Implication des protéines vitamine K-dépendantes dans la ...

Implication des protéines vitamine K-dépendantes dans la ... Implication des protéines vitamine K-dépendantes dans la ...
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Mal<strong>la</strong>t, M., J.L. Marin-Teva, and C. Cheret. 2005. Phagocytosis in the developing CNS: more<br />

than clearing the corpses. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 15:101-7.<br />

Manfioletti, G., C. Brancolini, G. Avanzi, and C. Schneider. 1993. The protein encoded by a<br />

growth arrest-specific gene (gas6) is a new member of the vitamin K-dependent<br />

proteins re<strong>la</strong>ted to protein S, a negative coregu<strong>la</strong>tor in the blood coagu<strong>la</strong>tion cascade.<br />

Mol Cell Biol. 13:4976-85.<br />

Mann, K.G., M.E. Nesheim, W.R. Church, P. Haley, and S. Krishnaswamy. 1990. Surfacedependent<br />

reactions of the vitamin K-dependent enzyme complexes. Blood. 76:1-16.<br />

Mann, K.G., M.E. Nesheim, P.B. Tracy, L.S. Hibbard, and J.W. Bloom. 1982. Assembly of<br />

the Prothrombinase Complex. Biophys J. 37:106-107.<br />

Marin-Teva, J.L., I. Dusart, C. Colin, A. Gervais, N. van Rooijen, and M. Mal<strong>la</strong>t. 2004.<br />

Microglia promote the death of developing Purkinje cells. Neuron. 41:535-47.<br />

Mark, M.R., J. Chen, R.G. Hammonds, M. Sadick, and P.J. Godowsk. 1996. Characterization<br />

of Gas6, a member of the superfamily of G domain-containing proteins, as a ligand for<br />

Rse and Axl. J Biol Chem. 271:9785-9.<br />

Marshall, G.P., 2nd, M. Demir, D.A. Steindler, and E.D. Laywell. 2008. Subventricu<strong>la</strong>r zone<br />

microglia possess a unique capacity for massive in vitro expansion. Glia. 56:1799-<br />

808.<br />

Maslov, A.Y., T.A. Barone, R.J. Plunkett, and S.C. Pruitt. 2004. Neural stem cell detection,<br />

characterization, and age-re<strong>la</strong>ted changes in the subventricu<strong>la</strong>r zone of mice. J<br />

Neurosci. 24:1726-33.<br />

Maurer, M.H., W.K. Tripps, R.E. Feldmann, Jr., and W. Kuschinsky. 2003. Expression of<br />

vascu<strong>la</strong>r endothelial growth factor and its receptors in rat neural stem cells. Neurosci<br />

Lett. 344:165-8.<br />

McCloskey, P., Y.W. Fridell, E. Attar, J. Vil<strong>la</strong>, Y. Jin, B. Varnum, and E.T. Liu. 1997. GAS6<br />

mediates adhesion of cells expressing the receptor tyrosine kinase Axl. J Biol Chem.<br />

272:23285-91.<br />

McIntosh, J.M., B.M. Olivera, L.J. Cruz, and W.R. Gray. 1984. Gamma-carboxyglutamate in<br />

a neuroactive toxin. J Biol Chem. 259:14343-6.<br />

Me<strong>la</strong>ragno, M.G., M.E. Cavet, C. Yan, L.K. Tai, Z.G. Jin, J. Haendeler, and B.C. Berk. 2004.<br />

Gas6 inhibits apoptosis in vascu<strong>la</strong>r smooth muscle: role of Axl kinase and Akt. J Mol<br />

Cell Cardiol. 37:881-7.<br />

Memberg, S.P., and A.K. Hall. 1995. Dividing neuron precursors express neuron-specific<br />

tubulin. J Neurobiol. 27:26-43.<br />

Menezes, J.R., C.M. Smith, K.C. Nelson, and M.B. Luskin. 1995. The division of neuronal<br />

progenitor cells during migration in the neonatal mammalian forebrain. Mol Cell<br />

Neurosci. 6:496-508.<br />

Mizuta, T., I. Ozaki, Y. Eguchi, T. Yasutake, S. Kawazoe, K. Fujimoto, and K. Yamamoto.<br />

2006. The effect of menatetrenone, a vitamin K2 analog, on disease recurrence and<br />

survival in patients with hepatocellu<strong>la</strong>r carcinoma after curative treatment: a pilot<br />

study. Cancer. 106:867-72.<br />

Molofsky, A.V., S.G. Slutsky, N.M. Joseph, S. He, R. Pardal, J. Krishnamurthy, N.E.<br />

Sharpless, and S.J. Morrison. 2006. Increasing p16INK4a expression decreases<br />

forebrain progenitors and neurogenesis during ageing. Nature. 443:448-52.<br />

Morshead, C.M., C.G. Craig, and D. van der Kooy. 1998. In vivo clonal analyses reveal the<br />

properties of endogenous neural stem cell proliferation in the adult mammalian<br />

forebrain. Development. 125:2251-61.<br />

Morshead, C.M., A.D. Garcia, M.V. Sofroniew, and D. van Der Kooy. 2003. The ab<strong>la</strong>tion of<br />

glial fibril<strong>la</strong>ry acidic protein-positive cells from the adult central nervous system<br />

results in the loss of forebrain neural stem cells but not retinal stem cells. Eur J<br />

Neurosci. 18:76-84.

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