UsingTransmitted Antenna Diversity”. International Journal of Wireless InformationNetworks, volume 1, numéro 1, pages 24–47, janvier 1994. Cité aux pages: 9[43] D.-S. Shiu, G. J. Foschini, M. J. Gans et J. M. Kahn. “Fading correlation and itseffects on the capacity of multi-element antenna systems”. IEEE Transactionson Communications, volume 48, numéro 3, pages 502–513, mars 2000. Cité auxpages: 75, 76, 93[44] P. Suvikunnas, P. Vainikainen et K. Hugl. “The Comparison Methods of DifferentGeometric Configurations of Adaptive Antennas”. Proc. of 4th EuropeanPersonal Mobile Communcations Conference (EPMCC’2001), Vienne, Autriche,2001. Cité aux pages: 7[45] V. Tarokh, H. Jafarkhani et A. R. Calderbank. “Space-Time Block Codes fromOrthogonal Designs”. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, volume 45,numéro 5, pages 1456–1467, juillet 1999. Cité aux pages: 10, 67[46] V. Tarokh, N. Seshadri et A. R. Calderbank. “Space-time codes for high data ratewireless communications : performance criterion and code construction”. IEEETransactions on Information Theory, volume 44, numéro 2, pages 744–765, mars1998. Cité aux pages: 10[47] P. Tejera, W. Utschick, G. Bauch et J. A. Nossek. “Extended orthogonal STBCfor OFDM with partial channel knowledge at the transmitter”. Proc. of IEEEInternational Conference on Communications, volume 5, pages 2990–2994. Paris,France, juin 2004. Cité aux pages: 63[48] H. L. Van Trees. Optimum Array Processing. Part IV of Detection, Estimation,and Modulation Theory. Wiley, 1ère ed., 2002. Cité aux pages: 1

131[49] R. Vishwakarma et K. S. Shanmugan. “Performance analysis of transmit antennadiversity in 3G WCDMA system”. Proc. of IEEE International Conferenceon Personal Wireless Communications (IPCWC’2000), pages 1–4. Hyderabad,Indie, décembre 2000. Cité aux pages: 11[50] M. Vu et A. Paulraj. “Linear precoding for MIMO channels with non-zero meanand transmit correlation in orthogonal space-time coded systems”. Proc. ofIEEE 60th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC’2004 Fall), volume 4, pages2503–2507. Los Angeles, CA, septembre 2004. Cité aux pages: 63[51] J. H. Winters. “The Diversity Gain of Transmit Diversity in Wireless Systemswith Rayleigh Fading”. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, volume 47,numéro 1, pages 119–123, février 1998. Cité aux pages: 9, 10[52] M. D. Yacoub. Foundations of mobile radio engineering. CRC Press, BocaRaton, 1993. Cité aux pages: 6, 80[53] D. Zanatta Filho. Algoritmos de Processamento Espacial para Enlaces de Comunicaçãosem Fio (Algorithmes de Traitement d’Antenne appliqués aux Liensde Communication Radio-Mobile). Mémoire de master, Université de Campinas(UNICAMP), 2002. Cité aux pages: 3, 6, 26, 42[54] D. Zanatta Filho et L. Féty. “A Fast Algorithm for Joint Downlink Beamformingand Power Control in UMTS Systems”. Proc. of IEEE International TelecommunicationsSymposium (ITS’2002), Natal, Brésil, septembre 2002. Cité aux pages:26[55] P. Zetterberg. Mobile Cellular Communications with Base Station Antenna Arrays: Spectrum Efficiency, Algorithms and Propagation Models. Thèse de Doctorat,Department of Signals, Sensors and Systems, Royal Institute of Technology,Stockholm, Suéde, 1997. Cité aux pages: 15, 26[56] S. Zhou et G. B. Giannakis. “Optimal Transmitter Eigen-Beamforming andSpace-Time Block Coding Based on Channel Correlations”. IEEE Transactionson Information Theory, volume 49, numéro 7, pages 1673–1690, juillet 2003. Citéaux pages: 58, 62, 63, 73

130 Bibliographie[37] B. Raghothaman, R. T. Derryberry et G. Mandyam. “Transmit adaptive arraywithout user-specific pilot for 3G CDMA”. Proc. <strong>of</strong> IEEE International Conferenceon Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP’00), volume 5, pages3009–3012. Istanbul, Turquie, juin 2000. Cité aux pages: 11[38] T. S. Rappaport. Wireless Communications : Principles & Practice. PrenticeHall, 2ème ed., 2001. Cité aux pages: 6, 116[39] F. Rashid-Farrokhi, K. J. Ray Liu et L. Tassiulas. “Transmit Beamforming andPower Control for Cellular Wireless Systems”. IEEE Journal on Sel. Areas inCommunications, volume 16, numéro 8, pages 1437–1450, octobre 1998. Cité auxpages: 26, 34[40] M. Schubert et H. Boche. “Solution <strong>of</strong> the Multiuser Downlink BeamformingProblem With Individual SINR Constraints”. IEEE Transactions on VehicularTechnology, volume 53, numéro 1, pages 18–28, janvier 2004. Cité aux pages: 26[41] N. Seshadri et J. H. Winters. “Two signaling schemes for improving the errorperformance <strong>of</strong> frequency-division-duplex (FDD) transmissions systems usingtransmitter antenna diversity”. Proc. <strong>of</strong> IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference(VTC’93), pages 508–511. Secausus, USA, mai 1993. Cité aux pages: 9[42] N. Seshadri et J. H. Winters. “Two Signaling Schemes for Improving the ErrorPerformance <strong>of</strong> Frequency-Division-Duplex (FDD) Transmission Systems UsingTransmitted Antenna Diversity”. International Journal <strong>of</strong> Wireless InformationNetworks, volume 1, numéro 1, pages 24–47, janvier 1994. Cité aux pages: 9[43] D.-S. Shiu, G. J. Foschini, M. J. Gans et J. M. Kahn. “Fading correlation and itseffects on the capacity <strong>of</strong> multi-element antenna systems”. IEEE Transactionson Communications, volume 48, numéro 3, pages 502–513, mars 2000. Cité auxpages: 75, 76, 93[44] P. Suvikunnas, P. Vainikainen et K. Hugl. “The Comparison Methods <strong>of</strong> DifferentGeometric Configurations <strong>of</strong> Adaptive Antennas”. Proc. <strong>of</strong> 4th EuropeanPersonal Mobile Communcations Conference (EPMCC’2001), Vienne, Autriche,2001. Cité aux pages: 7[45] V. Tarokh, H. Jafarkhani et A. R. Calderbank. “Space-Time Block Codes fromOrthogonal Designs”. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, volume 45,numéro 5, pages 1456–1467, juillet 1999. Cité aux pages: 10, 67[46] V. Tarokh, N. Seshadri et A. R. Calderbank. “Space-time codes for high data ratewireless communications : performance criterion and code construction”. IEEETransactions on Information Theory, volume 44, numéro 2, pages 744–765, mars1998. Cité aux pages: 10[47] P. Tejera, W. Utschick, G. Bauch et J. A. Nossek. “Extended orthogonal STBCfor OFDM with partial channel knowledge at the transmitter”. Proc. <strong>of</strong> IEEEInternational Conference on Communications, volume 5, pages 2990–2994. Paris,France, juin 2004. Cité aux pages: 63[48] H. L. Van Trees. Optimum Array Processing. Part IV <strong>of</strong> Detection, Estimation,and Modulation Theory. Wiley, 1ère ed., 2002. Cité aux pages: 1

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