Implication des protéines vitamine K-dépendantes dans la ...

Implication des protéines vitamine K-dépendantes dans la ... Implication des protéines vitamine K-dépendantes dans la ...
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Gritti, A., L. Cova, E.A. Parati, R. Galli, and A.L. Vescovi. 1995. Basic fibrob<strong>la</strong>st growth<br />

factor supports the proliferation of epidermal growth factor-generated neuronal<br />

precursor cells of the adult mouse CNS. Neurosci Lett. 185:151-4.<br />

Gritti, A., P. Frolichsthal-Schoeller, R. Galli, E.A. Parati, L. Cova, S.F. Pagano, C.R.<br />

Bjornson, and A.L. Vescovi. 1999. Epidermal and fibrob<strong>la</strong>st growth factors behave as<br />

mitogenic regu<strong>la</strong>tors for a single multipotent stem cell-like popu<strong>la</strong>tion from the<br />

subventricu<strong>la</strong>r region of the adult mouse forebrain. J Neurosci. 19:3287-97.<br />

Guo, H., D. Liu, H. Gelbard, T. Cheng, R. Insa<strong>la</strong>co, J.A. Fernandez, J.H. Griffin, and B.V.<br />

Zlokovic. 2004. Activated protein C prevents neuronal apoptosis via protease<br />

activated receptors 1 and 3. Neuron. 41:563-72.<br />

Hafizi, S., and B. Dahlback. 2006a. Gas6 and protein S. Vitamin K-dependent ligands for the<br />

Axl receptor tyrosine kinase subfamily. Febs J. 273:5231-44.<br />

Hafizi, S., and B. Dahlback. 2006b. Signalling and functional diversity within the Axl<br />

subfamily of receptor tyrosine kinases. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 17:295-304.<br />

Hafizi, S., A. Gustafsson, J. Stenhoff, and B. Dahlback. 2005. The Ran binding protein<br />

RanBPM interacts with Axl and Sky receptor tyrosine kinases. Int J Biochem Cell<br />

Biol. 37:2344-56.<br />

Hall, M.O., M.S. Obin, M.J. Heeb, B.L. Burgess, and T.A. Abrams. 2005. Both protein S and<br />

Gas6 stimu<strong>la</strong>te outer segment phagocytosis by cultured rat retinal pigment epithelial<br />

cells. Exp Eye Res. 81:581-91.<br />

Hall, M.O., M.S. Obin, A.L. Prieto, B.L. Burgess, and T.A. Abrams. 2002. Gas6 binding to<br />

photoreceptor outer segments requires gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (G<strong>la</strong>) and Ca(2+)<br />

and is required for OS phagocytosis by RPE cells in vitro. Exp Eye Res. 75:391-400.<br />

Hall, M.O., A.L. Prieto, M.S. Obin, T.A. Abrams, B.L. Burgess, M.J. Heeb, and B.J. Agnew.<br />

2001. Outer segment phagocytosis by cultured retinal pigment epithelial cells requires<br />

Gas6. Exp Eye Res. 73:509-20.<br />

Han, X. 2005. Lipid alterations in the earliest clinically recognizable stage of Alzheimer's<br />

disease: implication of the role of lipids in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease.<br />

Curr Alzheimer Res. 2:65-77.<br />

Hanayama, R., M. Tanaka, K. Miyasaka, K. Aozasa, M. Koike, Y. Uchiyama, and S. Nagata.<br />

2004. Autoimmune disease and impaired uptake of apoptotic cells in MFG-E8deficient<br />

mice. Science. 304:1147-50.<br />

Handford, P.A., M. Baron, M. Mayhew, A. Willis, T. Beesley, G.G. Brownlee, and I.D.<br />

Campbell. 1990. The first EGF-like domain from human factor IX contains a highaffinity<br />

calcium binding site. Embo J. 9:475-80.<br />

Hara, K., Y. Akiyama, T. Nakamura, S. Murota, and I. Morita. 1995. The inhibitory effect of<br />

vitamin K2 (menatetrenone) on bone resorption may be re<strong>la</strong>ted to its side chain. Bone.<br />

16:179-84.<br />

He, X., L. Shen, A. Bjartell, and B. Dahlback. 1995. The gene encoding vitamin K-dependent<br />

anticoagu<strong>la</strong>nt protein S is expressed in multiple rabbit organs as demonstrated by<br />

northern blotting, in situ hybridization, and immunohistochemistry. J Histochem<br />

Cytochem. 43:85-96.<br />

Heavey, A.M., M.P. Philpot, A.H. Fensom, M. Jackson, and J.L. Crammer. 1990. Leucocyte<br />

arylsulphatase A activity and subtypes of chronic schizophrenia. Acta Psychiatr<br />

Scand. 82:55-9.<br />

Heiring, C., B. Dahlback, and Y.A. Muller. 2004. Ligand recognition and homophilic<br />

interactions in Tyro3: structural insights into the Axl/Tyro3 receptor tyrosine kinase<br />

family. J Biol Chem. 279:6952-8.<br />

Hitoshi, S., N. Maruta, M. Higashi, A. Kumar, N. Kato, and K. Ikenaka. 2007. Antidepressant<br />

drugs reverse the loss of adult neural stem cells following chronic stress. J Neurosci<br />

Res. 85:3574-85.

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